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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 16

I shall now jump to what happened at the second Island [that we?] came to — Where Captn Bligh say in his narritive that one person in particular told him with a mutinous look that he was as good a man as himself this man was the carpenter and I here tell the reader how that matter happened and he will be a judge whether this man was mutinous or not —

In the morning before we landed I said to Captn that some of them was rather [?] in picking up oysters at the other place that I thought it better for those [?] to have what they got by themselves Mr Elphinstone made answer that he would rather stay in the

Boat than go after oysters. I told Captn Bligh that If any man was sick and could not get any thing for himself that he could with cheerfullness have part of mine but as every one was able to go thro the fatigue as I was — therefore it stood that every man should provide for himself — Mr Bligh saw that I was very right that he though[t] it best to divide ourselves into [three?] partys — what every man put into the kittle should take the same Quantity out — this matter was agreed to. I told my [Mr] Bligh that I thought I could get a sufficiency only for him and myself — and the [?] partys settled I told Mr Purcel who [which] party that he was in