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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 17 2021

Track of Launch

After putting Bligh and his people off the ship, the mutineers continued sailing west in an attempt to mislead. They then turned about and sailed not to Tahiti, but to Tubuai to scout its possibilities as a settlement. They then returned to Tahiti for supplies and sailed back to Tubuai. They spent some weeks building a fort, fighting with the natives and among themselves, and abandoned the attempt at a settlement. They sailed back to Tahiti (Morrison says they passed Mehetia on the way), where 16 of the mutineers decided to remain, leaving Christian and 8 others to sail on. They went first to Tetiaroa, then to Moorea, where some of the women left them. Here the trail gets murky. the track below follows a route proposed by Brian Hooker (Mercator's World, vol. 6, number 5, Sept./Oct. 2001), which has them passing between the islands of Hiva Oa and Tahuata, passing near Marutea and then to Pitcain.

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