JournalKept On Board of theShip Plough BoyNathan Chase Masterfrom Nantucket to the Coast of Japanon A Whaling Voyage byLewis Monto1827 - 1830 |
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June | 1827 |
Saturday 23th |
Commences with strong winds from the Northward Latter part at 10 AM got underway from Nantucket Bar So Ends |
Sunday 24th |
Commences with light winds from the Westward at 5 PM 40 fathoms of water Middle employed cleaning up the deck Latter course SouthEast by S wind East NorthEast So Ends |
Monday 25th |
Fore part strong wind from East NorthEast course full and Bye Double reefed all three topsails Middle part took in the Mainsail Jib Spanker & Fore topsail & Mizen Latter more moderate |
Tuesday 26th |
Fore part made sail same & saw school of Porpoises Middle part employed in various jobs Latter sett the jib & Stay sail So Ends On Board |
Wednesday 27th |
Fore part wind NorthEast course East SouthEast Middle part saw the Roscoe of Bedford Latter the same So Ends |
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June | 1827 |
Thursday 28th |
Fore part sent up Topgallant Yard and Masts wind South SouthWest course East So Ends On Board |
Friday 29th |
Fore part wind SouthWest course East Middle the same Latter under three topsails & foresail So Ends |
Saturday 30th |
Fore part under three topsails Middle the same Latter wind South & light squall of rain |
Sunday 1st |
Commences with westerly wind and pleasant fitted the Scuttle Butt Middle strong wind Latter saw Brig So Ends Latt 39:58 N |
Monday 2nd |
Fresh wind double reefed topsails wind W course East Middle part let the reef out of the Main Topsail Latter the same So Ends |
Tuesday 3th |
Fore part wind West course East employed making Scinnath? Middle squally Latter strong wind took in Fore and Mizen topsail saw A ship So Ends |
Wednesday 4th |
Fore strong gales from West SouthWest course East by South Roscoe in company Middle all sail out wind North course East So Ends |
Thursday 5th |
Fore part more moderate saw two sails off the weather beam saw Black Fish lowered but got none Middle saw a Ship at 1 AM Latter saw A Brig So Ends |
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July | 1827 |
Friday 6th |
Fore part light wind from the Eastward at 4 PM wore Ship Middle Fine weather wind South Latter course East So Ends |
Saturday 7th |
Fore part fine weather wind South course East boarded the Roscoe saw a Fin Back Whale started a cask of bread, a keg of Molasses & double four cask Middle turned up the Main Stay Latter saw two sails making Spunyarn & Scinnett So Ends |
Sunday 8th |
Fore part wind East larboard tack Onboard at 6 PM tacked Ship Middle the same Latter the same So Ends |
Monday 9th |
Commences with fresh wind Middle saw Flores and Corvo two of the Western Islands Middle calm at 4 AM light wind Latter left for Pico |
Tuesday 10th |
Fore part calm Middle boarded the Roscoe Latter fitting the cutting Tackles So Ends Latt 38:40 North |
Wednesday 11th |
Sent up the Main Royal Mast saw two sails wind W course East By South Middle part made Fayal & Pico Latter the same So Ends |
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July | 1827 |
Thursday 12th |
Commences with light wind and pleasant all sail out A visit from Fayal by A boat with vegetables Latter went on shore at Pico but would not trade So Ends |
Friday 13th |
Calm at 2 PM light breeze from the West Middle the same Latter So Ends on Board |
Saturday 14th |
Light wind from the Westward boats on shore nothing done Middle and Latter trading at Pico for vegetables So Ends |
Sunday 15th |
Fore part light wind from the West trading for vegetables Middle and Latter the same So Ends |
Monday 16th |
Light winds and pleasant on shore trading for Potatoes and onions Middle the same Latter So Ends |
Tuesday 17th |
Fore part trading at 8 PM the Roscoe left us Middle got through trading stood to the South Latter saw Black Fish calm So Ends |
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July | 1827 |
Wednesday 18th |
Commences with light winds and pleasant saw a breach lowered for black Fish but got none saw two sails Middle wind SouthWest Latter So Ends |
Thursday 19th |
Light wind from the SouthWest employed fitting the rigging saw porpoises and grampuses Middle calm Latter making matts So Ends |
Friday 20th |
Fore part calm fitting Fly Jib boom Thomas Keefe tied up for kicking Samuel Mingam A Whaleman in sight at 1/2 past 6 PM raised A School of Sperm Whales lowered got none came on board at Sun sett Latter saw another but lost the run Of him at 9 AM So Ends |
Saturday 21st |
Fore part wind NorthWest course full & bye sent out the Fly Jib boom making Shroud and boats mats saw Grampuses Middle and Latter the same So Ends |
Sunday 22nd |
Fore part fine wind from NorthEast chased Gramphuses spoke the Roscoe plaining boards & making Matts course South By West Middle light squalls of rain and wind Latter fine weather So Ends |
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July | 1827 |
Monday 23th |
Commences with light wind from East By South and pleasant saw A breach Middle wind East NorthEast Latter employed sheathing the Decks in company with the Roscoe |
Tuesday 24th |
Fore part fresh wind from East NorthEast course South By West sheathing the Decks Starboard Side at 6 PM took in fore & Mizen Topgallant sail & one Reef in the Main Topsail Middle took in fore & Mizen Topgallant Sails Latter the same So Ends Latt 30:03 |
Wednesday 25th |
Fore part strong wind NorthEast course South at 4 PM took in Main Topgallant Sail at 6 PM reefed Fore Topsail took in the Spanker finished sheathing the Decks Middle strong wind Latter So Ends Latt 27:3 |
Thursday 26th Molasses |
Fore part strong wind from East NorthEast course South took in jib & Mainsail Middle the same Latter putting Sky lights in the Decks So Ends Latt 24:40 |
Friday 27th |
Fore part more moderate course South By West 1/2 West wind East NorthEast at 1/2 past 6 PM spoke the Roscoe Middle the same Latter all sail out So Ends Latt 21:04 |
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July | 1827 |
Saturday 28th Salt fish for dinner |
Fore part wind NorthEast course South all sail out spoke the Roscoe at 6 PM Middle employed making A Pig Pen Latter gave the Capts dog A dose of salts So Ends |
Sunday 29th Duff |
Light winds from the NorthEast and Cloudy took in the Larboard Anchor and put out the other one saw Porpoises Middle standing off shore Latter calm Latt 20:10 |
Monday 30th Rice |
Fore part light wind NorthEast course South saw Porpoises Middle laid aback till daylight Latter painting But harness cask & potatoes Pen? So Ends Latt 19:16 |
Tuesday 31st Beans |
Fore part fresh wind from North at 7 PM spoke the Roscoe at 1/2 past 7 PM reefed topsails & backed the Main Yard Latter braced forward saw A Ship off the Lee beam So Ends On Board Latt 17:50 |
Wednesday 1st August Peas |
Fore part sett up Main Stay & Swifters stowed off the fore hold at 6 PM spoke the Roscoe the other Ship three miles off took in the Main Topgallant Sail the boat went on board of the Roscoe and found the Capt sick and two of the hands the Capt Cockerell laid two eggs Latter course West By North So Ends Latt |
Thursday 2nd Rice |
Fore part light wind from North course West at 5 PM boarded the Roscoe Capt unwell employed making Matts and sundry jobs Latter part light wind So Ends |
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August | 1827 |
Friday 3th |
Fore part light wind from SouthEast course West NorthWest making Tool Chest Matts Life lines buckets Spunyarn & grinding irons Sharks and Dolphins round the Ship Latter the same So Ends Latt |
Saturday 4th |
Fore part making Matts and spunyarn at 6 PM boarded the Roscoe Middle at 3 AM saw the land at 8 AM spoke A french Topsail Sloop at 10 AM saw Bonavista So Ends |
Sunday 5th |
Fore part course SouthWest wind West NorthWest all sail out at 5 PM A heavy squall of wind & rain took in Topgallant Sails Latter strong squals of wind and rain furled the Mainsail & single reefed the Topsails So Ends |
Monday 6th |
Fore part squally in company with the Roscoe Middle part strong wind Latter part fine weather all sail out So Ends |
Tuesday 7th |
Fore part wind West SouthWest course full and bye at 6 PM boarded the Roscoe Middle part squally Latter sent down Main top gallant Yard So Ends |
Wednesday 8th |
Fore part bent Fly Jib sent up Main topgallant Yard at 3 PM saw A scool of Seven Whales in company with the Roscoe chased them until Sun down very shy Middle part strong squalls of wind and rain single reefed the Topsails Latter the same |
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August | 1827 |
Thursday 9th |
Fore part squally Roscoe three miles astern at 6 PM Roscoe coming up with us Middle squally of rain Latter boarded the Roscoe So Ends On Board the Ship P Boy |
Friday 10th Some Breaches |
Fore part wind West SouthWest course full and bye Middle part quite pleasant Latter the same strong winds from SouthWest By West So Ends |
Saturday 11th |
Fore part strong brezes from SouthWest by West making Spunyarn at 4PM the Capts dog Julia was laid in his watery tomb &cc. Poor little Jule has gone below How long shee'll stay we do not know But when all hands is called up I hope shee'll hove below enough? Middle part single reefed the topsails Latter double reefed them took in Main Topgallant Sail So Ends Latt 7:00 N |
Sunday 12th |
Fore part strong gales from the West SouthWest steering South the Roscoe 4 points off the Lee 2 Miles off Middle part at 2 AM came up with her Stern A sail off the weather Beam spared the Roscoe two? reefs ??? all sail out Latt 6:14 N |
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August | 1827 |
Monday 13th |
Fore part fine weather wind SouthWest steering South SouthEast Capt of the Roscoe on board of us Latter the same So Ends Latt 5:06 North |
Tuesday 14th |
Fore part wind South steering West SouthWest fitted the Main Topgallant Back Stays Took in Topgallant Sails Middle lost sight of the Roscoe at AM saw A Brig off the Lee bow at 9 AM saw the Roscoe off the Lee beam tacked and stood to the SouthEast one reef in the Mizen topsail So Ends Latt |
Wednesday 15th |
Fore part strong wind from South SouthWest steering SouthEast at 10 AM single reefed fore and Main topsail at 4 PM saw A Brig off the weather beam at 6 PM the Roscoe 4 points off the lee quarter two miles off under whole Topsail Latter fine weather So Ends Latt |
Thursday 16th |
Fore part fine weather at 6 PM spoke the Roscoe saw Spouts and breaches Middle squally Latter at 7 AM stood to the West So Ends |
Friday 17th |
Fore part wind South SouthWest and squally at 6 PM spoke the Roscoe took in Top gallant Sails under reefed Topsails Latter part fresh wind South steering West SouthWest sent down Mizen Topgallant yard & fitted it sent up again Capt Onboard of the Roscoe to dinner and tea Latt 2:27 |
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August | 1827 |
Saturday 18th |
Fore part wind South steering West SouthWest Middle part sent up Main Royal Yard Latter the same So Ends Latt 1:30 N |
Sunday 19th |
Fore part wind SouthEast course South SouthWest all sail out Middle and Latter the same So Ends On board Latt 0:46 South |
Monday 20th |
Fore part wind SouthEast course South SouthWest spoke the Roscoe at 6 PM all sail out Capt Worth on board to tea Middle the same Latter took sails out of the Steerage and put in the Cabin sent down Main Royal Yard So Ends Latt 2:57 South |
Tuesday 21st |
Fore part strong Trades from the SouthEast steering South SouthWest fitting points Boling bridles? and Earings for the New Sails at 4 PM took in the Fly Jib and sett up the Fore Topgallant and Topmast Shrouds and backstays Middle the same Latter broke out between Decks for sails? Pointed Mizzen Topsail So Ends Latt 5:09 South |
Wednesday 22nd |
Fore part strong trades single reefed topsails and took in topgallant Sails Roscoe two points off the weather bow two miles off Middle part squally Latter the same double reefed fore and Mizen Topsails So Ends Latt 7:04 South |
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August | 1827 |
Thursday 23th |
Fore part strong trades sent down fore and Main Topgallant Yards took in the Jib and Spanker at 6 PM Middle more moderate Latter sent up Main Topgallant Yard So Ends Latt 9:27 S |
Friday 24th |
Fore part sent up fore Topgallant Yard fitting Mizen Topsail took in the Old Fly Jib at 4 PM sett the Topgallant Sails Middle the same Latter part carried away the Fly Jib Boom So Ends Latt 12:07 |
Saturday 25th |
Fore part squally took in the Mizen Topgallant Sail at 6 PM spoke the Roscoe saw A spout & breach off the Lee Beam Carpenter cut his hand fitting new sails Middle the same Latter bent New Main Topsails So Ends Latt 14:55 South |
Sunday 26th |
Fore part fresh wind course SouthWest By West mending Main Topsail Middle the same Latter sett Topgallant Sails So Ends Latt 18:45 |
Monday 27th |
Fore part wind East NorthEast course SouthWest By South at 6 PM all sail out spoke the Rocoe Middle part the same sett the Fore and Fore-topmast Studding Sail Latter made Trinidad and Martin Vest brokeout the fore hold for water So Ends Latt Long |
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August | 1827 |
Tuesday 28th |
Fore part came up with it took in both Anchors put the spare Anchor down in the Steerage Middle part the same Latter part employed turning up the Topmast Back Stays So Ends |
Wednesday 29th |
Fore part setting up the Topmast riggin wind NorthEast By North course SouthWest and pleasant A Water Spout Middle part bending Sails Latter shifing Sails So Ends |
Thursday 30th |
Fore part shifted Fore and Mizen topsails and Mainsail Middle part raining squally Latter pleasant wind South SouthEast tacked Ship at 10 AM So Ends Latt 26:07 |
Friday 31st |
Fore part wind South SouthEast course SouthWest fitting Tacks? And Sheets Middle part strong wind took in Topgallant Sails Latter hove too So Ends |
Saturday 1st September |
Fore part under close reefed Main topsails Roscoe off the weather Bow Middle part the same Latter part So Ends |
Sunday 2nd |
Fore part blowing hard bent the Main Stay Sail Middle more moderate Latter made all sail So Ends |
Monday 3th |
Fore part wind South SouthEast course SouthWest took in fore and Mizen Topgallant Sails Middle part took in Main Topgallant Sail Latter bent New Foresail reeving New riggin |
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September | 1827 |
Tuesday 4th |
Fore part reeving New running riggin Roscoe 3 miles astern at ? PM took one reef in fore and mizen Topsail Middle took in Main Topgallant Sail Latter all sail out wind E So Ends two words cannot be read |
Wednesday 5th |
Fore part wind East course SouthWest all sail out reeving riggin and mending sail Middle part the same Latter bent the Mizen Staysail Latt 30:20 South |
Thursday 6th |
Fore part fine weather wind North NorthEast course SouthWest all sail out Roscoe ahead Middle the same Latter Astern So Ends On Board Latt 33:59 South |
Friday 7th |
Fore part fine weather wind NorthWest course SouthWest sent down Mizen topgallant Yard and Mast Roscoe off the Lee Quarter water green sett Fore topmast Studding Sail at 6 PM Middle took it in Latter part Roscoe 5 miles astern So Ends Latt 36:00 |
Saturday 8th |
Fore part strong wind from South SouthWest steering SouthEast under double reefed Topsails Middle part broke the eye bolt to the Hart? Of the Main Stay Lost sight of the Roscoe Latter spoke the Equator Capt Howland 15 Months out 350 bbls So Ends Latt 37:29 South |
Sunday 9th |
Fore part strong wind from West SouthWest steering South Middle part the same Latter more moderate at 8 AM wore Ship & stood to the Westward So Ends Latt 38:24 South |
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September | 1827 |
Monday 10th |
Fore part light wind from South SouthWest and pleasant all sail out steering West By North Middle part the same Latter more moderate So Ends Latt 38:28 South |
Tuesday 11th |
Fore part wind SouthEast putting the boats over the stern Middle part the same Latter part breaking out for bread and water So Ends Latt 39:30 South |
Wednesday 12th |
Fore part wind NorthEast course SouthWest took in the Spritsail Yard stowed the spars sounded but got no bottom water green plenty of porpoises Fin Backs and Sea fowl Middle part took in fore top gallant Sail Latter wind North with rain double reefed topsails So Ends On board Latt 42:13 South |
Thursday 13th |
Fore part West NorthWest furled Mainsail Middle took in fore topsail Latter part light wind from NorthEast So Ends Latt 44:09 |
Friday 14th |
Fore part light wind and heavy swell sounded got no bottom Charles Coffin fell off of the jib boom saw A Right Whale and Worgans? Middle and Latter the same So Ends Latt 43:47? |
Saturday 15th |
Fore part strong gales from the South By East course SouthWest By West no soundings at 6 PM under double reefed topsails Mainsail furled Middle the same Latter more moderate So Ends Latt 43:47 |
Sunday 16th |
Fore part bent the Spanker sett jib and Mainsail squals of snow and hail Middle part calm caught fish and had Chowder So Ends |
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September | 1827 |
Monday 17th |
Fore part wind NorthWest course South took in jib Spankere and Mainsail 60 fathoms of water plenty of Right Whales Middle the same Latter strong gales Double reefed all three Topsails So Ends Latt 46:30 |
Tuesday 18th |
Fore part took in fore topsail sent down fore topgallant yard wind South SouthWest steering SE Middle 80 fathoms of water Latter sent down fore topgallant Mast sett all sail So Ends Latt 47:55 |
Wednesday 19th |
Fore part fine weather all sail out 80 fathoms of water fine sand wind West SouthWest steering South Middle and Latter 85 fathoms of water So Ends Latt 49:30 |
Thursday 20th |
Fore part fine weather wind West By South steering South By West fine weather all sail out took in the Starboard Boat fair wind Middle the same Latter mended Mizen topsail Latt 52 |
Friday 21st |
Fore part wind SouthWest sett topmast Studding sail at a course SouthEast took in the Mainsail Middle all sail out Latter the same So Ends Latt 53:30 |
Saturday 22nd |
Fore part wind West double reefed topsails wore ship to the Westward? Middle the same Latter lett out the reefs of the Topsail So Ends Latt 54:47 S |
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September | 1827 |
Sunday 23th |
Fore part more moderate sett Main Top Gallant Sail wind West By South tacked to the North Latter foggy So ends Latt 55:58 South |
Monday 24th |
Fore part wind East course South SouthWest Top Studd Sail out fine weather saw porpoise Middle part took in Studding sail Latter took in Main top gallant sail and double reefed Mizen top sail So Ends Latt 56:30 |
Tuesday 25th |
Fore part the same and cloudy Middle the same at 4 AM wore ship and stood to the West Latter part more moderate sett the Mizen Topsails So Ends |
Wednesday 26th |
Fore part wind SouthWest By South at 1 PM wore Ship and stood to the SouthEast By South started A cask of bread Middle part sett jib & Spanker & reefs out of the Main Topsail Latter double reefed Main Topsail again Latt 57:58 |
Thursday 27th |
Fore part let the reefs out of the Main Topsail sett Main Top Gallant sail foggy wind West SouthWest at 4 P.M. tacked and stood to the NorthWest Middle the same Latter at 10 AM tacked and stood to the SE So Ends |
Friday 28th |
Fore part catched aback braced around? Steering SouthWest By West double reefed Main Topsail saw a Brig off the Lee beam Middle took in fore and Mizen Topsails and Mainsail blowing hard Latter part the same with squalls of hail and snow So Ends Latt |
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September | 1827 |
Saturday 29th |
Fore part more moderate sett Mizen Topsail the brig off the Lee quarter wind South By West steering West By N Middle wore ship Latter sett fore and Mizen topsail So Ends |
Sunday 30th |
Fore part strong gales took in fore and Mizen topsail at 2 PM sett the Mainsail Middle sett Mizen Topsail lost sight of the brig Latter close reefed fore topsail & sett it Latt 58:14 |
Monday 1st |
Fore part strong winds and rainy from the SouthWest By South 1 PM wore ship steering West By North Middle the same Latter steering West SouthWest So Ends Latt 57:40 |
Tuesday 2nd |
Fore part strong gales from NorthWest course West SouthWest Middle took in fore top sail Latter the same So Ends Lat 58:10? |
Wednesday 3th |
Strong winds sett fore topsail and Mainsail Middle sett Mizen topsail Latter the same So Ends Latt 58:43 |
Thursday 4th Latt'd 59:30 |
Fore part took in fore and Mizen topsail and Main sail and foresail strong gales from the North heading South SouthWest Latter blowed the main Staysail away |
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October | 1827 |
Friday 5th |
Fore part furled the Main topsail Middle part the same furled the foresail Latter lying too under fore topmast and Mizen Staysail So Ends 58:14 Long 70:00 |
Saturday 6th |
Fore part sett fore and Mizen top sail and Mainsail heavy squalls of wind snow and hail Middle more moderate Latter shook all the reefs out of the Main Topsail & one reef out of the Fore So Ends Latt 57:30 |
Sunday 7th |
Fore part fine weather wind SouthWest tacked ship steering South SouthEast reefs out of the courses Latter strong gales took in Mainsail Fore topsail & close reefed the main So Ends Latt 58:00 |
