Other Norwegian Colonists
and Central Figures

Aschehoug, Jens

Oslo journalist. At Galápagos in 1922. No other data available.

Bang, Per

At Galápagos in 1922. No other data available

Christoffersen, Emilie (“Lalla”)

Born May 2, 1890 in Sweden. Adopted by fire chief Christoffersen, Arendal, East Agder County. Shop assistant. Joined Kastdalen family in 1935. Died December 21, 1974. Unmarried.

Finsen, Walter

Born 1873 (estimated). From Iceland. Came to Santa Cruz in 1931 after working for many years in the USA. Lived in a stone hut built by Sigurd Graffer near Pelican Bay (off Academy Bay), Santa Cruz. Died April 7, 1945, about 72 years old.

Graffer Family

Hassel, (?)

First name unknown, engineer from Oslo. Came on his own in 1926. Lived for a few months on Floreana, thereafter in Guayaquil, where he worked as a city engineer. Died of fever in 1928.

Henriksen Family

Horneman Family

Hyenæs, Trygve

Born November 23, 1890. Manager for La Colonia de Santa Cruz. His daughter Molly married Captain Alf Gude Due of Alatga. Hyenæs died September 18, 1968

Johansen, (?)

First name and other information unknown. The only member of Robinson Crusoe who finally came to Santa Cruz in 1929, where he stayed for some months. Apparently his pigs are the ancestors of the present-day feral pigs on the island. Known as “Grise-Johansen” (Pig Johansen).

Kastdalen Family

Lundberg Family

Lundh Family

Sinderud, Edvard

Born 1866 in Rendal, Hedemark County. He worked for many years in South America and among other things in the construction of the Panamá Canal. About 1941 he came to live with the Stampa family on Santa Cruz until his death on February 2, 1950 at the age of 84 years.

Steffensen Family

Bjarne, Alvhilde and their four children moved to Santa Cruz in 1952, returned home after three years, but their daughter Bjørg remained.

Steffensen, Bjørg

Married Erling Graffer; two children. Later divorced, re-married, moved to Guayaquil where she operates a hairdressing salon.

Stenersen, Ragnar

From Bamble, Telemark County. Arrived with the Steffensen family at Santa Cruz with wife and one child, but soon returned to Norway.

Strømme, Sigvald Borgen

Born January 12, 1877 in Talvig, Finnmark County. Lawyer and real estate agent. Apparently responsible for the Robinson Crusoe scandal.

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Støren, Finn

From Oslo, arrived at Galápagos in 1922. From 1928 to 1935, Consul in Cristóbal, Panamá Canal Zone. Member of pro-Nazi Quisling government of Norway, 1940-1945. Author of pro-Nazi books, he fled to South America in 1945.

Tjøsvold, Rasmus Larsen

Born February 4, 1904. Electrician and fisherman from Karmøy, Rogaland County. At Santa Cruz 1951-1955, then moved to Canada for several years before returning home to Karmøy.

Vonka, Per

Married Friedel Engelmann. Farmer and guide from Karpdalen, Kirkenes, Finmark County.