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Revised May 17 2021

Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
St. Georges East, Sep 21, 1787

No. 4 Broad Street St. G. East
Sept'r. 21 1787  


Sep 18, 1787
Sep 19, 1787

I have great satisfaction and pleasure in receiving your letters of the 18th. & 19th; and am peculiarly happy that I have acted consonant to your wishes. On Tuesday I refused the assistance of Mr. Lochead, and I told Mr. Stephens he would be an encumbrance to us and that I had not one inch of room to accomodate him so that the application of Dr Blane and his assistant Sir Chas. Middleton will be laid aside.

I am extremely glad also that the manner I conducted myself with Sir Geo. Yonge was consonant and right. I shall continue to observe the caution yhou have been pleased to give me, and to insure the success of the Voyage. The route you have given must be solely attended to.

If the request is not improper I shall take it as a favor if I could get from the Board of Longitude (as I find they have them lying by), a Thermometer & an artificial Horizon and also the Ephemeris for 88, 89 & 90.

I find from Nelson that he has no store and Mr. Stephens told me it rested with you to order it, but I imagine on my applying to Mr. Nepean I shall get it.

Sir Geo. Yonge has done me the honor to send me some Coppies of letters which have passed between Col'l. Hyde, Lord Cornwallis & others respecting plants in India, & of the Botanical Gardens there, St. Hellena & St. Vincents but I do not see they are of any consequence to our Voyage.

I am Sir with the greatest respect Your most obedient and Affect't. Hmble Servant Wm Bligh

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