Monday 8th |
Fore part blowing hard West NorthWest steering SouthWest Middle took in the mizen Topsail Latter saw a Brig off our lee bow bound home A squall of snow So Ends Latt 58:30 |
Tuesday 9th |
Fore part strong breeze from the South course West SouthWest Middle more moderate Latter wind South SouthWest steering West NorthWest So Ends Latt 57:00 |
Wednesday 10th |
Fore part light wind tacked to the South Middle strong wind Latter at 10 AM took in the Mainsail at 12 took in fore topsail So Ends On Board Latt 57:30 |
Thursday 11th |
Fore part strong gale from West NorthWest steering SouthWest took in the Mizen topsail and close reefed the Main Latter So Ends Latt 58:10 |
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October | 1827 |
Friday 12th |
Fore part sett the topsails at 3 PM took in the Fore topsail Middle sett Mainsail Fore topsail jib & Spanker Latter single reef topsails So Ends On Board |
Saturday 13th |
Fore part fine weather wind NorthWest By West steering full and bye Middle part squalls of rain wind SouthWest course West NorthWest Latter sett Fore topmast Studding Sail all sail out So Ends On Board Latt 57:40 Long 82:00 |
Sunday 14th |
Fore part course West NorthWest wind SouthWest fine weather sent up Main Topgallant Yard Middle part the same Latter wind West NorthWest Latt 55:00 |
Monday 15th |
Fore part at 1 PM tacked to the SouthWest wind West NorthWest at 6 PM tacked to the NorthWest wind West SouthWest single reefed the topsails furled Main top Gallant Sail reefed Mainsail Middle the same Latter sett Main Topgallant Sail So Ends Latt 54:30 South |
Tuesday 16th |
Fore part squally wind West steering North NorthWest double reefed fore & Main topsail Middle took in fore topsail close reefed Mizen Latter more moderate sett all sail So Ends Latt 52:34 Long 84:00 West |
Wednesday 17th |
Fore part fine weather all sail out wind West SouthWest steering NorthWest at 6 PM reefed the Mainsail & shot A blue Bay Middle part took in jib, mainsail, main Top Gallant sail & double reefed the topsails Latter took in fore topsail Wore ship & stood to the West SouthWest wind NorthWest So Ends Latt 52:07 |
Thursday 18th |
Fore part strong gales from West NorthWest steering SouthWest By West Middle made sail Latter the same So Ends Latt 51:30 South |
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October | 1827 |
Friday 19th |
Fore part wind West By South steering NorthWest By North Middle part moderate weather Latter the same So Ends Latt 50:41 |
Saturday 20th |
Fore part under single reefed topsails Middle part wind SouthWest course NorthWest Latter fore topmast Studding Sail & Main top gallant Sail sett So Ends Latt 48:40 |
Sunday 21st |
Fore part fine weather wind SouthWest course NorthWest By North at 6 PM reefed the Mainsail Middle part the same Latter wind West By South course North NorthWest Latt 45:30 |
Monday 22nd |
Fore part light wind from the West course North NorthWest all sail out Middle part reefed the Mainsail Latter cloudy at 8 AM employed fitting the boats & railing? On the Ships bow So Ends On Board Latt 43:30 Long 84:20 |
Tuesday 23th |
Fore part A pleasant breeze from the West SouthWest course North NorthWest top Stud Sail out nailed the copper on the bow Middle part the same Latter sent up the Main Topgallant Yard & Main Royal mast? Put out the Starboard boat So Ends On board Latt 41:10 Long 84:30 |
Wednesday 24th |
Fore part cloudy and light wind from the West SouthWest course North By West sent out the Spritsail? Yard took in Studding Sails Middle part sett it again Latter part sent up fore top Gallant and Royal Masts So Ends Latt 38:30 South |
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October | 1827 |
Thursday 25th |
Fore part the wind freshens from the Westward sent up the Mizen Top Gallant and Royal Masts cloudy Middle part the same Latter part shifting sail So Ends On Board Latt 35:40 Long 82:34 |
Friday 26th |
Fore part finished shifting sails at 7 PM hove too standing 4 watches wind West By North course North By West Middle squally of rain at 5 AM sett all sail saw Fin Back Whales Latter part unreeving and reeving running Latt 34:30 |
Saturday 27th |
Fore part fresh wind from West NorthWest at 1 PM made the Island of Massafucao bearing North NorthWest at 7 PM Double reefed topsails and wore Ship steering South SouthWest Middle sett sail wore ship fore? The land at 8 AM squally stood off at 10 AM stood in made the land at 11 AM Latter the same So Ends Latt 33:45 Long 80:38 West |
Sunday 28th |
Fore part at 2 PM on the East NorthEast side discovered five or six houses and several persons but they made no signal so we did not stop wind SouthEast course North By West Middle part stood 8? Watches at day light sett sail Latter fine weather saw nothing So Ends Latt 32:09 |
Monday 29th |
Fore part wind South By East course North By West fine weather saw nothing at 6 PM took in fore & Mizen Topsails quarter watches Middle part sett all sail Latter part saw fin backs So Ends Latt 30 |
Tuesday 30th |
Fore part fresh wind from South SouthEast course North NorthEast put up the cutting Pendents & Guys Middle part took in sail course North By West Latter part all sail out fitting waist pump and riggin So Ends Latt 28:45 |
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October | 1827 |
Wednesday 31st |
Fore part wind SouthEast course North NorthEast got up casks fish and onions at 6 PM took in sail 4 watches Middle all sail out Latter saw fin backs So Ends Latt 25:30 25:30 |
Thursday 1st November |
Fore part fresh wind SouthEast course NorthEast By North at 7 PM took in sail Middle sett sail course NorthEast Latter part fitting Main Top Gallant back stays Latt 23:11 |
Friday 2nd |
Fore part fresh wind from the SouthEast course NorthEast at 7 PM took in sail standing of shore 2 hands Middle part NorthEast course all sail out Latter fitting riggin Latt 22:10 |
Saturday 3th |
Fore part wind South SouthWest course NorthEast at 7 PM stood of shore took in sail Middle sett sail saw Grampuses So Ends Latt 21:10 |
Sunday 4th |
Fore part saw two Hump Back Whales at 7 PM took in sail Middle sett sail sent up fore & Mizen Top Gallant Yards Latter part saw A school of Porpoises and A breach off the Lee bow So Ends |
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November | 1827 |
Monday 5th |
Fore part light wind from South SouthWest steering SouthEast at 7 PM took in sail Middle sett all sail Latter part squaring? Rattings & puddanycy? The ship?? & towing? Down So Ends Latt 19:24 |
Tuesday 6th |
Fore part sent out new Fly Jib boom at 7 PM took in sail 8 watches Middle sett sail Latter part fresh breeze Latt 18:15 |
Wednesday 7th |
Fore part wind South course NorthEast at 45 Mts past 1 PM saw A Whale turn flooks? Lost the run of her at 7 took in sail 4 watches course NorthWest Middle sett sail Latter fitting ratlings? Saw Fin back black fish, killers, porpoises So Ends Latt 16:59 |
Thursday 8th |
Fore part trade wind SouthEast course North NorthEast at 7 took in sail steering West By North Middle sett sail course North at 10 AM saw A school of Sperm Whales lowered & got fast So Ends Latt 16:30 |
Friday 9th Whale fluke sketch |
Fore part at 2 PM killed and took him alongside at 7 PM cut him in Middle cleared? The head Latter began to boil Latt 16 |
Saturday 10th |
Fore part boiling boddy at Middle the same Latter So Ends Latt 16:10 |
Sunday 11th |
Fore part finished boiling washed off at 2 PM Middle part 4 watches single? Sail Latter caught 10 Black Fish So Ends Latt 15:30 |
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November | 1827 |
Monday 12th |
Fore part fine wind from East SouthEast course West at 7 PM took in Top Gallant Sail double reefed top sails hauled in Mizzen Fore sail Middle sett all sail at 7 AM raised A sail proved to be the Sarah of Nantucket Capt Fred'c Authur 180 bbls of Oil left Valparaiso 10 days reported John Jay 1100 bbls Capt Drew under arrest for stabbing his 2nd Mate while at the 'breakfast' crossed out dinner arrived U S Frigate Brandywine from Payta Spoke the Roscoe off the head no Oil plenty of Hump back Whales today Latt 15:15 |
Tuesday 13th |
Fore part fine weather took in Top Gallant Sails the Sarah boiling out A 70 bbl Whale stowing 4 watches at day light made all sail steering North caught two Black Fish So Ends Latt 14:57 |
Wednesday 14th |
Fore part pleasant all sail out saw A Ship off our Lee bow 2 1/2 points boiled out our three black fish saw plenty hump backs & Fin Backs at 7 took in Top Gallant Sails 4 watches Latter saw Whales lowered and got one So Ends |
Thursday 15th |
Fore part cut him in began to boil Middle part the same Latter part saw Whales lowered got none So Ends Latt 14:50 |
Friday 16th |
Fore part at 5 PM saw Whales lowered & got two took them alongside at 7 PM 8 watches Middle part at 6 AM began to cut in Latter part at 12 PM finished Latt 14:32 |
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November | 1827 |
Saturday 17th |
Fore part fine winds NorthEast began to boil saw Breaches & Spouts steering East NorthEast Middle saw Breach sett fore & Mizen topsail steering SouthWest By South Latter coopering Oil So Ends Latt 14:38 |
Sunday 18th |
Fore part still boiling boddy finished coopering & washed off Middle part the same fresh wind from South SouthEast steering South SouthWest Latter part finished boiling So Ends Latt 13:25 |
Monday 19th |
Fore part fresh trades SouthEast washed off at 7 PM saw A Carcase and took in sail 8 watches standing in shore Middle part put out the Larboard Anchor Latter part mending old boat So Ends On board Latt 12:52 |
Tuesday 20th |
Fore part fresh trades saw Black Fish at 7 PM hove too 8 watches Middle part employed stowing down the Oil Latter part the same So Ends Latt 12:28 |
Wednesday 21st |
Fore part at 6 PM finished stowing down & washed off Middle part sett Main Top Gallant Sail Latter part fresh wind So Ends On Board Latt 12:15 |
Thursday 22nd |
Fore part moved the Galley forward at 7 PM took in sail 8 watches Middle part sett sail Latter part fresh wind course NorthEast By East So Ends Latt 11:32 |
Friday 23th |
Fore part course NorthEast By East at 4 PM saw A scool of Whales struck one but got lose came on board at 1/2 past 6 PM took in sail Middle sett reefed topsails at 8 AM rained Whales off the weather beam Lowered & chased them got none Latter came onboard to dinner So Ends Latt 11:35 |
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November | 1827 |
Saturday 24th Whale fluke sketch |
Fore part saw Another school of Whales lowered our boats and got one began to cut at 4 PM at 1/2 past 7 PM finished cutting in 4 watches under reefed topsails Middle part at 6 AM began to boil head Latter the same So Ends |
Sunday 25th |
Fore part fresh trades course North boiling boddy at 7 PM luffed too on the Larboard tack and took in sail Middle part sett sail course North NorthEast Latter part finished boiling So Ends Latt |
Monday 26th |
Fore part at 2 PM washed off the Decks at 4 PM saw A scool of black Fish Middle part hove to Latter part made all sail steering East NorthEast So Ends Latt 10:32 Long 79:21? |
Tuesday 27th |
Fore part saw A scool of Black Fish and Porpoises all hands mending Fore Topsail and boscing? Up round the Main Mast at 7 PM took in Top Gallant Sails course West NorthWest 4 watches at day light steering North all sail out at 8 AM saw A sail off the weather Beam Latter mending sails So Ends Latt Long |
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November | 1827 |
Wednesday 28th |
Fore part moderate wind course North at 5 PM saw A scool of black at 7 PM took in the Top Gallant sails steering West NorthWest the other Ship 3 miles off Middle part all sail out course North NorthEast Latter part saw 3 Whales lowered but could not fasten So Ends |
Thursday 29th |
Fore part saw A scool Hump Back middle stiching sails saw another scool of Whales but lost the run of them at 4 PM saw land at sun sett took in sail quarter watches steering South SouthWest Middle made sail Latter part saw nothing So Ends |
Friday 30th |
Fore part steering NorthEast saw A spout at 7 PM stood off shore 4 watches Middle part all sail out Latter part the same So Ends |
Saturday 1st Dec |
Fore part light winds course SouthWest at 7 PM 4 watches Middle part all sail out Latter part saw Fin backs So Ends On Board |
Sunday 2nd |
Fore part at 2 PM saw A Sail off the lee beam at 4 PM wore Ship at 7 PM spoke her the Loper of Nantucket Capt Starbuck boat went on board of her at 1 AM boat came back hailed 45 bbl 4 watches steering NorthEast Latter part in company spared? Her Fly Jib Miz Staysail |
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December | 1827 |
Monday 3th Payta |
Fore part all sail out saw two Fin Backs & severall scools of Albacore at sun sett backed? the Main Yard boarded the Loper Middle part stove off shore at 1 PM stood in shore Latter part at 9 AM the same and spoke the Pheebe Ann of Bedford Capt Jos'h Bernard at 11 AM saw the Land |
Tuesday 4th |
Fore part running down the land fresh wind all sail out at 2 PM saw A Catamaran at 5 PM came too in Payta & furled the sails with the Loper A visit by the Customs house boat Latter part heeling the ship So Ends |
Wednesday 5th |
Fore part the same at 5 PM the Ship Gen'l Brown came in with Patriot soldiers Middle part landed them? Blacking the bends So Ends On Board |
Thursday 6th |
Fore part began to paint fresh wind at 6 PM soldiers left for Peiero Middle part two Hump Backs in the harbour painting Latter finished Starboard side So Ends |
Friday 7th |
Fore part heeled the larboard side out began to paint it A sail in sight Middle part blacked the bends larboard side Latter part blacked them over So Ends On Board Ship Plough Boy |
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December | 1827 |
Saturday 8th |
Fore part righted the ship stowed down the blubber room washed off the Deck and square the yards at 4 PM the Whaling Ship Superior of New London two hundred bbls and the Liberty Capt Churchill came to anchor Latter part saw English brig left one watch on shore So Ends On Board Ship Plough Boy |
Sunday 9th |
Fore part strong trades finished painting Middle part one watch on shore Latter part the same So Ends On Board |
Monday 10th |
Fore part the same at 4 PM the Peruvian Frigate came to anchor Latter part the same So Ends On Board |
Tuesday 11th |
Fore part one watch on shore Loper left for Tombez Middle part the same Latter part watch on shore painted Starboard & Waist boat So Ends |
Wednesday 12th |
Fore part the same Middle part Middle part the Superior and Gen'l Brown left Latter the same So Ends watch on shore |
Thursday 13th |
Fore part the Pacific of Bedford Capt Potter came in Middle part the same Latter part watch on shore |
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December | 1827 |
Friday 14th |
Fore part the same Middle part the Sarah of Nantucket Capt Authur 550 bbl Latter part the Liberty Capt Churchill went out So Ends On Board Ship Plough Boy |
Saturday 15th |
Fore part getting potatoes & onions at 5 PM the Velocity of London Capt Brooks went out Middle part broke out for fish Latter part the same So Ends On Board |
Sunday 16th |
Fore part getting Sand? Two boat loads Middle and Latter part fresh winds |
Monday 17th |
Forepart Roscoe Capt Worth of N. Bedford came in 40 Barrels Sp'm Oil Paid A visit on board of the Peruvian Frigate President |
Tuesday 18th |
Forepart Strong Wind Nothing done this day Nothing Seen So Ends |
Wednesday 19th |
Forepart the same a Schooner came in from Guiaquill So Ends this day |
Thursday 20th |
Forepart Left Payta in co'y with the Pacific Capt Potter of N.B. |
Friday 21st |
Forepart Commences with stowing the Cables Later part saw Whales to Lee Ward Lowered away and got fast So Ends |
Saturday 22nd Whale illustration |
Forepart commences in taking One Whale Along Side and Cutting in Latter part got two more So Ends the Pacific got two So Ends |
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December | 1827 |
Sunday 23th Whale illustration |
Fore part lowered again stove waist boat & got one whale cut in two of them Latter part cut them in So Ends |
Monday 24th Whale illustration |
Fore part began to boil lowered away and got another whale Middle part began to cut Latter the same So Ends |
Tuesday 25th |
Fore part Pacific astern at 7 PM finished cutting in still boiling Latter part wore Ship & sett the Topsails steering South SouthWest saw a Breach |
Wednesday 26th |
Fore part fine weather boiling boddy at 6 PM saw A Ship off the Lee bow Latter part the same |
Thursday 27th |
Fore part at 10 AM finished boiling boddy began head at 6 PM finished boiling & washed off wore ship steering SouthWest Latter part coopering Oil So Ends |
Friday 28th |
Fore part at 6 PM wore Ship course East full and bye under three Topsails saw A Breach 4 watches at day light began to break out Starboard side Fore Main hold after breakfast began to stow down Wore ship steering SouthWest So Ends |
Saturday 29th |
Fore part stowing down saw Black Fish & large Bone Shark at 7 PM finished stowing down Middle part 4 watches Latter part stowing aft fore hold and washed off So Ends |
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December | 1827 |
Sunday 30th |
Fore part saw Porpoises making buckets Middle part the same Latter part washing clothes steering East green water all sail out So Ends |
Monday 31st January |
Fore part light breezes and pleasant all sail out finished two deck buckets saw A piece of fat lean? Green water plenty of Brit at 6 PM tacked Ship steering SouthWest took in Top Gallant Sails & Mainsail standing 4 Watches Middle part made sail saw piece of Carcase Latter part making line Tub boat keg So Ends |
Tuesday 1st |
January 1st 1828 comences with fine wind from East SouthEast course West saw A spout 5 miles aft at 6 PM took in fore & Mizen Top Gallant Sail & luffed too 4 watches Middle part the same Latter part So Ends |
Wednesday 2nd |
Fore part saw Whales lowered & got one Middle part boiling Latter part the same |
Thursday 3th |
Fore part still boiling Middle part saw A large Whale chased him Latter part lost sight of him saw A Ship off the Lee beam So Ends |
Friday 4th |
Fore part the same course East Middle part standing off shore Latter part fine weather So Ends |
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January | 1828 |
Saturday 5th |
Fore part mending Larboard boat saw Black Fish steering West SouthWest saw porpoises Middle part shortened sail Latter part all sail out saw nothing put the Waist boat out |
Sunday 6th |
Fore part course West SouthWest at 7 PM shortened sail 4 watches Middle part all sail out Latter part saw nothing So Ends |
Monday 7th |
Fore part fine weather course West at sun sett took in Foresail & Mainsail Middle part sett sail Latter mending and Middle Stiching Sails So Ends |
Tuesday 8th |
Fore part squally course West at 7 PM shortened sail Middle part all sail out saw porpoises Latter fresh wind South SouthEast course West |
Wednesday 9th |
Fore part light wind & squally Middle stitching sails shortened Sail made sail saw Fin Backs So Ends |
Thursday 10th |
Fore part fine weather laid aback for the Night Middle part hraind? forward Latter saw Whales lowered and got one So Ends Note: In left column — illustration of whale, whaleboat and ship at bottom of page 34 with title 'Sperm Whale' |
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January | 1828 |
Friday 11th |
Fore part getting ready to cut Middle part at 5 AM began to cut at 9 AM finished Latter So Ends |
Saturday 12th |
Fore part the same saw Whales lowered and got another Middle took him alongside So Ends |
Sunday 13th |
Fore part begun to boil head Middle part at 12 :00 night finished Latter part employed cutting in & boiling? |
Monday 14th |
Fore part boiling boddy saw breaches off the weather bow standing off shore Middle part the same Latter part steering to the Eastward |
Tuesday 15th [Whale illustration] |
Fore part at 3 PM saw Whales lowered away & got one still boiling Middle part began to cut Latter part finished So Ends |
Wednesday 16th |
Fore part standing in shore boiling head at 1 AM began boddy spoke the Swift of New Bedford Capt Russell Latter part boiling So Ends |
Thursday 17th |
Fore part boiling saw Breaches off the weather Quarter wore ship saw nothing at 2 PM wore back spoke the Swift got a terrapin out of her Middle part left her Latter part finished boiling began to stow down Larboard side fore hold at 7 PM took in Jib & Spanker in So Ends |
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January | 1828 |
Friday 18th |
Fore part washed off the deck Middle part stowing down on the Starboard side Latter the same So Ends |
Saturday 19th |
Fore part at 4 PM finished stowing down stowed of the fore hold Middle washed off the deck Latter under topsails & Courses steering East NorthEast So Ends |
Sunday 20th |
Fore part strong winds saw nothing Middle part wore Ship steering West at 7 AM saw Whales off the lee beam lowered away got one So Ends |
Monday 21st |
Fore part cut him in at 6 PM began to boil Middle part still boiling tacked to the Eastward Latter stood to the Westward So Ends |
Tuesday 22nd |
Fore part boiling saw porpoises Middle part at 2 AM finished boiling and washed off deck sett all sail steering South Latter at 10 AM tacked to the East NorthEast So Ends |
