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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 9

Mr Cole the Boatsn told him that we should be treated the same at Tongataboo as we had been at Tofoa but the Captn said the[y] are a different kind of People — all their conversation I was silent too for some, at last I said to Captn Bligh pray sir had you any words with the Natives of Tongataboo when you was there with Captn Cook; he said yes they had several of them in confinement for the [?], then I said if that the case sir they will play us some mischief. Well then Mr Fryer what is to be done I said sir providance may hear us [?] [? ?] shore by make a fair wind of it. some [then?] [?] working to windward — Mr Cole said that he would soon[er] trust to providance — and live on an ounce

of bread — than go to Tongataboo. If we could get there as he was sure that the Natives would take every thing from us if not cut us all to pieces — this the rest said they thought that would be the case — that we had better make a fair wind fast — we then calculat'd the Quantity of Bread that we had in the boat would last six weeks — at two ounces each pr day — and the water to last half that time at a gill each pr day — after we had done this Captn Bligh said well Mr Fryer what shall we do — I said sir make a fair wind of it and trust to providance He then spoke to every one saying well my lads are you all agreeable to live on two ounces of bread and a gill of water pr day — every one made [?] yes sir —