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Revised 2010-03-14

Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
St. Georges East, Oct 3, 1787

No. 4 Broad Street St. Georges East
October 3d. 1787.   


It gave me much pleasure to receive your last letter as it was an approbation of the manner I had conducted myself in the business of the Voyage. I have now 18 Months provisions, and which will be the total of what the ship will stow, all other necessaries are on board except a few trifling things, and I told Mr. Stephens to day I should move the Ship from Deptford on Saturday or Sunday & proceed to the Nore. I am very much obliged to you for granting me the Ephemeris and other things and hope the use I shall make of them will be very much to your satisfaction. Mr. Stephens told me it would be next week that I should have my instructions. They are now exceedingly hurried and are hourly putting Ships into commission and a War considered as certain, and if this should be the case, pray Sir could I not hope that my Lord Howe as promotions would take place, might be prevailed on to give me rank as Master & Commander, considering that I was going out of the immediate chance of promotion, and the great advantage of being in the beginning of a War. I have taken the liberty to suggest this matter to you as you are not immediately on the spot, and to ask your opinion if you thought any thing might be done. I have been constantly in service for 18 years and I hope that may have some weight with his Lordship, and I should imagine should a War take place the Rank in my command of the ship might be of consequence to the Voyage. As you have already been so great a Friend to me I thought I might just mention this circumstance for if my own application could be of any service in that I should be happy to have your opinion.

Mr. Nepean has promised the stove and some watering Pots should be sent on board without delay.

I am Sir With much respect Your most obliged and Affectionate Hmble Servant Wm Bligh

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