Wednesday 23th |
Fore part at 1 PM saw Whales ahead lowered & got one alongside at 4 PM at 1/2 past 7 PM cut him in 4 watches Middle part cleared away the head began to boil at 9 AM Latter part the same So Ends |
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January | 1828 |
Thursday 24th |
Fore part fresh gales from the East SouthEast steering NorthEast Middle part boiling at 5 AM saw A Ship 4 points off the weather bow cutting & boiling Latter part at 12 AM finished boiling tacked to the Southward & sett Top Gallant Sails So Ends |
Friday 25th |
Fore part washed off the decks at 2 PM tacked to the NorthEast By East sett Main Sail & Spanker A Sail 1/2 point off the Weather bow at 7 PM took in Mizzen Top Gallant Sail Latter part spoke the Roscoe Capt Worth 180 bbls So Ends |
Saturday 26th |
Fore part in company with the Roscoe saw nothing Middle part left her at 10 AM saw A sail employed stowing down in the fore hold larboard side So Ends |
Sunday 27th |
Fore part at 2 PM spoke the Harriot of London Capt Cleert? 5 Months out no Oil finished stowing down split the foresail at 8 PM spoke the Commodore Decator 170 bbls Latter part left them So Ends |
Monday 28th |
Fore part saw A Ship off the weather bow saw porpoises & shifted the Foresail Middle part mending foresail Latter |
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January | 1828 |
Tuesday 29th Fluke illustration |
Fore part fine weather shifted fore sail & fore Topsail saw A piece of Squid Middle part at 9 AM saw two Whales lowered & got One at 1/2 past 11 AM took him alongside So Ends On Board |
Wednesday 30th |
Fore part began to cut at 7 PM finished cutting in began to boil Latter wore Ship steering South So Ends |
Thursday 31st February |
Fore part light wind & pleasant finished Head & began boddy Middle part the same Latter part wind East NorthEast at 11 AM wore Ship stand to the Northward So Ends |
Friday 1st |
Fore part light breezes from the East NorthEast all sail out but Mainsail at 2 PM finished boiling & washed off the decks at 5 PM saw A large school of Whales 4 points off the weather bow at 6 PM took in Top Gallant Sails hauled up Foresail Middle part made sail at 9 AM raised Whales 4 points off the lee bow lowered but got none So Ends |
Saturday 2nd Fluke illustration |
Fore part A squall of wind & rain saw Whales off the lee beam lowered & got one took him alongside at 5 PM took in sail Latter part fine weather at 6 AM began to cut at 11 AM finished So Ends |
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February | 1828 |
Sunday 3th |
Fore part began to boil head Middle part at 6 AM finished Head? Began Boddy [Note: several lines concluding this entry are marked out with cross hatches] So Ends |
Monday 4th |
Fore part still boiling at 5 PM saw Whales chased them until Sun down took in Main Topgallant Sail standing in shore Middle part began to stow down in the fore hold Starboard side Latter part the same So Ends |
Tuesday 5th |
Fore part steering East NorthEast at 6 PM finished broke out the Main hold at 8 PM wore Ship Middle part stowing down in the Starboard side Latter part wore Ship saw A Fin Back So Ends |
Wednesday 6th |
Fore part 2 PM finished stowing down & washed off the decks Middle part wore Ship steering North saw nothing Latter part So Ends |
Thursday 7th |
Fore part steering North making awning for the try works at 6 PM looffed? To the SouthWest saw A Sail the Loper one Thousand barrells left her Middle part at 5 AM saw A Ship off the weather bow Latter part saw two Ships off the lee bow |
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February | 1828 |
Friday 8th |
Fore part tacked to the East NorthEast all sail out A Ship off the lee beam at 4 PM A Ship ahead at 7 PM off the weather beam took in Top Gallant Sails Middle part made all sail Latter part saw A spout off the lee |
Saturday 9th |
Fore part strong wind at 7 PM took in Top Gallant Sails 4 watches Middle part wore Ship standing to the North NorthEast all sail out at 8 AM saw A Ship off the weather bow at 9 AM raised a scool of Whales off the lee beam chased them untill 12 AM So Ends |
Sunday 10th |
Fore part raised two scools off the lee lowered & got two off them alongside at 6 PM took in sail a Ship off the weather bow at 9 PM spoke her the Barclay of Bedford Capt Barrett 100 bbls Latter part they left us at 12 AM finished cutting in So Ends |
Monday 11th |
Fore part began to boil saw breaches off the lee bow Barclay off the weather beam at 7 PM tacked to the Southward Middle the same Latter part finished boiling |
Tuesday 12th |
Fore part washed off the decks tacked to the Northward sett all sail at 2 PM tacked to the South SouthEast caught A porpoise at 7 PM took in Top Gallant Sails Middle part squally and strong wind Latter more moderate So Ends |
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February | 1828 |
Wednesday 13th |
Fore part sett Top Gallant Sails saw A Sail to windward at 5 PM saw A Sail ahead at 7 PM took in Top Gallant Sails Middle part setting up riggin Latter part the same made all Sail |
Thursday 14th |
Fore part course NorthWest By North at 7 PM laid with the Mainyard aback for the night Middle part made sail Latter part breaking out the fore hold for hoops So Ends |
Friday 15th Humps? |
Fore part course SouthWest By West saw Jumpers broke out the After hold for hoops stowing them in the fore hold at 7 PM took in sail and laid aback for the night Middle part made all sail steering NorthWest By North wind NorthEast Latter part clearing out the fore hold So Ends |
Saturday 16th |
Fore part finished fore hold coopering Oil at 7 PM took in sail and luffed too to the Southward 4 watches Middle stow down Main hold Larboard Side Latter part the same So Ends |
Sunday 17th Breaches Ship |
Fore part finished stowing down saw three breaches off the lee run for them saw them no more at 7 PM luffed to NorthEast By East squalls of wind & rain double reefed the Topsails Middle part made sail scrubbed off the deck Latter part at 11 AM saw A Sail off the lee So Ends |
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February | 1828 |
Monday 18th |
Fore part spoke her the Hesper of New Bedford Capt Pease wanting 50 bbls stood to the Southward under reefed topsails Middle part Capt went onboard and at 9 AM left them & stood to the NorthEast Latter part single reefed topsails Main Top Gallant Sail out |
Tuesday 19th |
Fore part at 2 PM wore ship & stood to the West SouthWest free wind & fresh trades at 7 PM shortened Sail course West ??? Latter? Part mad Sail Saw nothing So Ends |
Wednesday 20th |
Fore part pleasant weather wind SouthEast course West SouthWest at 7 PM took in Sail Middle part made sail Latter saw nothing So Ends |
Thursday 21st |
Fore part the same Middle part double reefed fore topsail Middle part made sail course NorthWest Latter part fresh gales course NorthWest By North So Ends |
Friday 22nd Whale |
Fore part all sail out fresh wind course NorthWest By North at 6 PM took in Spanker & fore topgallant Sail standing half watches Middle part saw A Whale lost the run of him Latter part the same So Ends |
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February | 1828 |
Saturday 23th Fin Backs |
Fore part light wind East at 6 PM saw a Scool of Fin backs took in fore & Mizzen Top Gallant Sails & Mainsail Middle part made all sail saw Fin Backs Latter part So Ends |
Sunday 24th N Latt |
Fore part light wind & pleasant course NorthWest By North at 7 PM hove too 4 watches Middle part made sail course West BY North Latter part course NorthWest So Ends |
Monday 25th Whale |
Fore part fine weather course NorthWest wind East SouthEast at 6 PM saw fin backs Middle part the same Latter making buckets So Ends |
Tuesday 26th |
Fore part cloudy at 4 PM squally of wind & rain Middle part pleasant Latter part the same making buckets started A Cask of Bread So Ends |
Wednesday 27th Whale |
Fore part squally wind SouthEast course NorthWest saw A Fin Back Whale Middle parted Main Top Gallant Sheets ??? Sent down Fore Top Gallant Yard |
Thursday 28th Shooks |
Fore part squalls of rain shift of wind to the Eastward sent up top Gallant Yard Middle part breaking out between decks Latter part So Ends |
Friday 29th Heads |
Fore part stowed aft between decks Middle part employed starting Shook head Latter part the same |
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March | 1828 |
Saturday 1st March Shooks Breaches Sails |
Fore part finished starting Shook Heads strong NorthEast trades course NorthWest By West saw breaches off the weather bow Middle part employed stitching Sails Latter part the same So Ends |
Sunday 2nd Iron Hoops |
Fore part strong trade course NorthWest By West started the last Cask of Iron Hoops at 7 PM took in Mizen Top Gallant Sail Middle part sett it again Latter squalls of wind & rain So Ends |
Monday 3th Saw A Spout with spout illustration Stud Sail |
Fore part course NorthWest By West 1/2 West A squall of wind and rain from the South SouthEast took in Fore & Mizzen Top Gallant Sail hauled down the head Sails Middle part all sail out Latter sett fore top mast Studding Sail So Ends |
Tuesday 4th Main Royal |
Fore part light wind from the NorthEast & pleasant at 2 PM sent up Main Royal course West NorthWest at 8 PM course West By North Middle part fresh wind Main Royal out Latter part took it in & sett it again So Ends |
Wednesday 5th |
Fore part fresh gales from the NorthEast course NorthWest 1/2 West topmast Studd Sail out Middle part took in fore & Main Top Gallant Sail parted Studding Sail haulyards took in Spanker course NorthWest By West Latter part strong trades sett the Top Gallant Sail |
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March | 1828 |
Thursday 6th |
Fore part strong trades course West NorthWest parted Studding Sail haulyards at 8 PM course West By North Middle part more moderate Latter part sett Main Royal So Ends On Board |
Friday 7th |
Fore part all sail out course West By North parted Studding Sail haulyards Middle part course West Latter part fresh wind So Ends |
Saturday 8th Some new ones |
Fore part fresh wind from the North NorthEast course West at 5 PM took in Main Royal at 7 PM took in fore & Main Top Gallant Sails & double reefed fore & Main Topsail Squally Middle part more moderate all sail out parted Studding Sail haulyards Latter squally of wind & rain |
Sunday 9th |
Fore part light squalls of wind & rain from the East SouthEast course West at 7 PM luffed too to the Westward Latter part put off West So Ends |
Monday 10th |
Fore part fresh wind & squalls of rain course West SouthWest Middle under double reefed Topsails laid bye for the night Latter part course West South West all sail out fresh wind & cloudy & squally |
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March | 1828 |
Tuesday 11th |
Fore part fresh winds from the East NorthEast course SouthWest Middle part at 7 PM saw light in shore bearing SouthWest under double reefed topsails stood of and on for the night at day light saw Owhyhee & Mowhee 2 of the Sandwich Islands top of Owhyhee was covered with snow So Ends |
Wednesday 12th |
Fore part squally running down the Channel all sail out at 2 PM took in Royal & topgallant Sails at 4 PM light wind from the NorthWest bent the Cables A visit from the shore by two Canoes Middle part light wind Latter part the same So Ends |
Thursday 13th Carracacooei? Bay |
Fore part light wind off Kiluai at 6 PM came to Anchor in Carracooei? Bay Middle & Latter trading for potatoes So Ends |
Friday 14th |
Fore part trading for potatoes Middle part the same Latter part blacking the bends Righted Ship So Ends |
Saturday 15th |
Fore part heeling Ship Middle part the same Latter part blacking the bends righted the Ship & washed off the Decks Middle part buying goats Starboard Watch on shore Loosed Main Top sail Latter sea breeze So Ends |
Sunday 16th |
Fore part Larboard Watch on Shore unbent the Main Topsail & bent the New one at 6 PM took in the old boat Middle part at 2 AM got under way for Oahu Latter part off Kiluai So Ends |
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March | 1828 |
Monday 17th |
Fore part light winds from the NorthWest at 4 PM saw A Ship coming through the Channell of Owhyhee at 10 PM came up with & hailed her twice but they did not answer Latter part took in Top Gallant Sails & double reefed topsails more moderate So Ends |
Tuesday 18th Oahu |
Fore part calm off Moriki at 6 PM A fresh breeze from the East course NorthWest Middle part at day light Oahu in sight at 10 AM under Dimond Hill Latter part came to anchor at the Bar 1/2 past 11 AM So Ends |
Wednesday 19th |
Fore part the Independence Superior Favorite Wilmington and Liverpool Packet Hector outside Sarah Phebe Enterprise Tamaahmaah Susan Orion Pindus inside at 4 PM sent A raft of Cask on shore for water Middle part towed in the Favourite and W L Packet Latter the Pacific of Nantucket came to anchor Sarah Left So Ends |
Thursday 20th |
Fore part filling? Water and breaking out ??? Cask Middle part sent A raft on shore & took A raft off stowed off the Main hold towed the Hector inside began to stow down between decks So Ends |
Friday 21st |
Fore part filling water at 6 PM fresh wind & hazy weather Middle part getting Tar? Up Latter part the same So Ends |
Saturday 22nd |
Fore part the Tamaahmaah left with the King Coukeouna? On board at 7 PM the French Sloop of War came to anchor Latter part the Clarkson came to anchor 900 bbls 18 months out got a raft of water |
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March | 1828 |
Sunday 23th |
Fore part stowing down Water in the fore hold at 7 PM the Omega came to anchor 750 bbls 18 Months out Latter part starboard Watch on shore A Sail in sight So Ends on Board |
Monday 24th |
Fore part the Abagil of Bedford came to anchor strong squalls of wind pointed the yards & laid down the Best? Bower? Middle part more moderate W L Packet went inside Latter at 9 AM the Favorite? London? Larboard Watch on shore got A raft of water |
Tuesday 25th |
Fore part strong wind & squally of rain Middle part fine weather Starboard Watch on shore sent a raft on shore Latter part the same So Ends |
Wednesday 26th |
Fore part strong trades at 4 PM the Brittania of London left Middle part laying off and on Latter towed in the Independence & Pacific Larboard Watch on shore So Ends |
Thursday 27th |
Fore part A Sail in sight to leeward at 1 PM the Rambler came to anchor leaking Latter part towed in the Phoenix Rambler & French Corvette So Ends took A raft water |
Friday 28th |
Fore part A Sail in sight stowed off the fore hold it proved to be Origon of Fairhaven Latter part Starboard Watch on shore So Ends |
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March | 1828 |
Saturday 29th |
Fore part strong gales sent down the Main? Royal Yard Middle part the Herriot of London 22 Months out 2500 bbls Latter part Larboard Watch on shore at 10 AM the Roscoe came to anchor 400 bbls |
Sunday 30th |
Fore part light squalls of rain blacked the chains Middle part the same Latter part doing nothing So Ends |
Monday 31st |
Fore part light winds & pleasant at 3 PM the Parthain of Boston came to Anchor 158 days from Boston with Missionaries on board Middle part towed in the Omega & Clarkson Latter got 4 Cask of water So Ends |
Tuesday 1st April |
Fore part setting up riggin at 4 PM the Canton brig left Middle part at 6 PM got under way & stood off & on the Origon & Harriot went in Latter part calm So Ends |
Wednesday 2nd |
Fore part light trades A boat from the Congress 19 Months out 1500 bbls Middle part Capt came on board Brig Andes left course South SouthWest Latter part stowed away the Cables Land in sight So ends |
Thursday 3th |
Fore part very light wind from the West NorthWest course SouthWest at 4 PM washed off the decks & broke out fish put down the Anchor Middle part course West SouthWest & squally of rain Latter fine weather So Ends |
Friday 4th |
Fore part mending the Jib wind NorthEast course West SouthWest Middle part rainy & drizzley Latter strong wind took in Studding Sail So Ends On Board |
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April | 1828 |
Saturday 5th |
Fore part strong winds from the Northward course West SouthWest Middle part course West By South wind NorthNorthEast Latter part hanging pumpkins over the stern So Ends |
Sunday 6th |
Fore part wind North NorthEast course West By South started meat & Bread under whole Top sails & Main top Gallant Sail Middle part the same Latter So Ends |
Monday 7th |
Fore part moderate wind course West By South Middle part the same Latter part employed mending the Main sail unbent the New jib & bent the Old one So Ends On Board |
Tuesday 8th |
Fore part light wind from the East NorthEast course West By South finished mending & bent the Mainsail & sett Topmast Studding Sail Middle part mending Main topsail Latter part the same saw porpoises So Ends |
Wednesday 9th |
Fore part fine weather finished mending Main topsail at 6 PM sett Main Royal saw porpoises Middle part course West By South wind East By North Latter part course West by South wind East By North Latter part the same So Ends On Board |
Thursday 10th |
Fore part pleasant weather wind East By North course West By South Middle part the same Latter part at 8 AM raised A Scool of Whales off the Larboard quarter lowered & but got none So Ends On Board |
Friday 11th |
Fore part fine breeze from the East NorthEast steering South SouthEast by the wind at 4 PM raised A School of Whales off the Lee quarter lowered but got none came on board at Sun down Middle part the same Latter part mending Jib course West SouthWest water blue So Ends |
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April | 1828 |
Saturday 12th |
Fore part wind East course West SouthWest with squalls of rain Middle part the same Latter part fine weather mending Jib saw porpoises So Ends |
Sunday 13th |
Fore part pleasant light breeze from the East NorthEast steering West By South broke out the After hold picked A Beirell? Of Potatoes Middle part course West NorthWest Latter part the same all sail out So Ends |
Monday 14th |
Fore part fresh wind from NorthEast course NorthWest all sail out blue water saw nothing Middle part wind NorthEast course North NorthWest Latter part wind South SouthEast squalls of rain So Ends On Board |
Tuesday 15th |
Fore part fine weather & calm course North NorthWest fitting New boat Middle part light wind Latter part saw A school of porpoises making fresh water tunnell So Ends |
Wednesday 16th |
Fore part calm mending Main Top Gallant Sail at 8 PM fresh wind from North By East course NorthWest By West Middle part the same Latter painted New boat So Ends On Board |
Thursday 17th |
Fore part fresh wind NorthEast course NorthWest at 6 PM saw Porpoises caught one Albacore Middle part the same Latter part saw a Breach So Ends |
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From Oahu to Japan | |
April | 1828 |
Friday 18th |
Fore part light wind from the South course North Middle part calm & flatering? Latter light wind from the Southward So Ends |
Saturday 19th |
Fore part moderate breeze from the North By West steering West By North Middle part furled Spanker & Mainsail & single reefed the Topsails Latter strong gales from North NorthEast steering NorthWest So Ends on Board |
Sunday 20th |
Fore part strong wind from the North NorthEast steering NorthWest Middle part the same Latter part double reefed the Main topsail & took in the Jib |
Monday 21st |
Fore part more moderate sett Jib and Mainsail lett A reef out of the Main topsail wind NorthEast By East steering North By West chilly weather Middle part the same Latter part water green saw A Hump Back Whale making riers Bulk head in the Forecastle So Ends |
Tuesday 22nd |
Fore part moderate breeze sett Main top Gallant Sail wind SouthEast steering North By East at 6 PM furled Mainsail & hauled up the Foresail Middle part hazy Latter part the same making Riers |
Wednesday 23th |
Fore part Birds round the Ship squalls of rain hazy at 7 PM took in sail 4 watches Middle part at day light made Sail Latter part making Riers Water dirty green So Ends |
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On Japan | |
April | 1828 |
Thursday 24th |
Fore part foggy wind South steering East SouthEast water dirty green saw A piece of Squid & plenty of Brit Middle part took in Sail 4 watches Latter part made Sail at 9 AM squalls of rain hove too for the day 4 watches So Ends |
Friday 25th |
Fore part squally wind North heading West NorthWest Middle part foggy hove too Latter part clearing? So Ends |
Saturday 26th |
Fore part clear saw nothing Middle part clear Latter part foggy with squalls of rain hove too for the day 4 watches So Ends |
Sunday 27th |
Fore part foggy and rainy hove too 4 watches at 6 PM pumped Ship Middle part foggy and rainy Latter part saw A Spout sett foresail and Mizen topsail So Ends |
Monday 28th |
Fore part fine weather sett fore topsail wind North NorthWest steering West three hands Aloft Middle part hove too Latter part made sail sett Main Top Gallant Sail at 11 AM saw A Breach So Ends |
Tuesday 29th |
Fore part course SouthWest wind East making Riers Fitting Mizzen Topmast Back Stays at 7 PM took in Sail & furled the Foresail Middle part sett double reefed fore & Mizen topsails at 8 AM took them in again |
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On Japan S P Boy | |
