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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 8

[?] the grapnel broke we got our oars out — but not without a little confusion — as every body suppose at a time when people are alarm'd — we pulled out before the wind — I steer'd the Boat myself with an oar. — by this time the canoes was off close too us pasting us with stones. Mr Peckover the Gunner was the first wound'd by a stone which struck him on the ball of the cheek and swell'd his head very much however he still kept his own — we hove several stones at them which fell into the Boat. several stones were caugh[t] by Mr Bligh and myself — that would have struck the People that were rowing — Captn Bligh [?] [?] hove several things overboard — among which was the provisions that we had bought from them which

[?] jumpd over board from their canoes and picked it up — in doing this they lost time and we got [?] distance from the Land. and the sea began to run pretty high — they told us to come on shore for the [?] that we left — and we in return made signs for them to lay us along — but that the[y] would not do — our fear was that other canoes would come off from other parts of the Island — so that we kept off from land and night coming on they left us — we then hoist the Foremast up and I hung the rudder after which we up the sail and stood to the southward Capt Bligh was desirous of going to Tongataboo where he said the we should get any thing