April | 1828 |
Wednesday 30th May |
Fore part fresh wind and hazy at 7 PM turned up Starboard boat strong gales from the Westward at 11 PM close reefed the Main Topsail and took in the Foretopmast Staysail and turned up the Larboard and Waist Boat So Ends |
Thursday 1st |
Fore part the same at 7 PM more moderate wind hauled West NorthWest Middle part sett fore & Mizen Topsail & Foresail Latter part mending Waist Boat saw Breaches |
Friday 2nd |
Fore part wind NorthWest steering West SouthWest at 3 PM finished mending Waist Boat put her on the Cranes shifted Fore topsail at Sun sett took in sail Middle part made sail Latter part making lippers? &'cc So Ends |
Saturday 3th |
Fore part wind South SouthWest steering full & by out reefs & sett Main Top Gallant Sail at sun sett took in Sail saw A Fin Back Middle part made sail making riers Latter part put up the Forge fitting Grind Stone So Ends |
Sunday 4th |
Fore part fine weather wind South SouthEast steering by the wind Middle part took in sail Latter under double reefed Topsails wind East NorthEast course South |
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On Japan S P Boy | |
May | 1828 |
Monday 5th |
Fore part wind East NorthEast course South reefs out of the Main Topsail sett Main Top Gallant Sail at 7 PM took in sail hove too Middle part made sail at 8 AM saw three Ships off our weather beam at 9 AM saw A Ship off the Lee bow saw A Breach ahead A scool of Sperm Whales lowered and got two So Ends |
Tuesday 6th |
Fore part spoke the Com Decator 800 bbls at 4 PM finished cutting in and washed off the decks furled Mizzen Topsail and double reefed the Fore at 1/2 past 7 PM began to boil head Middle at 1 AM finished began boddy Latter part Mizzen Topsail Jib and Spanker wore Ship three Ships in sight So Ends |
Wednesday 7th |
Fore part strong wind from East NorthEast course South SouthWest saw A Breach off the weather quarter at 6 PM hove too Middle part at 1 AM finished boiling made sail washing aft raised a School of Whales Latter lowered and got two took them alongside began to cut |
Thursday 8th |
Fore part fresh wind and hazy from the East SouthEast finished cutting at 2 PM and began to boil steering NorthEast saw A Sail off Lee quarter at 6 PM wore Ship and took in fore and Mizzen Topsails A Sail off the weather Beam Latter part still boiling So Ends On Board |
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On Japan S P Boy | |
May | 1828 |
Friday 9th |
Fore part hazy and raining wind from the South at 1/2 past 3 PM finished boiling and raised A school of Sperm Whales lowered and got one took him alongside sent up the tackles and brok out the blubber room at 6 PM took in foresail foretopsail jib and Spanker 3 hands on deck Middle part squally of wind and rain shift of wind to the West NorthWest Latter part strong gales began to cut him in to leeward at 11 AM finished cutting and began to boil |
Saturday 10th |
Fore part still boiling strong gales from the Northward steering East By North under Main and Mizzen Topsail Middle part the same Latter part at 10 AM finished boiling and washed off |
Sunday 11th |
Fore part fine weather wind from the North course SouthEast at 7 PM hove too under double reefed Main and Mizzen Topsail heading East NorthEast at day light sett Fore topsail and Main Top Gallant Sail Latter part course West wind East NorthEast at 9 AM saw A Ship boiling 4 points off our Larboard bow at 10 AM saw A Sail off the Starboard Bow So Ends |
Monday 12th |
Fore part fine weather and light wind from the East NorthEast course SouthWest at 7 PM hove too as before Middle part employed stowing down in the fore hold Larboard side Aft Latter part the same course North NorthWest So Ends |
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On Japan Ship P Boy | |
May | 1828 |
Tuesday 13th |
Fore part fine weather and clear wind from the East NorthEast course North NorthWest finished stowing down saw A Ship 2 points off the Starboard Bow at 7 PM luffed too to the South SouthEast and took in Sail as before except the Foresail Middle part made sail the ship astern at 1/2 past 10 AM saw two Ships off the Lee bow sent up Fore Top Gallant Yard employed setting up Shooks |
Wednesday 14th |
Fore part fine weather wind SouthEast By South steering East By North spoke the Barclay of Nantucket Capt Barnard 1000 bbls at 4 PM spoke the Stonington of New London Capt. Gardner 1300 bbls at 7 PM took in fore & Mizzen Topsails Foresail Mainsail Jib and Spanker Middle part left them astern Latter part course NorthEast at 10 AM picked up a Box of China workmanship setting up Shooks |
Thursday 15th |
Fore part wind South course NorthEast at 7 PM took in fore and Mizzen Topsail Middle part sett sail water green Latter part making Bungs and blacksmithing it So Ends |
Friday 16th |
Fore part fresh wind from the South steering full and bye on the Starboard Tack saw Porpoises and A piece of Squid Middle part standing whole watches course SouthEast squally of wind and rain took in top Gallant Sails and double reefed the Topsails Latter part fine weather So Ends |
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On Japan Ship P Boy | |
May | 1828 |
Saturday 17th |
Fore part fresh wind from the North NorthWest course SouthEast running under double reefed Topsails at 7 PM took in fore and Mizzen Topsails and foresail hove too Middle part made sail Latter part saw nothing So Ends |
Sunday 18th Long East |
Fore part fine weather A heavy swell from the Westward course West NorthWest Middle part whole watches Latter part at 11 AM caught a logger head Turtle |
Monday 19th |
Fore part fine weather wind SouthEast course West NorthWest Middle part course NorthWest By West at 10 PM furled the Mainsail Latter part single reefed fore topsails at 9 AM took in fore topsail double reefed Main Topsail and furled Main Top Gallant Sail foggy rainy and drizzly So Ends |
Tuesday 20th |
Fore part moderate sett fore topsail and Jib Middle part fresh winds from the NorthWest steering West SouthWest Latter part the same So Ends |
Wednesday 21st |
Fore part fresh wind from the North course West NorthWest broke out for Cheese Apples and Butter at 7 PM saw A school of fin Backs hove too at day light saw A school of Porpoises at 6 AM saw A school of Sperm Whales lowered away got fast lost one line Latter part came on board So Ends |
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On Japan Ship P Boy | |
May | 1828 |
Thursday 22nd Long East |
Fore part fresh wind from the North and fine weather course South By West at 7 PM took in sail hove too Latter part made sail course SouthEast |
Friday 23th Long East |
Fore part fresh winds from the North steering on the Starboard tack West NorthWest double reefed Main Topsail at 7 PM and hove too under it saw A Fin Back Whale at day light made Sail Latter part fresh winds from the North NorthEast steering NorthWest So Ends |
Saturday 24th |
Fore part fresh wind from the North NorthEast course West NorthWest under single reefed fore and main Topsail Main Top Gallant Sail and fore out standing two watches Latter part So Ends |
Sunday 25th Long East |
Fore part at 12 PM saw A lone Whale lowered away and chased him until 4 PM came on board wind East steering NNE Middle part running under Main Mizzen Topsail and Foresail steering East SouthEast by the wind Latter part Main Top Gallant Sail out at 1 AM took it in So Ends |
Monday 26th |
Fore part strong wind and hazy from the Southward steering East SouthEast at 7 PM hove too Middle part thick and raining at 6 AM made sail and wore Ship steering West South West |
Tuesday 27th saw a Ship to leeward |
Fore part fine weather course West NorthWest at 2 PM saw A sail the Sarah Nantucket 800 bbls wore Ship Capt Chase went onboard Middle part steering West Latter part strong winds saw Fin backs So Ends |
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On Japan S P Boy | |
May | 1828 |
Wednesday 28th Squalls of rain to day |
Fore part a strong winds and hazy under double reefed Topsails and foresail in company with the Sarah at 7 PM left her heading West By South at 12 PM heading NorthEast Latter part A Ship aft the lee at 9 AM spoke her the Barclay of Nantucket Capt Barnard saw Jumpers So Ends |
Thursday 29th |
Fore part wind North NorthWest steering NorthEast at 7 PM hove too under double reefed Main Topsail Middle part at 8 AM sett the fore Topsail course South Latter part strong gales from the North NorthWest |
Friday 30th |
Fore part strong gales from the North NorthWest course South at 3 PM saw A sail ahead at 5 PM spoke her the Reaper Capt Coffin 19 Months out 1400 bbls Middle part left her Latter part squalls of wind So Ends On Board |
Saturday 31st June |
Fore part sudden squalls of wind and rain at 5 PM saw Fin Backs at 7 PM took in fore and Mizen Topsail and close reefed the Main wind NorthWest By West steering North By East Middle part wore ship heading SouthWest Latter part fine weather sett all sail |
Sunday 1st |
Fore part fine weather wind from the West SouthWest steering NorthWest at 7 PM took in the courses and fore topsail and double reefed the Main 4 watches Middle part made sail Latter part saw Black Fish So Ends |
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On Japan S P Boy | |
June | 1828 |
Monday 2nd |
Fore part fine weather but cloudy wind from the West SouthWest course NorthWest standing 2 watches Middle part light winds and calm at 1/2 past 10 AM saw white water ahead Latter part the same |
Tuesday 3th |
Fore part light wind and calm saw A dead Whale and four Fin Backs caught 3 Yellow Tails Middle part fresh winds from the Southward course West SouthWest Latter part saw Breach off the weather Bow So Ends |
Wednesday 4th |
Fore part strong wind and hazy from the Southward at 4 PM saw A school of Whales off our lee lowered and killed one in taking him alongside run down the Larboard boat and lost the boat-Steerer John Mallard of Boston lost the Whale and Capt Chases line at 7 PM hove too heading EastSouthEast Middle part at 12 PM wore Ship steering West SouthWest at 6 AM saw our wafed Whale off the weather beam lowered two boats A came? On A thick fog so came on board again Latter part at 11 AM saw him again foggy again So Ends |
Thursday 5th L? Boats Whale ; illustration of a whale |
Fore part light wind from the South and foggy sett the Topsails plying to wind ??? At 4 PM picked up Capt Chases Whale and at 7 PM cut him in at 8 PM began to boil Middle part finished head began boddy Latter part at 10 AM fog cleared up saw Jumpers and Fin Backs So Ends |
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On Japan | |
June | 1828 |
Friday 6th |
Fore part at 1 PM finished boiling got up two cask of water light wind from the South SouthWest steering West under double reefed Topsails Middle part overcast Latter part Main Top Gallant Sail out saw Porpoises So Ends |
Saturday 7th |
Fore part light wind from the SouthEast By South course SouthWest and foggy at 6 PM hove too Middle part the same Latter part at 10 AM sett double reefed fore and Mizzen topsail Jib and Spanker So Ends |
Sunday 8th wore Ship |
Fore part moderate breezes from the Southward accompanied with light squalls of rain course South SouthWest full & bye at 1/2 past 6 PM hove too Middle part wind North heading West NorthWest Latter part course SouthWest Main Top Gallant Sail out |
Monday 9th |
Fore part fine wind from the NorthEast course South SouthWest Fore Top Gallant Sail out overcast standing 2 watches Middle part took in Main Top Gallant Sail Latter part sett both of them steering South SouthWest So Ends |
Tuesday 10th |
Fore part pleasant wind from the East SouthEast standing 2 watches Middle part mending Larboard boat Latter part the same So Ends |
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On Japan | |
June | 1828 |
Wednesday 11th |
Fore part fine breeze from the SouthWest course West By North at 2 PM saw A sail off the Starboard bow at 6 PM spoke her the Dauphin of Nantucket Capt Huskey 1500 bbls 22 month out Middle part Capt Huskey came on board to dinner saw A large Breach to the Westward So Ends |
Thursday 12th W B ; illustration of whale fluke |
Fore part fine weather raised Whales at 3 PM lowered and killed one large one at 1/2 past 6 PM took him alongside and took in sail Middle part began to cut Latter part finished So Ends |
Friday 13th |
Fore part began to boil head Middle part finished head and began boddy Latter part the same So Ends |
Saturday 14th |
Fore part fresh wind from the South course West NorthWest saw A scool of Jumpers at 7 PM took in sail Middle part made Sail Latter part still boiling course West SouthWest So Ends On Board |
Sunday 15th |
Fore part fresh wind from the South at 2 PM wore Ship standing to the East SouthEast finished boilng and washed off the decks Middle part hove too at 5 AM made Sail Latter part foggy at 1/2 past 10 AM A scool of Sperm Whales passed across our stern bound to windward to foggy to lower |
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On Japan | |
June | 1828 |
Monday 16th at 11 AM unbent the Old fore Topmast and cut it up bent the Main forward |
Fore part light wind from the South and pleasant steering West SouthWest at 1 PM wore Ship standing to the EastSouthEast Middle part spoke our consort quarter watches running under double reefed Topsails Latter part under single reefed Topsail & Main Top Gallant Sail So Ends |
Tuesday 17th |
Fore part fresh breezes from the South SouthEast standing to the Eastward at 4 PM took in Jib Spanker Mainsail and Main Top Gallant Sail Middle part Made sail Latter part saw jumpers So Ends |
Wednesday 18th |
Fore part wind South course West SouthWest saw porpoises at 7 PM hove too Middle part made Sail Latter part fresh wind |
Thursday 19th |
Fore part wind Westward steering to the Southward and Eastward Middle and Latter part the same saw nothing So Ends setting up Shooks |
Friday 20th |
Fore part fresh winds from the North NorthWest course NorthEast at 6 PM shortened Sail and laid? Bye for consort Middle part made sail Latter part standing to the Westward boarded the Dauphin So Ends |
Saturday 21st |
Fore part wind East steering North NorthEast at Sun down saw A large Whale 4 points off the lee bow 4 Miles off and A Ship off the lee beam at 7 PM took in sail Latter part made Sail Saw Jumpers and Fin backs So Ends On Board |
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On Japan | |
June | 1828 |
Sunday 22nd |
Fore part wind South By East at 7 PM wore Ship and stood to the SouthWest By West and took in sail Middle part made all Sail steering East By S Latter part A fine whole sail breeze at Meridian saw our Whale which we lost on the 4 th of this Month got our wafe, head rope, and A piece of our line So Ends |
Monday 23th |
Fore part tacked Ship steering to the South SouthWest saw A plenty of Porpoises at 1/2 past 6 PM saw A Sail off our weather beam took in sail & spoke the Dauphin Middle part made sail Latter part saw Fin Backs |
Tuesday 24th |
Fore part in company with the Dauphin and Barclay at 1 PM left the Barclay hove to Middle part made Sail Latter part at 9 AM raised Whales chased them until 12 PM |
Wednesday 25th |
Fore part fine weather wind from the South plenty of Whales chased them until Sun down at 7 PM took in sail standing fo the West SouthWest Middle part made Sail to the Eastward Latter part employed coopering Oil saw Fin Backs and A Sail to the South cutting in So Ends |
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On Japan | |
June | 1828 |
Thursday 26th |
Fore part saw Fin backs Black Fish porpoises and Grampuses at 6 PM finished coopering Oil at 1/2 past 7 PM took in sail Middle part employed stowing down in the Fore hold Larboard side Aft Latter part the same So Ends |
Friday 27th |
Fore part at 4 PM finished stowing down & washed off the decks at Sun sett hove too Latter part made sail saw A Ship boiling off our lee So Ends |
Saturday 28th |
Fore part wind _____ course NorthWest at 1 PM saw A sail to windward hove aback & spoke her the Stonington of New London 1400 bbls double reefed fore & Main Topsails hove too for the Night strong squalls of wind & rain Latter part more moderate at 9 AM spoke the Rodman of New Bedford 400 bbls So Ends |
Sunday 29th |
Fore part gaming with the Dauphin and Stonington Middle part laid bye for the night at sun rise made sail Latter part wind East course NorthWest the Stonington left us steering NorthNorthEast So Ends |
Monday 30th |
Fore part wind East course NorthWest at 2 PM double reefed all three Topsails Middle part sett Main Top Gallant sail and Fore Latter part light wind So Ends saw A Sail to leeward foggy |
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On Japan | |
July | 1828 |
Tuesday 1st |
Fore part took in fore topsail at 7 PM hove too Middle part made Sail A light wind from the South SouthEast course SouthWest Latter part Capt Huskey onboard So Ends |
Wednesday 2nd |
Fore part light wind from the South SouthEast and plesant course South SouthWest at 7 PM took in sail under double reefed topsails Middle part the same foggy Latter part the same So Ends |
Thursday 3th |
Fore part wind South By West course West By South and foggy Capt Huskey onboard to dinner Middle part the same Latter part stood to the EastSouthEast |
Friday 4th |
Fore part light wind and from the South SouthEast course East Middle part the same Latter part saw A Ship So Ends On Board |
Saturday 5th |
Fore part light winds from the South and pleasant Middle part saw A Sail off the weather beam Latter part saw another ahead So Ends |
Sunday 6th |
Fore part pleasant wind breezing at 6 PM spoke the Victory of Bedford 21 M. out 1400 bbls A large Whale alongside Middle part left her steering South at day light sett all sail Latter part saw A Ship off the lee bow cutting A large Whale in supposed to be the Independence at 11 AM tacked Ship after the Dauphin So Ends |
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On Japan | |
July | 1828 |
Monday 7th |
Fore part fresh breezes from the SouthEast steering East NorthEast at 1 PM came up thick and foggy A heavy squal of wind took in fore topsail Mainsail Jib fore one Main Top Gallant Sails split the Mizzen topsail unbent it and bent the New one sett Mainsail and fore topsail Jib and Spanker again fine weather Middle part spoke the Dauphin again Latter part steering East By South at 10 AM tacked Ship saw A Breach Diamond Fish and two Ships to leeward So Ends On Board |
Tuesday 8th |
Fore part hazy wind South By East course East By South under single reefed topsails and Courses at 7 PM double reefed topsails hauled up Courses and wore Ship heading West SouthWest Middle part the same Latter part at 11 AM raised A Large Whale ahead So Ends |
Wednesday 9th |
Fore part lowered away and got fast he sounded out all three lines the Dauphin run down and lowered her boats dogged the Whale round until Sun down and lost the run of him Latter part tacking round in company with the Dauphin looking for the Whale So Ends |
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On Japan | |
July | 1828 |
Thursday 10th |
Fore part pleasant light breezes from the SouthEast at 7 PM under double reefed top sails steering East NorthEast by the wind Middle part lost the Dauphin A Ship off the lee quarter Latter part tacked to the West and saw Whale lowered away in company with the Clarkson got one So Ends |
Friday 11th |
Fore part lowered away and chased Whale to leeward lost sight of the Clarkson boast give up the chase came on board at 4 PM lowered away again and got fast stove Waist boat and cracked the Larboard boat Latter part cut him in So Ends |
Saturday 12th |
Fore part boiling Middle part still boiling saw plenty of Fin Backs Latter part finished boiling and washed off the decks So Ends saw A Ship off the Lee |
Sunday 13th |
Fore part made Sail to the Westward saw plenty of Fin Backs at 9 PM spoke the Phoenix of New London 9 Months out 500 bbls Latter part left her squalls of rain took in sail clear made sail again So Ends |
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On Japan | |
July | 1828 |
Monday 14th |
Fore part wind South By West course SouthEast By East A Sail off the lee bow Middle part shortened Sail Latter part A Ship off the weather quarter saw breaches mending Waist boat So Ends |
Tuesday 15th |
Fore part all sail out at 1 PM took in fore and Main Top Gallant Sails wind South SouthWest steering West at 3 PM raised Whales off the weather bow sett Main Top Gallant Sail but they went off to windward Latter part under double reefed topsails mending Waist boat heavy squalls of rain So Ends |
Wednesday 16th |
Fore part fine weather wind North By West course West By North in company with the Phoenix of New London finished mending Waist boat at 7 PM took in the Courses Middle part light winds and calm Latter part plenty Fin Backs scraped Ship outside |
Thursday 17th |
Fore part light winds from the South SouthEast course East Middle part the Phoenix of New London saw two schools of Grampuses varnished the Waist |
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On Japan | |
July | 1828 |
Friday 18th |
Fore part calm and cloudy at 6 PM took in the Main Top Gallant Sail Middle part sett it again light breeze from the East SouthEast course South Latter part sett Fore Top Gallant Sail So Ends |
Saturday 19th |
Fore part light wind from the East SouthEast course South at 3 PM broke out the Main Hatchway for water at 4 PM employed catching Albacore & SkippJacks light squalls of rain this afternoon Middle part standing Whole watches course South wind East Latter part raised 4 Ships off our lee beam spoke the Hector cutting in A 50 bbl Whale all hands making Spunyarn and mending old Jib So Ends |
Sunday 20th S Boat 55 bbls |
Fore part light wind from the East at 5 PM left the Hector course full and bye quarter watches Middle part saw Whales off the weather bow lowered away at 8 AM fastened to one killed him took him alongside at 12 Mis? So Ends |
Monday 21st |
Fore part at 1 PM began to cut him at 1/2 past 3 PM finished at 6 PM began to boil Middle part the same Latter part the same So Ends |
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On Japan | |
July | 1828 |
Tuesday 22nd |
Fore part fine breeze from the Southward standing to the Westward employed boiling Middle part at 1 AM finished boiling Latter part washed off the decks wore Ship and stood to the Eastward the Phoenix off our weather quarter So Ends On Board |
Wednesday 23th |
Fore part employed coopering Head A Ship off our lee beam Middle part employed stowing down in the Fore Hold Starboard Side Latter part 11 AM saw A Ship ahead and Breaches off the lee Bow So Ends |
Thursday 24th |
Fore part strong breezes from the South SouthEast spoke the Brittania of London 1400 at 6 PM finished stowing down and washed off the decks Middle part squally of wind and rain standing to the SouthWest at 12 AM took in the fore topsail Latter part sett it again setting up Shooks So Ends |
Friday 25th W Boat 65 bbls |
Fore part strong wind standing to the Westward at 3 PM saw A Whales off the the lee beam lowered and got one Middle part at 9 brought him alongside Latter part began to cut at 1 PM finished So Ends |
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On Japan | |
July | 1828 |
Saturday 26th |
Fore part began to boil A Sail off the lee spoke her the Brittania at 6 PM double reefed Main topsail Middle part still boiling Latter part setting up Shooks A Ship off the lee So Ends |
Sunday 27th |
Fore part fresh winds and squally from the South SouthEast steering SouthWest in company with the Brittania at 6 PM tacked to the East and left her Middle part squalls of rain Latter part at 10 AM finished boiling and washed off the decks double reefed Main topsail and furled the Jib So Ends |
Monday 28th |
Fore part fresh wind from the SouthEast steering South SouthWest sett Jib and Mainsail at 5 PM raised two Ships ahead hauled up the courses standing to the SouthWest Latter part employed coopering Oil So Ends |
Tuesday 29th |
Fore part spoke the Brittania and Hector coopering Oil at 5 PM finished saw A Whale lowered but she went off to windward Middle part gamming Latter part began to stow down at 8 AM the Hector and Brittania chased Whales to windward tacked to the East NorthEast double reefed the topsails stowing down fore hold Larboard side Aft So Ends |
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On Japan S P B | |
July | 1828 |
Wednesday 30th |
Fore part fresh winds from the East SouthEast at 6 PM wore Ship and stood to the Southward finished stowing down Middle part the same Latter part employed setting up Shooks So Ends |
Thursday 31st August 1828 |
Fore part fine breeze from the East SouthEast course South A Ship off the weather bow setting up Shooks Middle part hove too Latter part setting up Shooks and fitting Fore Topmast Staysail So Ends On Board Ship Plough Boy |
Friday 1st |
Fore part moderate wind from the East NorthEast with A heavy swell from the Eastward painted Larboard boat making Breakers? At 5 PM saw two large lone Whales off the weather beam at sun sett hove too heading North By East Middle part steering SouthWest Latter part steering South painting boats So Ends |
Saturday 2nd |
Fore part light wind from the North NorthEast steering NorthWest catching Albacore at 6 PM standing to the NorthWest under double reefed Topsails Middle part fine weather Latter part steering North NorthWest saw Cow Fish So Ends |
Sunday 3th |
Fore part fine breeze from the NorthEast By East steering North By West saw nothing caught several Albacors Middle part saw Whales lowered and got one So Ends |
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On Japan S P Boy | |
August | 1828 |
Monday 4th |
Fore part cut him in Middle part the same Latter part began to boil So Ends |
Tuesday 5th |
Fore part under double reefed Main Topsail Latter part finished boiling So Ends |
Wednesday 6th |
Fore part strong wind Middle part fine weather Latter part saw A school of Whales got none |
Thursday 7th |
Fore part fine weather spoke the Logan of New Bedford 16 M out 500 bbls Latter part saw A scool of Whales bound to windward Logan in company |
Friday 8th |
Fore part fine weather A Ship of the lee beam employed stowing down the After hold Latter part lost sight of the Logan |
Saturday 9th |
Fore part in company with the Logan and Phoenix 20 M out 1800 bbls Latter part raised Whales lowered and got one |
Sunday 10th |
Fore part fine weather Middle part began to cut Latter part finished So Ends saw Whales got none |
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On Japan | |
August | 1828 |
Monday 11th |
Fore part boiling Middle part the same Latter part saw Whales ahead So Ends |
Tuesday 12th |
Fore part squally saw A small under our lee lowered and got him Middle part cut him in Latter part began to boil So Ends |
Wednesday 13th |
Fore part finished boiling out Latter part A Sail off the lee quarter So Ends |
Thursday 14th |
Fore part setting up Oil Pipes Shooks Middle part hove to Latter part stowing down in the Main Hatchway Larboard side So Ends |
Friday 15th |
Fore part fine weather at 7 PM unbent Main Top Gallant Sail standing half watches Latter part flagging aft Shooks So Ends and mending Sail |
Saturday 16th |
Fore part mending fore top gallant sail and bent it saw Jumpers and Fin backs Middle part squally of rain Latter part the same |
Sunday 17th |
Fore part squalls of wind & rain from the South SouthEast course SouthWest hove too Middle part strong winds & squalls of rain Latter part more moderate sett fore and Mizzen Topsails course South SouthEast |
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On Japan | |
August | 1828 |
Monday 18th |
Fore part cloudy steering South SouthEast under single reefed Topsails at 7 PM hove too under double reefed Main topsails Latter part thick cloudy and rainy mending Sails and repairing Cask So Ends |
Tuesday 19th |
Fore part calm with A heavy swell standing to the SouthEast under single reefed topsails at 7 PM took in Sail hove too at day light made Sail steering East wind South Latter part saw plenty of Fin Backs shifted the fore sail employed mending it & repairing cask So Ends |
Wednesday 20th |
Fore part fine breeze from the South course East saw Fin Backs mending foresail at sun sett took in sail running under double reefed Main Topsail and Foresail at 7 AM sett double reefed fore topsail Latter part at 8 AM spoke the Logan left her |
Thursday 21st |
Fore part strong breezes from the South steering East at 7 PM took in fore topsail and foresail Middle part wore Ship course NorthWest under double reefed Main topsail & Foresail Latter part the same cloudy strong winds from the South accompanied with A heavy swell from the West SouthWest So Ends |
Page 87 | |
On Japan | |
August | 1828 |
Friday 22nd |
Fore part fresh winds from the South with A heavy swell at 6 PM wore Ship luffed too heading EastSouthEast Middle part at 6 AM raised Whales off the Lee Beam lowered and got A small Cow? At 10 AM took her alongside Latter part cut him in So Ends |
Saturday 23th |
Fore part strong winds from the South SouthEast heading East cloundy and thick with light squalls of rain saw A Sail off our lee quarter wore and spoke her the Brittania Capt Loton Middle part at 1/2 past 11 PM finished boiling strong gales with squalls of rain took in Fore ??? Sail Middle part more moderate Latter part in company with the Brittania saw nothing |
Sunday 24th |
Fore part sett Fore topsail very thick and squally Capt Loton on board to tea Middle part left them astern Latter part wore Ship course SouthWest By West at 1/2 past 9 AM saw her aft the weather beam at 1/2 past 11 AM wore gain stood along in company So Ends |
Monday 25th |
Fore part fine weather wind from the Southward saw plenty of Squid standing to the Eastward Latter part the same So Ends |
Page 88 | |
On Japan | |
August | 1828 |
Tuesday 26th |
Fore part fine weather wind from the Southward standing to the Eastward in company with the Brittania So Ends |
Wednesday 27th |
Fore part pleasant left the Brittania Latter part 4 miles off the weather quarter So Ends |
Thursday 28th |
Fore part pleasant Middle part Brittania came up with us at 6 AM saw A Ship to windward at 11 AM spoke her the Enterprize wanting one hundred bbls So Ends |
Friday 29th |
Fore part pleasant standing to the East North East in company Middle part bought A Mainsail of her and left her Latter part calm Enterprise off the lee bow |
Saturday 30th |
Fore part verry light wind from the SouthWest course SE Middle part calm Latter part the same mending fore topsail So Ends |
Sunday 31st |
Fore part calm Enterprize 2 points off the lee beam 5 miles off Middle part the same Latter part light wind So Ends On Board |
Page 89 | |
On Japan | |
September | 1828 |
Monday 1st |
Fore part verry light wind from the Southward Middle part standing whole whole watches Latter part scraping the Waist So Ends |
Tuesday 2nd |
Fore part light breezes from the Southward the Enterprise 4 points off the lee beam 5 Miles off Middle part lost sight of her light wind Latter part the same varnishing the Waist and over hauling the Cutting Pendants So Ends shifted Fore Topsail |
Wednesday 3th |
Fore part light breeze from the South steering East SouthEast finished over hauling Cutting? Pendants and sent them up at 7 PM strong wind took in Main Top Gallant Sail Middle part light squalls of wind and rain Latter part fitting Top gallant riggin So Ends On Board |
Thursday 4th |
Fore part fine breeze from the South steering East SouthEast &? Finished top Gallant riggin sett fore top gallant Sail Middle part wind East SouthEast steering NorthEast Latter part raised A Sail 4 points off the lee bow at 12 M tacked and stood to the SouthEast By South the Ship off the lee beam So Ends fitting Cutting gear and fore TopGallant riggin |
Page 90 | |
On Japan | |
September | 1828 |
Friday 5th |
Fore part moderate wind from the SouthWest By South steering SouthEast By South at 7 PM knocked off South SouthWest 1/2 West took in fore Top Gallant Sail squally Middle part tacked Latter part the same So Ends On Board |
Saturday 6th |
Fore part light wind from the East SouthEast steering NorthEast Middle and Latter part same Black Fish steering SouthEast So Ends |
Sunday 7th |
Fore part light winds from the East By North steering SouthEast By South all sail out saw plenty Black Fish today mended Starboard boat Middle part calm Latter part wind from the NorthWest course EastSouthEast So Ends |
Monday 8th |
Fore part pleasant breeze from the West NorthWest course SouthEast By East Middle part wind hauled to the NorthEast steering East SouthEast took in fore Top Gallant Sail parted Main topsail Tye took in Main Top Gallant Sail at 6 AM squals of rain Middle part more moderate Latter part squally of wind and rain So Ends On Board Ship Plough Boy fitting staves for riers |
Page 91 | |
Bound In To Port | |
September | 1828 |
Tuesday 9th |
Fore part fresh wind from the Eastward steering South SouthEast Middle part light wind Latter part started Oil into pipes So Ends |
Wednesday 10th |
Fore part light wind from the East steering North NorthEast at 6 PM wore Ship SouthEast Middle part the same Latter part varnished the waist making Riers At 9 AM saw A lone Whale at 11 AM lowered and got fast So Ends |
Thursday 11th 65 whales? |
Fore part light wind from the East at 1/2 past 12 Meridian took the Whale alongside began to cut at 1/2 past 9 PM finished Middle part cleaning up the Decks Latter part began to boil head So Ends |
Friday 12th |
Fore part light wind from the South SouthEast steering East at 6 PM began to boil boddy Latter part saw Whales lowered and chased but could not get fast |
Saturday 13th |
Fore part still boiling boats chasing got fast with the Waist boat Iron drawed finished boiling boats came onboard Whales round in the night Latter part raised Whales off the lee bow lowered away the boats got one took him alongside So Ends On Board |
Page 92 | |
Bound In | |
September | 1828 |
Sunday 14th |
Fore part cut him in at 3 PM began to boil Middle part wore Ship steering to the Westward Saw A Breach off the weather bow So Ends |
Monday 15th |
Fore part A pleasant 3 Knot breeze from the South SouthWest at 9 PM finished boiling wore Ship took in Main Top Gallant Sail & Jib steering SouthEast By East quarter watches at day light while making Sail saw a Ship off the weather quarter tacked and spoke her the Enterprize all full Latter part coopering Oil So Ends On Board |
Tuesday 16th 39 Whales? ; bbl 1300 |
Fore part coopering Oil in company with the Enterprize boiling out their last Whale got ready to stow down Middle part breaking out fore hold Larboard side 6 AM raised A school of Whales off the lee lowered and got 4 Latter part cut in one of them |
Page 93 | |
Standing To the Westward | |
September | 1828 |
Wednesday 17th |
Fore part cutting and setting up Shooks at 4 PM finished cutting in began to boil standing to the NorthEast Middle part the same Latter part stowing down in the fore hold Larboard side So Ends |
Thursday 18th |
Fore part boiling out and stowing down Middle part boiling at 6 PM wore Ship heading South SouthEast wind strong from the East Middle part boiling Latter part stowing down So Ends |
Friday 19th |
Fore part at 4 M finished boiling out and stowing down washed off and wore Ship Middle part 4 watches Latter part setting up Shooks So Ends |
Saturday 20th |
Fore part moderate wind from the South course NorthWest setting up Shooks at Sun sett luffed too on the Larboard tack heading East SouthEast A fine Moon light Night Latter part strong squalls of wind accompanied with rain took in fore & Mizzen topsail stowed off the blubber Room with Oil So Ends |
Page 94 | |
Standing In | |
September | 1828 |
Sunday 21st |
Fore part strong wind from North NorthEast heading East close reefed Main Topsail hoisted up Starboard Boat bent fore Topmast Staysail Middle part much the same Latter part hoisted Larboard boat and took in Waist Boat wore Ship heading North NorthWest bent Mizzen Staysail & sett it & double reefed Mizzen Topsail So Ends |
Monday 22nd |
Fore part strong gales from the East heading North NorthWest at 6 PM close reefed Mizzen topsail standing whole watches Middle part the same Latter sett up Fore & Main riggin wore Ship coopering Oil So Ends |
Tuesday 23th |
Fore part more moderate heading North By West finished coopering at 6 PM hauled up the Foresail 4 watches at day light began to break out After hold Latter part stowing down So Ends |
Wednesday 24th |
Fore part light wind from the Northward at 6 PM wore Ship heading EastSouthEast Latter part stowing down So Ends |
Thursday 25th |
Fore part stowing down in the After hold Middle and Latter fine weather |
Friday 26th |
Fore part light wind and pleasant Latter part steering SouthEast So Ends |
Page 95 | |
Standing In Shore | |
September | 1828 |
Saturday 27th |
Fore part light wind from the Northward Middle part squalls of rain Latter part fine weather course East NorthEast wind North |
Sunday 28th |
Fore part variable wind with light squalls of rain standing whole watches Middle part light wind Latter part a fresh squalls of wind saw Jumpers So Ends |
Monday 29th |
Fore part wind from the North NorthEast course East saw A Fin back and Porpoises Middle part strong gales took Mainsail Fore topsail double reefed Main & Mizzen Latter part the same |
Tuesday 30th October |
Fore part strong gales from the East NorthEast heading North sett Main Staysail Middle part the same Latter part wore Ship heading SouthEast So Ends |
Wednesday 1st |
Fore part strong gales from the East NorthEast at 6 PM wore Ship sett fore topsail heading North So Ends |
Thursday 2nd |
Fore part moderate set fore and main topgallant middle parte? Heading East NorthEast by the Wind Later part Strong Breeze So Ends |
Friday 3th |
Forpart Strong Breeze & fine Weather Heading East By the Wind Mid & Later Calm So Ends |
Page 96 | |
Bound into Port | |
October | 1828 |
Saturday 4th |
Forepart pleasant breeze heading East by the Wind Mid & Later the same |
Sunday 5th |
Forepart heading SouthEast By the Wind Mid part tack Ship Heading N Later -- the same |
Monday 6th |
Forepart heading North Mid the Same Later part tack Ship heading EastSouthEast So Ends |
Tuesday 7th |
Forepart fine Weather Employed in repairing Sails Mid Part took in fore & Main Top Gallant. Sails Later part strong Breeze set? -- the Main Top Gallant Sail So Ends |
Wednesday 8th |
Forepart A Strong Breeze -- Fine Weather Mid part Heading SouthEast By East By the wind Later part squally -- heading SouthSouthEast So Ends |
Thursday 9th |
Forepart Strong Breeze & squally Mid & Later the Same So Ends |
Friday 10th |
Forepart strong Breeze & fine Weather At 6 PM took in Sail Mid part the Same Later part Made Sail at 10 AM Saw the Land (Sandwich Islands) saw 2 Brigs a Head standing in So Ends |
Saturday 11th |
Forepart fine Weather running down for Woa Loa? At 6 PM Saw it Mid the Sam took in Sail & wore round Later part the Same Standing into wards the Barr So Ends |
Sunday 12th |
Forepart fine weather at 2 PM came to anchor outside the Barr the Capt went on Shore Mid part the Same Later part calm got Towed inside the Harbour in company with the Hector -- Capt Horton? |
Page 97 | |
In Port | |
October | 1828 |
Monday 13th |
Forepart fine Weather Moored the Ship Mid & Later the Same |
Tuesday 14th |
Forepart Breaking out Oil in the Main Hatch Mid part the Same Later part coopering & stowing down The Origon Sailed in Company with the Pacific of Nantucket So Ends |
Wednesday 15th |
Forepart coopering & Stowing down the Ship Enterprise of Nantucket sailed Bound home full Mid & Later the same |
Thursday 16th |
Forepart fine Weather Mid part the Same Later part coopering & stowing down the Fawn of London England -- Bound home in Company with the Dauphin of Nantucket Capt Hussey bound home full So Ends |
Friday 17th |
Forepart pleasant Weather Employed in Coopering & stowing down Oil Middle part fine Weather Later part -- breaking out Starboard side Fore So Ends |
Saturday 18th |
Fore part stowing down and blacking the bends Larboard side Middle part the Partridge of London and Phenix came to anchor So Ends |
Sunday 19th |
Fore part coopering & stowing down Main Hatchway Middle part the same Latter part all hands on shore A Ship & A Brig came to anchor outside |
Monday 20th |
Fore part strong trades Middle part the same Latter part two Ships came to the Bar So Ends |
Page 98 | |
In Port | |
October | 1828 |
Tuesday 21st |
Fore part stowing down Main hatchway at 6 PM began to break out in the fore hold Larboard side John Palmer standing off & on Latter part stowing aft Main Hatchway So Ends |
Wednesday 22nd |
Fore part strong winds the Ann of Nantucket & the Perseverience of London out side finished Main hatchway broke out fore hold Larboard side Aft Latter part stowing down So Ends |
Thursday 23th |
Fore part finished stowing down Larboard side Ann & John Palmer left Menuiri gave A feast to day to the Natives Latter part towed in the Hope of New Bedford broke out Starboard side aft employed stowing down & blacking the bends So Ends |
Friday 24th |
Fore part stowing down scraping Ship outside Middle part stowing down towed in the Young Phenix Brig Active So Ends |
Saturday 25th |
Fore part towed in the Diana finished stowing down and washed off Latter part the Sarah of Nantucket came to the Barr towed in the Victory |
Page 99 | |
In Port | |
October | 1828 |
Sunday 26th |
Fore part washing the Ship outside Latter part all hands on shore So Ends |
Monday 27th |
Fore part on shore Latter part the same So Ends |
Tuesday 28th |
Fore part on shore Latter part the same So Ends On Board |
Wednesday 29th |
Fore part on shore Middle the same Latter So Ends |
Thursday 30th |
Fore part on shore Middle the same Latter So Ends |
Friday 31st |
Fore part on shore Latter part the same So Ends |
Saturday 1st November |
Fore part on shore Latter part the same So Ends |
Sunday 2nd |
Fore part on shore Latter part the same So Ends On Board |
Monday 3th |
Fore part setting up Shooks for water Latter part So Ends |
Tuesday 4th |
Fore part setting up Shooks Latter part the same So Ends |
Wednesday 5th |
Fore part sent A raft on shore Latter part sett up 4 Shooks more So Ends |
Thursday 6th |
Fore part one watch on shore and filling water Latter part the same So Ends |
Friday 7th |
Fore part took A raft of water on board Latter part stowing it away So Ends |
Saturday 8th |
Fore part filling water Latter part took it on board So Ends |
Page 100 | |
In Port | |
November | 1828 |
Sunday 9th |
Fore part all redy for Sea Latter the same So Ends |
Monday 10th |
Fore part towed in the Sultan of Boston Princess Mary of London Superior New London Reaper Nantucket Latter part Young Phenix went out at 10 AM took our anchor and came out Clarkson Nantucket Tuscan of London ar lying out side Left in company with the Young Phenix So Ends On Board |
Tuesday 11th |
Fore part cleaning up the decks & lashing the Anchors Young Phenix 4 miles ahead under single reefed topsails at 3 PM came up with her at Sun sett she was 2 miles astern hauled up the Mainsail double reefed the topsails at 1/2 past 7 PM backed the Mizen topsail Middle part light winds braced forward took in the Jib at 12 AM heavy squalls from the East NorthEast steering SouthEast at 2 AM furled the Mainsail Latter part sett the Main Staysail at 11 AM sett the Mainsail and Jib So Ends |
Wednesday 12th |
Fore part under Mowhee shook the reefs out of the Main topsail and sett Main top Gallant Sail and Spanker at 4 PM Capt Chase went onboard of the Young Phenix to tea Middle part Capt came on board Latter part light wind Owhyhee in sight So Ends |
Page 101 | |
Under Owhyhee | |
November | 1828 |
Thursday 13th |
Fore part light wind bent the Fly Jib all sail out Young Phenix off the Starboard beam steering East wind SouthWest Middle part lost sight of the Young Phenix A sail off the Larboard bow calm land in sight Latter part steering NorthEast |
Friday 14th |
Fore part calm steering NorthEast wind West Middle part close under the land laid aback off Kirnuah? Capt went on shore So Ends |
Saturday 15th |
Fore part boats came off with goats and potatoes Middle part standing off and on Latter part getting goats and potatoes So Ends |
Sunday 16th |
Fore part getting potatoes and Cocoa Nuts at 10 AM boats came on board Middle part standing off Latter part light winds off Khilua So Ends |
Monday 17th |
Fore part the same Middle and Latter part standing along under the Island of Hawaii off Toehi Bay sent A boat on shore two Ships in sight coming down the Channel So Ends |
Tuesday 18th |
Fore part light winds from the West NorthWest stood off & on at 9 PM the came on board from Byrons Bay the Warren of London 28 Months out 1300? Bbls & the Fox Hound of London 13 Months out 1600 bbls Latter part wind East steering North NorthEast by the wind fetched out of the Channell to windward of Mowhee So Ends |
Page 102 | |
Bound of Shore | |
November | 1828 |
Wednesday 19th |
Fore part strong trades under double reefed Topsails saw Black Fish & Cow Fish at Sun sett A Brig off the lee Latter part strong winds |
Thursday 20th |
Fore part strong wind from the East SouthEast steering NorthEast Middle part squally of rain and wind Latter part more moderate So Ends |
Friday 21st |
Fore part fine wind from the Eastward steering North NorthEast sett Jib Spanker & Main Top Gallant Sail Latter part lett out the reefs out of the topsails |
Saturday 22nd |
Fore part fine wind from the NorthEast steering North NorthWest Main Top Gallant Sail out Latter part made all sail tacked Ship |
Sunday 23th |
Fore part tacked Ship heading North NorthWest wind NorthEast strong wind took in Top Gallant Sails double reefed topsails squalls of rain Latter part the same heading North By East So Ends |
Page 103 | |
Bound in Shore | |
November | 1828 |
Monday 24th |
Fore part strong wind sent down the Royal Masts and took in Waist Boat Middle part more moderate Latter part sett all sail unbent & mended Jib unbent Flying Jib So Ends |
Tuesday 25th |
Fore part fine wind from the East SouthEast steering NorthEast Middle part the same Latter part making Riers saw nothing So Ends |
Wednesday 26th |
Fore part fine wind from the East SouthEast steering NorthEast making Riers Saw nothing So Ends |
Thursday 27th |
Fore part fine wind all sail out making Jimmeys? Course East By North Latter part squalls of rain fine weather again So Ends |
Friday 28th |
Fore part fine weather course East wind SouthSouthEast Middle part the same Latter part wind West By South |
Saturday 29th |
Fore part A shift of wind to the North NorthWest steering NorthEast with squalls of rain & wind double reefed the Topsails Middle part took in the Main sail sett Main Staysail Latter part sett Main sail took in Main Staysail under fore topsail bent the other So Ends |
Sunday 30th |
Fore part strong gales from the North NorthEast steering East Middle part the same Latter part wind shifted to the North NorthWest with squalls of rain double reefed Fore & Mizzen Top |
Page 104 | |
Bound to the Maria Islands | |
December | 1828 |
Monday 1st Dec |
Fore part strong gales under double reefed topsails Latter part the same So Ends |
Tuesday 2nd |
Fore part more moderate shook out the reefs & sett Main Top Gallant Sail at 5 PM saw a large Sperm Whale 9 points off the weather bow Latter part the same So Ends |
Wednesday 3th |
Fore part light wind from the East Middle part the Latter part making Jimmeys? So Ends |
Thursday 4th |
Fore part light wind from the NorthEast making Jimmey Middle part calm Latter part broke out for ??? Started meat making Jimmeys? So Ends |
Friday 5th |
Fore part light wind and flattering? Repairing barrells Latter part making Jimmeys? And mending Main sail So Ends |
Saturday 6th |
Fore part light wind from NorthEast heading EastSouthEast Middle part wind West Latter part making Jimmeys? Repairing Fore topsail So Ends |
Sunday 7th |
Fore part light wind from the NorthWest course East Middle part the same Latter part wind North NorthEast course East |
Page 105 | |
Bound in Shore | |
December | 1828 |
Monday 8th |
Fore part fresh wind from the NorthEast By North steering East By South Middle part light wind Latter part saw two Hump Back Whales employed making Jimmeys? & mending Waist boat So Ends |
Tuesday 9th |
Fore part light winds from the East SouthEast steering NorthEast Middle part the same Latter light wind from the South painting Waist boat making Jimmeys So Ends |
Wednesday 10th |
Fore part caught A Sun? Fish steering East NorthEast light wind Middle part the same sett Fore Topmast Studding Sail Latter part making Jimmeys So Ends |
Thursday 11th |
Fore part fine breeze from the South By East Middle part the same Latter part the same So Ends |
Friday 12th |
Fore part fresh wind from the East NorthEast heading North took in top gallant Sails & waist boat Latter part heading NorthWest tacked Ship heading East by South |
Saturday 13th |
Fore part sett Main Top Gallant Sail heading SouthEast Latter part the same So Ends |
Page 106 | |
Bound to the Maria Islands | |
December | 1828 |
Sunday 14th |
Fore part fresh wind from the North heading East NorthEast Latter part tore Mizzen Topsail unbent it & mended it So Ends |
Monday 15th |
Fore part fine wind from the North NorthEast heading East Middle part steering NorthEast by East Latter part making Jimmeys |
Tuesday 16th |
Fore part saw A school of Black Fish & A Sun Fish light wind heading East By North Middle part the same Latter part watch employed picking Oakam making Jimmey |
Wednesday 17th |
Fore part light wind & variable steering NorthEast Middle part the same Latter part Watch employed picking Oakum and fitting Main riggin Larboard Side So Ends On Board |
Thursday 18th |
Fore part fine weather light wind from the Northward steering East NorthEast Middle part calm Latter part light wind from the Westward saw two Sail off the lee quarter & on the weather bow |
Friday 19th |
Fore part course NorthEast light breeze from the West Middle part the same Latter part fine wind from the North NorthWest fitting leading blocks on the fore riggin So Ends On Board |
Page 107 | |
Journal | |
December | 1828 |
Saturday 20th |
Fore part wind North NorthWest course NorthEast Middle part the same Latter part light wind So Ends |
Sunday 21st |
Fore part light wind from the Southward couse East By North Middle part cool Latter part wind North NorthWest course East saw two Fin Backs |
Monday 22nd Main Land in sight |
Fore part wind from the North NorthWest course East at 1/2 past 1 PM sett Fore Topmast Studding Sail 6 knot breeze Latter part sett Main Top Gallant Studding Sail So Ends land in sight |
Tuesday 23th |
Fore part course SouthEast wind NorthWest Latter part the same raised A large Sperm Whale lowered chased him untill Sun down So Ends |
Wednesday 24th |
Fore part fine wind from the NorthWest course SouthEast took in the Studd Sails Main Sail & fore top Gallant Sail Latter part sett Studding Sails So Ends |
Thursday 25th |
Fore part calm fitting Royal Masts & Yards saw Dog Fish & Sharks round the Ship Latter part under the Island of Gaudaloupe So Ends |
Friday 26th |
Fore part the same Middle part light wind from the NorthWest Latter sent up Main Royal So Ends |
Saturday 27th |
Fore part fine wind from the North NorthWest lost sight of Gaudaloupe steering SouthEast took in light sails Latter part saw Breaches So Ends |
Page 108 | |
Journal | |
December | 1828 |
Sunday 28th |
Fore part fine wind from the NorthWest Land in sight off the weather beam steering East at 4 PM put off SouthEast By East Middle part took in light Sails Latter part made all sail So Ends |
Monday 29th |
Fore part fine wind from the NorthWest course SouthEast at 6 PM took in Studding sails & fore and Mizzen top gallant Sails & Main Royal Latter part all sail out saw Fin Backs So Ends |
Tuesday 30th |
Fore part fine weather Studding Sails out plenty Black Fish & porpoise Latter part land in sight on the Larboard beam So Ends |
Wednesday 31st |
Fore part fine wind from the North NorthEast course East Middle part calm plenty of Hump Backs in sight at 12 PM off Cape St Lucas So Ends this Year 1828 on board the Good Ship Plough Boy Thirteen Hundred Barrells 17 Months & 8 days out |
Page 109 | |
Plough Boy Jan 1st | |
January | 1829 |
Thursday 1st |
Fore part calm took in Studding Sails Middle Part the same Latter part saw Black Fish So Ends |
Friday 2nd |
Fore part light wind from the North course East Middle part the same Latter part saw Fin Backs So Ends |
Saturday 3th |
Fore part fine wind from the North course East at 6 PM took in light sails Middle part at 4 AM raised the Maria Islands Latter part two boats on shore getting wood |
Sunday 4th |
Fore part fine wind from the North NorthWest at 4 PM got off two boats load of Spanish Cedar Middle part standing off and on Latter part caught two Turtle So Ends |
Monday 5th |
Fore part light wind from the North caught one Turtle saw A school of Sea Dogs and plenty of Turtle Middle part the same Latter part two boats on shore after wood So Ends |
Tuesday 6th |
Fore part got two boats load of wood on board at 7 PM got two more boat load of wood Latter part two boats on shore after wood So Ends |
Page 110 | |
Maria Islands | |
January | 1829 |
Wednesday 7th |
Fore part stowing away wood & got off two boat loads Middle part at 8 PM got two boat loads more and A large Spar Latter part standing round to the leeward of the Islands got up Flour & stowed away wood So Ends |
Thursday 8th |
Fore part light wind two boats on shore after wood at 6 PM came on board with Lignumvitea standing off & on under three Topsails Latter part got one boat load more of wood So Ends On Board |
Friday 9th |
Fore part got off two boat load of wood Middle part left course South By West wind North Latter part light wind and calm cutting and sawing up wood So Ends |
Saturday 10th |
Fore part fine wind from the West SouthWest steering South stowing away wood and wetting hold all sail out Middle part course South 1/2 East Latter part course South SouthEast wind NorthWest saw Hump Backs & Turtle So Ends |
Sunday 11th |
Fore part fine wind from the North NorthWest course South SouthEast at 6 PM took in Top Gallant Studding Sail Latter part sett it So Ends |
Page 111 | |
Journal | |
January | 1829 |
Monday 12th |
Fore part calm at 6 PM A fine wind West course SouthEast Middle part wind SouthWest Latter part at 10 AM caught aback in A heavy squall of wind & rain clewed up all sail & put off before it So Ends |
Tuesday 13th |
Fore part more moderate sett Top sails & Main Top Gallant Sail at 6 PM wind NorthWest Middle part cloudy Latter part heavy squalls of wind & rain took in Top Gallant Sails & clewed down all three Topsails and hauled out the riggin So Ends |
Wednesday 14th |
Fore part strong wind & rain reefed topsails Middle part the same Latter part more moderate So Ends |
Thursday 15th |
Fore part fine wind NorthEast course SouthEast Latter part the same So Ends |
Friday 16th |
Fore part fine wind NorthEast course East SouthEast Middle part the Latter part making Cordage |
Saturday 17th |
Fore part wind East NorthEast course SouthEast Middle part the same Latter part strong wind East NorthEast course SE |
Page 112 | |
Journal | |
January | 1829 |
Sunday 18th |
Fore part strong wind from the East NorthEast course SouthEast all sail out making Lance Warp(?) to day Latter part light wind |
Monday 19th |
Fore part fine weather Middle part the same Latter heading South SouthEast So Ends |
Tuesday 20th |
Fore part fine wind from the East By South steering SouthEast by South Middle part squally of at wind & rain took in Top Gallant Sails Latter part the same |
Wednesday 21st |
Fore part squally Top Gallant Sails out at 7 AM took them in Middle part calm Latter part at 10 AM sent down Main Top Gallant Sails stepping new cloth in it So Ends |
Thursday 22nd |
Fore part light wind East SouthEast steering NorthEast repairing Main Top Gallant Sail Middle part rainy Latter part mending Main Top Gallant Sail etc. |
Friday 23th |
Fore part fine wind from the East NorthEast steering SouthEast bent Main Top Gallant Sail Middle part the same Latter part squally So Ends |
Saturday 24th |
Fore part squally Middle part wind South SouthWest steering East Latter part squally So Ends |
Page 113 | |
Journal | |
January | 1829 |
Sunday 25th |
Fore part fine wind from the South SouthEast steering East Middle part the same Latter part fresh wind from the South steering East SouthEast So Ends |
Monday 26th |
Fore part took in Fly Jib fresh breezes from the South steering East SouthEast Middle part the same Latter part the same So Ends |
Tuesday 27th |
Fore part fine wind from the South SouthWest steering SouthEast all sail out Middle part the same Latter part saw white Water off the weather beam tacked Ship saw it no more So Ends |
Wednesday 28th |
Fore part fine wind SouthWest steering South SouthEast at 5 PM raised Wenman Is one of the Gallipagos Islands Middle part the same Latter part Another Island off the weather bow at 10 AM another 2 points off the weather bow So Ends |
Thursday 29th |
Fore part light wind from the South steering East SouthEast Latter part Albemarle in sight & Redendo Rock So Ends |
Friday 30th |
Fore part fine weather two boats went(?) & fishing Middle part all hands blowing her out on Chowder |
Page 114 | |
Gallipagos Islands | |
January | 1829 |
Saturday 31st |
Fore part light wind from the West SouthWest heading South Middle part the same Latter part the same |
Sunday 1st |
Fore part fine weather saw Black Fish lowered and got one Larboard Boat cut him in Middle part the same Latter part plying to windward So Ends |
Monday 2nd |
Fore part fine weather at 5 PM spoke the Kingston of Nantucket 50 bbl Capt Sherman 6 Months out Latter part boats gone & fishing So Ends |
Tuesday 3th |
Fore part foggy saw a Ship Middle part spoke her the Zenas Coffin of Nant Capt Joy 100 bbl 6 months out Middle part Capt Chase on board of them Latter part left them off the weather quarters(?) saw Fin backs So Ends |
Wednesday 4th |
Fore part fine weather wind South SouthEast steering SouthWest consort off the weather quarter Middle part standing boat watches Latter part A Ship off the lee beam So Ends |
Thursday 5th |
Fore part fine wind from the South SouthEast repairing the Foresail light squalls of rain Middle part the same Latter part the same So Ends |
Page 115 | |
S P B Journal Off Shore | |
February | 1829 |
Friday 6th |
Fore part fitting Foresail Ship off the lee quarter light squalls Latter part saw nothing So Ends |
Saturday 7th |
Fore part light wind from the SouthEast steering South SouthWest Middle part finished repairing the Foresail Latter part the same So Ends |
Sunday 8th |
Fore part fine breeze from the EastSouthEast steering South A squall aft wind and rain broke out the Fore hold ???? Water Latter part clear So Ends |
Monday 9th |
Fore part light wind steering NorthWest Middle part saw Sail 4 points off the lee bow at 11 AM saw Breach off the lee bow So Ends |
Tuesday 10th |
Fore part A fine whole sail breeze at 4 PM run down and spoke the Zenas Coffin Capt Joy Middle part she left us laid aback for the night quarter watches Latter part course West SouthWest So Ends |
Wednesday 11th |
Fore part course NorthEast By North at 6 PM shortened sail 4 watches Middle part made sail at Sun rise saw A Sail off the lee bow at 1/2 past 2 AM raised A Whale lowered and could not fasten |
Page 116 | |
S P Boy Off Shore | |
February | 1829 |
Thursday 12th |
Fore part lowered and chased him again in company with the Minerva of Bedford Capt __________ 13 months out 250 bbls Latter part came on board |
Friday 13th |
Fore part fitting Topsail? Tyes Middle part saw Whales chased but could not get on Latter part spoke the Brig So Ends |
Saturday 14th |
Fore part fine wind Middle part boarded the Brig Latter part saw Whales lowered & chased them could not get on Came on board |
Sunday 15th S Boat |
Fore part chasing Whales with the Ship at 6 PM lowered away and got fast at 9 PM took A 50 bbl Whale alongside at 6 AM began to cut him in Whales in sight So Ends |
Monday 16th L Boat |
Fore part finished cutting in cleared up the Decks Whales in sight at 1/2 past 5 PM lowered away and got one Whale at 1/2 past 6 PM took him alongside took in sail boiling head Middle part began to cut in still boiling Latter part finished cutting still boiling |
Page 117 | |
S P B Journal | |
February | 1829 |
Tuesday 17th |
Fore part at 3 PM lowered away after Whales but they went off to windward at 6 PM boiling head Middle part boiling boddy Latter part the same So Ends |
Wednesday 18th L & W Boat |
Fore part strong winds at 1 PM saw A large school of Whales at 3 PM lowered away and got 2 at 5 PM took them alongside Middle part finished boiling Latter part began to cut in at 1/2 past 11 AM finished cutting So Ends Whales in sight |
Thursday 19th |
Fore part cleared away the heads and began to boil A large school of Whales ahead 4 miles off at Sun sett Middle part boiling boddy Latter part squally of rain standing to the Eastward So Ends |
Friday 20th |
Fore part still boiling squally standing to the Soutward & Westward Middle part at 3 AM finished boiling Latter part strong wind & squally washed off the decks So Ends |
Saturday 21st |
Fore part breaking out the After hold Starboard side Fore coopering and stowing down strong wind East heading South SouthEast under double reefed topsails Latter part the same So Ends On Board |
Page 118 | |
S P B Journal | |
February | 1829 |
Sunday 22nd |
Fore part stowing down in the After hold Larboard side Fore at 6 PM finished and stowed Off Middle part doing nothing So Ends On Board |
Monday 23th |
Fore part all sail out heading East NorthEast fine wind at 6 PM took in Top Gallant Sails A Sail 4 points off the weather bow Latter part squally aft rain So Ends |
Tuesday 24th |
Forepart fine weather repairing Cask and fitting Waist Pump Middle part shortened sail Latter part made all sail So Ends |
Wednesday 25th |
Fore part squally at 6 PM took in sail heading South SouthWest Larboard tacks aboard Latter part at 7 AM raised A school of Whales off the weather beam lowered away could not get on came onboard So Ends |
Thursday 26th |
Fore part lowered away & got one took him alongside at 6 PM cut him & began to boil Middle part the same Latter part squally of rain double reefed topsails course West SouthWest |
Page 119 | |
Journal | |
February | 1829 |
Friday 27th |
Fore part squalls of rain put the Awning over the try-works at 6 PM luffed to the wind Latter part at 10 AM finished boiling and wet hold So Ends |
Saturday 28th |
Fore part course North saw black Fish lowered and got one at 9 PM luffed to the Southward Middle part squalls of wind and rain Latter part lowered after Black Fish got none boiling out our Fish So Ends |
Sunday 1st |
Fore part wore Ship standing to the Eastward Middle part the same Latter part sett Mainsail So Ends |
Monday 2nd |
Fore part strong wind steering NorthEast Middle part the same Latter part breaking out the Fore Peak So Ends |
Tuesday 3th |
Fore part finished breaking out the Fore peak and began to stow down Middle part knocked off Latter part stowing down So Ends |
Page 120 | |
Journal | |
March | 1829 |
Wednesday 4th |
Fore part at 6 PM finished stowing down and washed off course North squalls of rain Middle part the same Latter part standing whole watches So Ends |
Thursday 5th |
Fore part wind SouthEast course NorthWest with squall of rain Middle part the same Latter part fine weather repairing Cask So Ends |
Friday 6th |
Fore part fine weather repairing Cask sent down and mended Mizzen Top Gallant Sail and sent it up again at 6 PM saw Fin Backs Latter part repairing cask plenty fish round the Ship So Ends |
Saturday 7th |
Fore part wind SouthEast course North NorthWest at 1/2 past 4 PM William Blair fell from the Fore Topsail Yard and was drowned lowered the Larboard Boat but saw nothing of him Latter part saw Black Fish got none So Ends |
Sunday 8th |
Fore part fine weather at 6 PM saw Whales Sun sett Latter part saw Porpoises So Ends |
Page 121 | |
Journal | |
March | 1829 |
Monday 9th |
Fore part fine weather course NorthWest? Wind SouthEast Middle part the same Latter part at 6 AM raised A school of Sperm Whales lowered and got two Waist boat stove So Ends |
Tuesday 10th Latt North |
Fore part cut them in at 4 PM saw A dead Whale off the weather bow took him alongside and cut him in at the same time A large school of Whales off the lee beam lowered and got one after Sun down Latter part cut him in boiling at 9 AM saw another dead Whale took him alongside So Ends |
Wednesday 11th |
Fore part cut him in wore Ship heading South By West still boiling Middle part the same Latter part breaking out the Fore hold ground tier? So Ends |
Thursday 12th |
Forepart saw A large school of Whales lowered away & got one alongside at 7 PM Middle part boiling squalls of rain Latter part cut him in So Ends |
Friday 13th |
Fore part finished boiling washed off the Decks began to boil again at 5 PM finished boiling wind SouthEast course SouthWest Middle part coopered and washed off the decks Latter part couse West NorthWest wind East NorthEast So Ends |
Page 122 | |
Journal S P B | |
March | 1829 |
Saturday 14th |
Fore part fine wind East NorthEast course West NorthWest broke out between decks for water and wet holds Middle part squally Latter part squalls of rain So Ends |
Sunday 15th |
Fore part squally of rain wind East course West Middle part the same Latter part fine weather So Ends |
Monday 16th |
Fore part fine weather wind NorthWest steering West SouthWest Middle part the same Latter part squally off rain mending Spanker So Ends |
Tuesday 17th |
Fore part finished the Spanker and bent it wind West SouthWest steering NorthWest by North Middle part the same Latter part coopering and stowing down in the Fore hold Starboard side So Ends course SouthWest |
Page 123 | |
Journal | |
March | 1829 |
Wednesday 18th |
Fore part fine weather course West SouthWest light brese from the South East Latter part the same scraped the bands? And began to stow down So Ends Error per Contra 17 th? |
Thursday 19th |
Fore part light wind from the NorthEast course SouthWest at 6 PM finished stowing down Latter part repairing Cask So Ends |
Friday 20th 1600 bbl 50 W |
Fore part made boat lag Middle part wind SouthEast course West NorthWest Latter part squally saw Whales lowered and got one So Ends |
Saturday 21st |
Fore part fine weather course NorthWest wind NorthEast boiling head Middle part boiling boddy Latter part finished boiling So ends |
Sunday 22nd |
Fore part NorthEast trades sett topmast and top Gallant ???? studding sail making tri??? Latter part sett lowest Studding sail So Ends |
Monday 23th |
Fore part took in lower studding sail Middle sett it Latter part coopering Oil Fore Hold Larboard side Fore So Ends |
Page 124 | |
Bound to the Sandwich Islands | |
March | 1829 |
Tuesday 24th |
Fore part stowing down at 6 PM knocked off Middle part squally Latter part stowing down So Ends |
Wednesday 25th |
Fore part at 6 PM finished stowing down and washed off the decks A heavy thunder squall clewed up all sail at 8 PM more moderate double reefed fore & main topsails Middle part more moderate Latter part all sail out So Ends |
Thursday 26th |
Fore part strong wind NorthEast course West NorthWest Middle part took in fore top gallant Sail and shifted Main Topsail wet hold Latter part Ship Made considerable water mending Main Topsail So Ends |
Friday 27th |
Fore part Ship makes less water course West NorthWest strong NorthEast trades Middle part the same Latter part unbent and mended Fore topgallant Sail and bent it again So Ends |
Saturday 28th |
Fore part strong trades course West NorthWest Middle part the same Latter part unbent the Old Mizzen Top Gallant sail & bent the New one So Ends On Board |
Page 125 | |
Bound to the Islands | |
March | 1829 |
Sunday 29th |
Fore part strong trades course West NorthWest took in Waist boat Fore and Mizzen Top Gallant sail and Fore topmast Studding sail Middle part sett it Latter part the same |
Monday 30th |
Fore part strong trades course West NorthWest Middle part took in top Gallant sail Latter part sett them So Ends On Board |
Tuesday 31st |
Fore part more moderate all sail out picking Oakum course West By North Middle part the same Latter part starting meat and bread |
Wednesday 1st |
Fore part fresh trades course West NorthWest shifted Mizzen Top sail and Jib Middle part the same Latter part mending Waist Boat |
Thursday 2nd |
Fore part light wind and squally picked Oakum Middle part fine weather Latter part all hands moved forward So Ends Latt 18:51 Long 144 |
Friday 3th |
Fore part course West NorthWest all sail out Middle part wind East Latter part making Riers And picking Oakum So Ends |
Page 126 | |
Bound in to Port | |
April | 1829 |
Saturday 4th |
Fore part wind East course West shifted Foresail and Fore Topsail Middle Part the same Latter part fitting riggin |
Sunday 5th |
Fore part course West 1/2 South wind East SouthEast fitting riggin and making Riers Middle part fine weather Latter part sett lower Studding Sail So Ends On Board |
Monday 6th |
Fore part wind East course West By South Middle part the same Latter part washing the Ship inside So Ends |
Tuesday 7th |
Fore part light wind and squally from the East course West By South at 5 PM raised Owhyhee Middle part luffed two? Latter part Mowhee in sight So End On Board |
Wednesday 8th |
Fore part bent the Cables at 5 PM came to anchor at Mowhee Middle part Ships at anchor here Pacific of Halifax Pocahontas of Falmouth Trident Balena? And Persia of Bedford Latter Trident left for Oahu caulking Ship |
Page 127 | |
Mowhee | |
April | 1829 |
Thursday 9th |
Fore part caulking Ship and setting up Shooks At 4 PM the Zenas Coffin came to anchor Latter part the Pocahontas and Balena? Left So Ends |
Friday 10th |
Fore part caulking setting up Shooks Sent A raft of Cask on shore for water calm. Latter part got off A raft of water So Ends this day On Board |
Saturday 11th |
Fore part fresh wind sent A raft of Cask on shore for water at 4 PM got it off and setting up Shooks Latter part the same So Ends |
Sunday 12th |
Fore part strong gales from the North NorthEast at 10 AM the Pocahontas struck adrift setting up Pipe Shooks At 6 PM washed off the decks and paid out more Chain Latter part the same So Ends |
Monday 13th |
Forepart boats crew on shore Pocahontas lost one of her Anchors Latter part at 10 AM 4 Sail in sight So Ends getting pumpkins |
Tuesday 14th |
Fore part the Lydia of Natucket the Chelsea of New London and the America of Nantucket came to anchor Latter part blacked the bends Larboard side |
Page 128 | |
Sandwich Islands A D | |
April | 1829 |
Wednesday 15th |
Fore part stowing down water and caulking Latter part sent A raft of cask for water and righting the Ship So Ends |
Thursday 16th |
Fore part got A raft of water off hoisted it in heeling Ship Starboard side Pocahontas left for Oahu Latter part Starboard boat crew on shore caulking So Ends |
Friday 17th |
Fore part finished caulking and blacking the bends Latter part stowing down water So Ends |
Saturday 18th |
Fore part stowing down water at 4 PM finished and washed off the decks Latter part the same So Ends On Board |
Sunday 19th |
Fore part fitting bow sprit Getting A raft of water strong current against us got it alongside at 8 PM Latter part watch on shore So Ends |
Monday 20th |
Fore part the same watch on shore Latter part the same So Ends |
Tuesday 21st |
Fore part blacked the Chains Middle part varnished the waist Latter part the same So Ends |
Page 129 | |
Sandwich Islands | |
April | 1829 |
Wednesday 22nd |
Fore part trading for pumpkins potatoes and Cabbage watermelons and mussmelons Latter part at 6 AM got under way for Oahu course West NorthWest wind North NorthEast So Ends |
Thursday 23th |
Fore part strong wind took in top Gallant sails at 7 PM off Diamond Hill under three topsails A Schooner off the lee beam Latter part Capt went on shore Ship standing off and on So Ends |
Friday 24th Oahu - Left |
Fore part the W L Packet went out at 7 PM left in company with her wind North NorthEast course West NorthWest Latter part raised Atooi Packet 4 miles astern |
Saturday 25th |
Fore part wind North course West at 2 PM raised Onehow? Saw Sail in Wiamaiah ran down to Onehow Packet ran in to Wiamaah spoke the Constitution and both stood out to the westward Latter part A sail astern Shifted boat So Ends |
Sunday 26th |
Fore part tacked Ship and spoke her the Zone Capt Bunker 16 months out 1700 bbl wind North course NorthWest Middle part in company strong wind Latter part split Main Topsail bent the other one So Ends |
Page 130 | |
Journal Ship P Boy | |
April | 1829 |
Monday 27th |
Fore part strong gales under single reefed Topsails furled the mainsail Middle part more moderate Latter part sett Mainsail and Main Top Gallant Sail Zone off the weather beam |
Tuesday 28th |
Fore part mending Starboard boat and Mizzen Topsail at 6 PM spoke the Zone wind East NorthEast course North by the wind Latter part the same |
Wednesday 29th |
Fore part fine weather Middle part raised 4 Ships to windward Latter part mending Main Topsail So Ends |
Thursday 30th |
Fore part shifted Mizzen Topsail sent down Mizzen Top Yard unbent Fly Jib wind NorthEast course NorthWest Zone off the lee beam Middle part the same Latter part mending sails |
Friday 1st |
Fore part Zone raised Whales got one we lowered got none Middle part laid aback for the Night Fore part course SouthWest So Ends On Board |
Page 131 | |
Journal | |
May | 1829 |
Saturday 2nd |
Fore part mending Sails course West wind East NorthEast standing boat watches Latter part mending Mainsail So Ends |
Sunday 3th |
Fore part wind NorthEast course West bent the Mainsail Middle part boat watches Latter part saw Jumpers? So Ends |
Monday 4th |
Fore part course SouthWest wind East Middle part standing whole watches Latter part mending Waist Boat |
Tuesday 5th |
Fore part fine breeze from the Southward steering to the West SouthWest A Ship off the weather beam Latter part mending Waist Boat wind North NorthWest course SouthWest |
Wednesday 6th |
Fore part wind North NorthWest course West SouthWest mending Waist boat at 10 AM saw Whales lowered got fast & got none |
Page 132 | |
On Japan | |
May | 1829 |
Thursday 7th |
Fore part steering SouthEast saw A breach ahead 4 watches Latter part saw porpoises and breaches So Ends |
Friday 8th |
Fore part fine weather wind East course Northward at 6 PM shortened Sail at day light A school off the lee beam lowered and got three Latter part cut them in |
Saturday 9th |
Fore part saw A large Whale lowered and chased him until Sun down Middle part began to boil Latter part saw Fin backs So Ends |
Sunday 10th |
Fore part boiling boddy starting Flour and Tow Lines Latter part finished boiling and washed off A sail in sight |
Monday 11th |
Fore part Ship to windward cutting in at 7 PM shortened sail steering NorthEast Latter part setting up Shooks Strong winds from the NorthEast saw Breaches So Ends |
Tuesday 12th |
Fore part wind NorthEast at Sun sett took in fore topsail double reefed Main and Mizen Latter part wore Ship |
Page 133 | |
On Japan | |
May | 1829 |
Wednesday 13th |
Fore part under double reefed topsails at 7 PM wore Ship steering North & West wind NorthEast Latter part stowing down in the after hold Larboard side Aft So Ends |
Thursday 14th |
Fore part saw Fin Backs at 7 PM finished stowing down laid with the head Yards aback for the Night Latter part braced forward mending sails flagging aft thwarts? |
Friday 15th |
Fore part sent up Mizzen Top Gallant Yard all sail out whole watches Latter part rainy So Ends |
Saturday 16th |
Fore part strong wind from the Eastward course West NorthWest Latter part the same So Ends |
Sunday 17th |
Fore part wind East NorthEast course SouthWest at 6 PM course West sett Studding sail whole watches Latteer part the same So Ends |
Page 134 | |
On The Meridian | |
May | 1829 |
Monday 18th |
Fore part at 1/2 past 6 PM saw A large school of Whales lowered and struck it one after Sun sett parted the line at 8 PM came on board laid aback heading NorthEast Latter part wore Ship saw Jumpers made 4 Riefs So End |
Tuesday 19th |
Fore part strong winds took in Top Gallant sails Middle part single reefed topsails at 12 PM took in Fore sail? Fore? And Mizzen Top sail double reefed the Main wind NorthWest heading SouthWest Latter part made sail heavy swell? From the West |
Wednesday 20th |
Fore part saw Breaches to leeward wind NorthWest course SouthWest by South Latter part more moderate So Ends saw A Fin back |
Thursday 21st |
Fore part course West wind NorthEast saw A Fin back sent down Main Top Gallant Yard fitted and sent it up Latter part sent down the fore Top Gallant Yard and fitted it So Ends On Board |
Page 135 | |
East Longitude | |
May | 1829 |
Friday 22nd |
Fore part sent up fore Top Gallant Yard Middle part wind NorthEast course NorthWest Latter part the same So Ends |
Saturday 23th |
Fore part fine weather wind South course West SouthWest Middle part the same Latter part fine weather all sail out saw nothing So Ends |
Sunday 24th |
Fore part wind weather and couse the same Middle part the same Latter part the same So Ends On Board |
Monday 25th |
Fore part at 12 M tacked Ship to the East SouthEast Middle part calm Latter part squally saw porposes So Ends |
Tuesday 26th |
Fore part wind South By West steering West By South Middle part light wind Latter at 7 AM saw A Sail off the weather bow squally more Ships saw a school of Whales lowered did not get on So Ends |
Page 136 | |
On Japan | |
May | 1829 |
Wednesday 27th |
Fore part squally ran down into the school took in sail hove Too under double reefed Main Topsail lowered two boats foggy came onboard run? Aft South SouthWest at 6 PM luffed too heading SouthWest Middle and Latter part squally 4 watches So Ends |
Thursday 28th |
Fore part strong gales from the South By West at 2 PM wore Ship heading West by South Middle part heading East SouthEast wind NorthEast Latter part squally of rain So Ends |
Friday 29th |
Fore part strong gales from the NorthEast heading East SouthEast close reefed Main topsail and sent down fore and Mizen Top Yards Latter part more moderate A ship off the lee quarter So Ends |
Saturday 30th |
Fore part the same spoke the President Capt __________ of Nantucket 150 bbls sent the boat and got the letters at 4 PM saw two ships off the weather bow Latter part A ship astern So Ends |
Sunday 31st |
Fore part the same Middle part more moderate Latter sett Mizzen Topsail and foresail So Ends |
Page 137 | |
Japan | |
June | 1829 |
Monday 1st 1929 |
Fore part more moderate Middle part squally Latter took in foresail at 10 AM made sail Main Top Gallant sail So Ends |
Tuesday 2nd |
Fore part hazy at 6 PM took in sail heading East wind South SouthEast Middle part the same Latter part made sail at 11 AM took in Jib and Mainsail So Ends |
Wednesday 3th |
Fore part fine weather wind South heading East SouthEast at 7 PM took in foresail Middle part sent up top Gallant Yards Latter saw fin backs So Ends |
Thursday 4th |
Forepart wind South SouthWest heading SouthEast at 6 PM took in sail 4 watches at day light made sail Latter making Spunyarn repairing Ship? |
Friday 5th |
Fore part wind West course South saw breaches run off untill Sun sett saw them no more luffed to the South By West took in sail hove to at day light made sail at 9 AM saw breaches Latter part Whales ahead So Ends |
Page 138 | |
On Japan | |
June | 1829 |
Saturday 6th |
Fore part lowered could not get on came on board saw three large Whales but they sent to windward A Ship off the lee at 7 PM Double reefed the topsails at day light foggy Latter part sett Main Top Gallant sail and Mainsail repairing Riers |
Sunday 7th |
Fore part hazy at 7 PM hove to under double reefed topsail heading East SouthEast wind South squally Latter part more moderate sett foresail So Ends |
Monday 8th |
Fore part strong gales and foggy Middle part the same Latter part squally So Ends |
Tuesday 9th |
Fore part strong gales from the South SouthWest heading West squally of wind and rain under double reefed topsails and foresail Middle part the same Latter part fine weather So Ends A Ship off the lee |
Wednesday 10th |
Fore part fitting riers Middle part squally at 6 PM took in sail course SouthWest Middle part the same Latter rainy A Sail off the lee So Ends |
Thursday 11th |
Fore part clear sett Jib Mainsail Spanker the Ship 3 miles off our lee |
Page 139 | |
On Japan | |
June | 1829 |
Friday 12th |
Fore part squally steering West Middle part tacked to the South East Latter part at 1/2 past 6 AM saw Whales chased them with the Ship So Ends |
Saturday 13th |
Fore part Whales 2 miles off ahead at 1/2 past 12 calm wind hauled at 2 PM Whale 4 points on the weather bow 3 miles off Latter part saw nothing So Ends |
Sunday 14th |
Fore part wind West By South steering South By West whole watches Middle part the same Latter part caught A Turtle So Ends |
Monday 15th |
Fore part calm and foggy Latter part the same So Ends |
Tuesday 16th |
Fore part light wind North NorthWest steering West at 8 PM saw A school of Whales Latter part wore Ship saw them no more tacked again |
Wednesday 17th |
Fore part fine breeze from the NorthEast course West SouthWest broke out fore? Water Latter part making Riers A Ship in sight calm So Ends |
Thursday 18th |
Fore part light wind from the South SouthWest course West Latter part lost sight of the Ship |
Page 140 | |
On Japan | |
June | 1829 |
Friday 19th |
Fore part tacked Ship saw Whales lowered two boats at 6 PM lowered the other two boats just Came on board at Sun down got nothing took in sail Latter part saw Whale's lowered and got one So Ends |
Saturday 20th |
Fore part began to cut him in at 6 PM finished Middle part began to boil Latter part saw Whales lowered two boats So Ends |
Sunday 21st |
Fore part chasing Whales came on-board at 6 PM Whales off the weather beam and bow still boiling Latter part another Whale off the weather beam finished boiling and washed off the Decks |
Monday 22nd |
Fore part wore Ship course SouthWest By West saw A large Whale lowered and got him took him alongside began to cut at 5 PM at 12 finished all hands turned in for the night at day light began to boil Latter part setting up Shooks So Ends |
Tuesday 23th 1750 bbls |
Fore part boiling boddy and setting up Shooks Latter part finished double reefed the topsails So Ends |
Page 141 | |
Coast of Japan | |
June | 1829 |
Wednesday 24th |
Fore part strong gales from the West SouthWest course South at 7 PM took in fore top-sail Latter part stowing down saw A sail So Ends |
Thursday 25th |
Fore part stowing down at 7 PM spoke the Constitution 1400 bbl Latter part saw two Ships finished stowing down fore hold Larboard side So Ends |
Friday 26th |
Fore part saw A Ship cutting Latter part saw two large Whales lowered could not get on So Ends |
Saturday 27th 56 Whales 1800 bbls |
Fore part saw several large Whales lowered got one took him alongside at 6 PM Latter strong wind began to cast to leeward So Ends |
Sunday 28th |
Fore part strong breeze from North NorthWest finished cutting and began to boil Latter the same So Ends |
Monday 29th |
Fore part still boiling accompanied with squalls of rain Middle part the same finished boiling Latter part washed off the decks So Ends |
Tuesday 30th |
Fore part fine weather made Sail at 3 PM saw two Ships off our lee at 4 PM tacked East NorthEast Latter part course East SouthEast whale watches |
Page 142 | |
Coast of Japan | |
July | 1829 |
Wednesday 1st |
Fore part strong wind and hazy from the Southward steering EastSouthEast Latter part squally saw Breach took in sail So Ends |
Thursday 2nd |
Fore part the same light wind Middle part the same Latter part fine weather So Ends |
Friday 3th |
Fore part wind NorthEast course NorthWest Latter part fine weather stowing down So Ends |
Saturday 4th |
Fore part finished stowing down saw three large Whales lowered got none Latter squally saw A large school got none So Ends this 4th of July 1829 S P Boy |
Sunday 5th |
Fore part more moderate course NorthEast wind South SouthEast at 7 AM took in fore & Mizzen Topsails Latter part all sail out So Ends |
Monday 6th |
Fore part squally took in fore top sail Middle part sett it Latter part squally So Ends On Board |
Page 143 | |
On Japan | |
July | 1829 |
Tuesday 7th |
Fore part strong gales from the South with squalls of rain Latter part the same So Ends |
Wednesday 8th |
Fore part strong gales from the South SouthWest heading West under double reefed topsails Middle part wind hauled to the NorthWest heading NNE Latter part fine weather repairing Cask So Ends |
Thursday 9th |
Fore part light wind from the NorthWest heading North NorthEast at 7 took in light sails and Courses Latter part So Ends three Ships in sight |
Friday 10th |
Fore part saw Whales got one at 10 PM cut in the boddy Middle part cut in the head saw Whales lowered got none So Ends |
Saturday 11th |
Fore part one Whale? in sight lowered got none began to boil Middle and Latter part saw Whales got fast Waist Boat lost him So Ends |
Sunday 12th |
Fore part boiling started Flom? Saw Whales to windward Ship off the weather beam at 9 PM finished boiling at day light washed off the decks Larboard Latter part saw A large Whale squalls of rain lost the run of him So Ends |
Page 144 | |
Japan | |
July | 1829 |
Monday 13th |
Fore part saw four Whales lowered came onboard got none Middle part hove too Latter part began to stow down saw nothing So Ends |
Tuesday 14th 1900 bbls 60 whales |
Fore part stowing down After hold Starboard side saw Whales got one Middle part stowing down finished at 1 AM at day light began to cut finished at 8 AM Latter saw A Breach boiling So Ends |
Wednesday 15th |
Fore part A heavy swell at 6 PM took in fore topsail wore Ship Middle part Boiling Latter finished at 10 AM washed off So Ends |
Thursday 16th |
Fore part strong wind from the South SouthWest heading SouthEast spliced Mizen shroud Latter part wind NorthEast course W setting up pipe Shooks So Ends |
Friday 17th |
Fore part wind NorthEast course West setting up Pipe Shooks spoke the Washington Capt Swain 250 bbl 1 year out |
Page 145 | |
Japan | |
July | 1829 |
Saturday 18th |
Fore part saw Whale lowered got nothing Latter part stowing down After hold Larboard side |
Sunday 19th |
Fore part at 4 PM finished stowing down A Ship off the weather bow saw Whales lowered got none A Dead Whale lost by some Ship in A gale Head half cut off and part of flook Rope On him So Ends |
Monday 20th |
Fore part wind East at 6 PM spoke the Franklin 1000 bbl 19 M out Friends 1900 bbl 6 Ships in sight Latter part spoke the Triton of Bedford 910 bbl 1 year out |
Tuesday 21st |
Fore part in Company Franklin got A Whale & Ship under out lee trying to get up to us Latter part the same So Ends |
Wednesday 22nd |
Fore part saw Whales lowered Waist boat stove got one 2 Ships off our lee Latter hove Main? In So Ends two ships passed signal |
Page 146 | |
On Japan | |
July | 1829 |
Thursday 23th |
Fore part strong gales boiling shooking Sixty At 7 PM wore Ship took in the foresail heading NorthEast Latter part boiling A gale from the South SouthEast heading East So Ends |
Friday 24th |
Fore part A heavy gale from the SouthEast heading East NorthEast sent down the Topgallant Yards and close reefed Main Topsail at 8 PM finished boiling Latter part the same So Ends |
Saturday 25th |
Fore part strong gales and squally sett double reefed topsails Latter part more moderate unbent the Jib setting up Pipes |
Sunday 26th |
Fore part the same Latter part saw two Whales lowered got one took him alongside at 11 AM |
Monday 27th |
Fore part began to cut at 8 PM finished Latter part boiling So Ends |
Tuesday 28th |
Fore part boiling A Sail in sight Latter part saw Whales got none So Ends |
Page 147 | |
On Japan | |
July | 1829 |
Wednesday 29th |
Fore part finished boiling lowered got A large Whale Middle part 4 watches Latter part cut him in Whales in sight So Ends |
Thursday 30th |
Fore part wore Ship chasing Whales began to boil setting up Shook Ships chasing Whales to windward and Whales off the lee bow lufted to Latter part lowered and struck the irons broke So Ends |
Friday 31st August |
Fore part boiling saw A large Whale got fast at Sun down cut? Latter at 2 AM finished boiling stowing down So Ends |
Saturday 1st |
Fore part saw Whales got one Latter part stowing down So Ends |
Sunday 2nd |
Fore part cut in our? Whale begany? to boil spoke the Friends and Franklin Latter Latter all three chasing Whales |
Monday 3th |
Fore part still boiling chasing Whales got none Middle part finished boiling Latter stowing down between Decks |
Page 148 | |
On Japan | |
August | 1829 |
Tuesday 4th |
Fore part stowing down Ships in sight and Whales at 6 PM finished stowing down under double reefed topsail Friends A Whale alongside Latter part setting up Shooks So Ends |
Wednesday 5th |
Forepart saw Whales lowered got nothing fine weather Latter part saw A large Whale lowered got him Larboard boat stove three Ships to windward So Ends |
Thursday 6th |
Fore part fine weather cut in our Whale at 8 PM Middle part began to boil Latter part chasing Whales So Ends |
Friday 7th |
Fore part boiling and chasing Whales got none came onboard at Sun down took in sail at day light Whales in sight boiling lowered So Ends |
Saturday 8th |
Fore part lowered and chased Whales until Sun down A Ship in sight boiling Latter part stowing down So Ends |
Sunday 9th |
Fore part saw A dead Whale got one iron & A lance and three? Iron poles Latter thundering and lightening A Ship to windward So Ends |
Monday 10th |
Fore part squally spoke the Superior 2450 bbl saw A large Whale lowered got none Latter stowing down three Ships in sight So Ends |
Tuesday 11th |
Fore part at 7 finished stowing down Latter part two Ships in sight and Jumpers So Ends |
Wednesday 12th |
Fore part fine weather wind East NorthEast steering SouthEast shifted Main Top Gallant sail and sent up the Mizzen Two more Ships off the lee bow Latter part the same So Ends |
Thursday 13th |
Fore part light wind from the North NorthEast heading East gamming with the Superior two Ships off the lee Middle part more Ships heading NorthWest Latter calm hooping shooks |
Friday 14th |
Fore part calm scraping the bends Put out Waist boat Latter part A breeze from the East SouthEast spoke the Lancaster H Weeks of Bedford 1100 squalls of rain |
Page 150 | |
On Japan | |
August | 1829 |
Saturday 15th |
Fore part took in Mizzen Top sails and double reefed fore and Main wind East SouthEast course South at 8 PM luffed too NorthEast took in Waist boat Latter more moderate put Mizzen out again setting up Shooks So Ends |
Sunday 16th |
Fore part calm setting up Shooks Superior off the lee quarter wet hold Latter part calm A Ship off the lee So Ends |
Monday 17th |
Fore part wind South SouthEast spoke the Phenix of New London 2650 Latter part strong gales So Ends |
Tuesday 18th |
Fore part hove too under double reefed Main Topsail Latter part sent down Top Gallant Yards Phenix spoke? A ship to leeward sett Foresail So Ends |
Wednesday 19th |
Fore part wore Ship more moderate at 1 PM sett Fore topsail at 6 PM spoke the Independence Capt Ray 750 bbl Latter part wore Ship steering West NorthWest |
Page 151 | |
Coast of Japan | |
August | 1829 |
Thursday 20th |
Fore part fine wind from the SouthWest course West NorthWest standing whole watches picked up A? Piece of Timber |
Friday 21st |
Fore part mending Mizzen Topsail and bent it saw A large scool of Whales got none So Ends |
Saturday 22nd |
Fore part A large scool of Whales lowered got none took in sail Latter saw Whales So Ends |
Sunday 23th whale drawing |
Fore part saw Whales lowered and got one cut him in at 6 PM at 12 PM began to boil Latter part saw Whales lowered got none So Ends |
Monday 24th |
Fore part boiling Whales in sight at 7 PM shortened sail at 12 PM finished boiling Latter part broke out water and washed off So Ends |
Tuesday 25th whale drawing |
Fore part calm unbent the fore topsail and bent the other at 7PM hove too Latter part at 9 AM saw several large Whales lowered and got one So Ends |
Page 152 | |
On Japan | |
August | 1829 |
Wednesday 26th |
Fore part took him alongside at 6 PM cut him in Latter boiling So Ends |
Thursday 27th |
Forepart boiling Middle part the same Latter at 7 AM finished boiling So Ends |
Friday 28th |
Fore part fine weather Latter stowing down So Ends |
Saturday 29th |
Fore part wind East SouthEast course South at 6 PM finished stowing down all sail out standing whole watches Latter part mending Spanker setting up shooks saw Whales So Ends |
Sunday 30th whale drawing |
Fore part saw Whales lowered and got one Whale took him alongside lowered again chased untill Sun down Latter part saw Whales chased them untill Meriddian So Ends |
Monday 31st |
Fore part at 4 PM lowered got nothing boiling Middle part at 1 AM finished boiling Latter part standing whole watches So Ends |
Page 153 | |
On Japan | |
September | 1829 |
Tuesday 1st |
Fore part strong wind from the Eastward steering East SouthEast at 6 PM took in sail Latter part stowing down in runn? So Ends |
Wednesday 2nd |
Fore part finished stowing down at 6 PM saw Whales lowered got nothing shortened sail Latter part saw Braroch So Ends |
Thursday 3th |
Fore part saw Whales lowered got one at 6 PM cut him in Middle part began to boil Latter saw A large school of Whales ? Got one So Ends |
Friday 4th |
Fore part cutting and boiling at 6 PM got the head off and parted both Flook ropes Lashed down the Blanket piece Middle part Blanket piece tore off Latter wore Ship cut in the Junk and let the Carc? Go So Ends |
Page 153,154 | |
On Japan | |
September | 1829 |
Saturday 5th |
Fore part strong gales from the South at 6 PM finished boiling boddy and put out the fires A strong gale from the East SouthEast course South Later part boiling head more moderate So Ends |
Page 154 | |
On Japan | |
September | 1829 |
Sunday 6th |
Fore part finished boiling and wore Ship Latter fine weather So Ends |
Monday 7th |
Fore part saw Jumpers course East wind South SouthEast sent down fore Top Gallant Mast and Fly Jib boom Latter part stowing down So Ends |
Tuesday 8th |
Fore part finished stowing down Middle part course SouthEast wind North Latter saw two Sail So Ends |
Wednesday 9th |
Fore part spoke the Phoenix and Superior saw Whales got none hove too Latter part in company setting up Shooks So Ends |
Thursday 10th |
Fore part saw Breaches and A dead Whale shortened Sail the Phoenix & Superior left us Latter part hoisted out the Pumps So Ends |
Page 155 | |
On Japan | |
September | 1829 |
Friday 11th |
Fore part cleaned out the Pump well and put in the Pumps shifted Main topsail Latter part mending Main Top Gallant Sail and setting up shooks So Ends |
Saturday 12th |
Fore part light wind from the Westward steering North two Ships off the weather bow Middle part tcked to the SouthEast Latter part two Ships off the lee hooping pipes So Ends |
Sunday 13th |
Fore part bent the New Main sail Latter part saw Whales got one So Ends |
Monday 14th |
Fore part got him alongside at 6 PM began to cut finished cutting boddy Latter part cut in the Head A Ship off the weather beam |
Tuesday 15th |
Fore part boiling head light squalls rain A Ship off the lee quarter Middle part A Ship off the weather bow close too did not speak her Latter Whales on the weather bow Lowered got nothing |
Page 156 | |
S P Boy Sept On Japan | |
September | 1829 |
Wednesday 16th |
Fore part more Whales off the lee bow lowered and got one alongside at 6 PM Middle part wind breezy? Latter began to cut spoke the Phoenix & Superior parted Flook Ropes and lost him blowing hard from South SouthWest |
Thursday 17th |
Fore part close reefed Main Topsail at 4 PM furled Main Topsail took in the Waist boat and turned up? The quarter boats blowing A heavy gales from the SouthWest Latter part more moderate Phoenix & Superior in sight So Ends |
Friday 18th |
Fore part sett Main Topsail Phoenix & Superior off the weather quarter Latter part coopering and stowing down Whales in sight So Ends |
Saturday 19th |
Fore part wind East stowing down saw Whales lowered two boats got nothing finished stowing down Main hatchwayide Aft Latter sent up Main Top Gallant Yard and setting up Shooks course East wind SouthWest So Ends |
Page 157 | |
Bound Off | |
September | 1829 |
Sunday 20th |
Fore part fine wind from SouthWest course East setting up Pipes Latter part saw A Fin back Whale So Ends |
Monday 21st |
Fore part fine wind SouthWest course East NorthEast Latter part the same So Ends |
Tuesday 22nd |
Fore part fine wind North NorthWest course East NorthEast Latter part making Spunyarn |
Wednesday 23th |
Fore part light wind East course South SouthEast So Ends |
Thursday 24th |
Fore part tacked Ship NorthEast on Ships duty So Ends |
Friday 25th |
Fore part light wind course North By East wind West Latter part saw Whales chased them So Ends |
Saturday 26th |
Fore part Whales in sight lowered chased untill Sun down A Ship off the lee beam Latter part the same So Ends |
Sunday 27th |
Fore part wind West NorthWest course East NorthEast Middle part course SouthEast Latter part wind West course SouthEast So Ends |
Page 158 | |
Bound In | |
September | 1829 |
Monday 28th |
Fore part wind West course SouthEast raized Whales lowered Larboard boat got upsett got two Whales alongside at 7 PM Sun Eclipsed almost invisible Latter part cut them in So Ends |
Tuesday 29th |
Fore part boiling head Wind NorthWest heading West NorthWest Latter finished boiling So Ends |
Wednesday 30th |
Fore part finished boiling Middle part fine weather Latter clearing out fore hold So Ends |
Thursday 1st October |
Fore part coiled the Cable on deck squally course NorthEast wind NorthWest Latter part A strong gales from the East NorthEast So Ends |
Friday 2nd |
Fore part the same Middle part more moderate with rain Latter part stowing down in the fore hold saw Fin Backs So Ends |
Page 159 | |
Journal S P Boy | |
October | 1829 |
Saturday 3th |
Fore part finished stowing down and washed off the decks course NorthEast by North wind West South West Latter part course North NorthEast setting up Old Shooks |
Sunday 4th |
Fore part fine wind from the West course NorthEast setting up Shooks saw Fin Backs Latter part saw Breaches So Ends |
Monday 5th |
Fore part saw A large school of Whales lowered fastened but got none came onboard and double reefed the topsails heading North By Ease wind NorthWest By West Latter part thick and hazy So Ends |
Tuesday 6th |
Fore part hazy wind West NorthWest course East Latter part heading NorthEast wind East SouthEast saw Fin Backs So Ends |
Wednesday 7th |
Fore part fitting riggin and ripping sail up flaggin Shook aft? Latter fitting Main topsail Fin Backs So Ends |
Thursday 8th |
Fore part fine wind West course NorthEast plenty Fin backs Latter part squally took in fore topsail So Ends |
Page 160 | |
On The Meridian | |
October | 1829 |
Friday 9th |
Fore part more moderate sett the fore topsail course East SouthEast wind NorthEast mending fore topsail Latter part the same So Ends |
Saturday 10th |
Fore part strong gales from the East NorthEast heading SouthEast Latter part water green tacked Ship mending topsail So Ends |
Sunday 11th |
Fore part wind heading wet hold Latter part heading North NorthWest So Ends |
Monday 12th |
Fore part fine weather at 7 PM tacked Ship heading East SouthEast rattling Down Main riggin Larboard side and mending Larboard Boat So Ends |
Tuesday 13th |
Fore part heading East By South wind NorthEast By East made Main Topsail Tye Latter part mending Larboard boat calm So Ends |
Wednesday 14th |
Fore part light wind from the Westward couse North NorthEast Latter part squally reefed the topials So Ends |
Thursday 15th |
Fore part strong gales from the NorthWest at 7 PM sent down Main Top Gallant Yard and kept off East by North Latter part the same mending boat So Ends |
Page 161 | |
Bound In | |
October | 1829 |
Friday 16th |
Fore part more moderate shook out the reefs Latter part strong gales from the SouthWest course East NorthEast So Ends |
Saturday 17th |
Fore part strong gales from the SouthWest course East NorthEast double reefed the topsails and furled the Mainsail Latter part the same took in Fore topsail more moderate So Ends |
Sunday 18th |
Fore part sett the Mizzen Topsail wind West By South course East NorthEast Middle part sett fore topsail Latter part took in fore and Mizzen Topsail So Ends |
Monday 19th |
Fore part strong gales and thunder squalls took in the foresail at 7 PM close reefed Main Topsail sett Fore Top Stay Sail and Mizzen Staysail Latter part A heavy thunder squall more moderate So Ends |
Tuesday 20th |
Fore part sett Mainsail started A cask of water Latter part lightening and squally heading East By South So Ends On Board |
Page 162 | |
Bound in to Oahu | |
October | 1829 |
Wednesday 21st |
Fore part light wind from the South SouthWest heading East SouthEast stowed off the fore hold with Bread and wet hold Latter part unbent Foresail Jib and Spanker So Ends |
Thursday 22nd |
Fore part squally wind NorthWest course SouthEast By East bent Jib Spanker and foresail single reefed fore topsail couse East SouthEast Middle part squalls of rain Latter part fine weather wind South SouthEast heading East So Ends |
Friday 23th |
Fore part wind South SouthEast heading East A sail ahead at 4PM spoke her the Partridge of London Capt Noah Folger 300 Ton Latter part strong wind from the SouthEast By South double reefed the topsails So Ends |
Saturday 24th |
Fore part in company with the Partridge brisk gales from SouthEast By South heading East By North Latter part light winds and squally So Ends |
Sunday 25th |
Fore part wind East standing to the South SouthEast in company with the Partridge Latter Capt Folger onboard to dinner So Ends |
Page 163 | |
Journal Kept On Board | |
October | 1829 |
Monday 26th |
Fore part fine wind from the East heading South SouthEast Partridge in company Latter A Ship off the lee quarter saw A lone Whale lowered but did not get on |
Tuesday 27th |
Fore part fine breeze from the East NorthEast heading SouthEast By South the Partridge run down and spoke the Ship to leeward Latter part ran down and spoke her the Charles of London 12 Months out 400 bbl So Ends |
Wednesday 28th |
Fore part squally in company wind East SouthEast heading South Latter part on board of the Partridge So Ends |
Thursday 29th |
Fore part the same Latter part saw Whales lowered but got none So Ends |
Friday 30th |
Fore part saw Whales lowered got nothing at 6 PM took in light sails and tacked Ship Latter part saw two Whales came on squally tacked to the Eastward So Ends |
Saturday 31st |
Fore part light wind from the East NorthEast heading SouthEast saw A sail ahead spoke her at 4 PM Partridge boiling A 40 barrell Whale Latter the same So Ends |
Page 164 | |
Journal Kept On Board | |
November | 1829 |
Sunday 1st Nov. |
Fore part fine trades heading SouthEast By East at 6 PM took in Top Gallant Sails and Fly Jib Middle part standing off and on Oahu off the lee beam Latter part the Partridge off the weather beam off the South point So Ends |
Monday 2nd |
Fore part A Brig ahead at 6 PM passed Diamond Hill and came to anchor at the Bar Latter part towed in the Charles of London tarring down the riggin So Ends |
Tuesday 3th |
Fore part fresh trades Phenix & Superior of New London & the Leaportsea? & Partridge of London came to anchor at 4 PM sent A raft of Cask on shore and washed off Latter part boats crew on shore overhauled our iron hoops & tarring down Clarkson of Nantucket came to anchor 2600 bbl So Ends |
Wednesday 4th |
Fore part boats crew on shore wet hold Latter part towed inside with the Superior Franklin of Nantucket Capt Chase 1700 bbl Elizabeth of London came down Sarah and Roscoe left Latter part the Alexander and Franklin left |
Page 165 | |
Lying at Oahu one of The Sandwich Islands | |
November | 1829 |
Thursday 5th |
Fore part U S sloop of war Vincennes left for Mowhee with the King on board after firing A salute of 21 guns which was answered from the Tamaahmaah & the Fort So Ends |
Friday 6th |
Fore part breaking out fore peak? Latter part caulking round? The stern So Ends |
Saturday 7th |
Fore part caulking Barclay and the Constitution left and the Brittania came to anchor at the bar Latter part finished caulking the Phenix & Brittania Partridge came inside wind South fresh breeze So Ends |
Sunday 8th |
Fore part fresh gales from the South at 6 PM the Brittania got underway Latter part all hands on shore |
Monday 9th |
Fore part squalls of rain Middle & Latter part the same with thundre clear again So Ends |
Tuesday 10th |
Fore part the Rodman of New Bedford & the Friends of New London & the Voluntier came in side wind SouthEast Latter part squally watch on shore |
Page 166 | |
Lying at Oahu one of The Sandwich Islands | |
November | 1829 |
Wednesday 11th |
Fore part wind South and squally of rain Latter part blacked the bends Starboard side & Hauled Out the other So Ends |
Thursday 12th |
Fore part fine weather furled the sails and wet hold Latter part heeled the Ship & blacked the bends Larboard side So Ends |
Friday 13th |
Fore part began to stow down the Princess Mary left Latter the Cortez lying off and on and Princess Mary |
Saturday 14th |
Fore part stowing down Middle and Latter the same finished So Ends |
Sunday 15th |
Fore part washing off Latter part all hands on shore |
Monday 16th |
Fore part on shore Latter tarring & painting So Ends |
Tuesday 17th |
Setting up shooks & painting Arrabella M. Sayer of Sag Harbour out side with bbl |
Wednesday 18th |
Fore part painting & setting up Shooks Logan outside 34 Months out 1100 bbl Capt. Coffin Latter part left |
Page 167 | |
Honaroora Harbour | |
November | 1829 |
Thursday 19th |
Fore part strong winds South Latter the Arabella got under way Latter part painting Ship & setting up shooks |
Friday 20th |
Fore part sent the spare Anchor on shore Latter part wind West and squally two Sail in sight |
Saturday 21st |
Fore part the U S Sloop of War Vincennes came in Capt Finch with the King onboard gave him A salute of 21 Guns Arabella came in side Latter part filling water setting up Shooks |
Sunday 22nd |
Fore part the same sent A raft on shore at 8 PM thunder and lightening with rain very heavy Latter rain |
Monday 23th |
Fore part visited the Vincennes Latter part got A raft of water off setting up Shooks the Oldham? Of London left So Ends |
Tuesday 24th |
Fore part stowing down water in the fore hold Latter part the same Vincennes left & Portsea & Arabella |
Page 168 | |
Island of Oahu | |
November | 1829 |
Wednesday 25th |
Fore part Sophia fired A salute with the King on board Latter part the Iris of Bedford outside and the Lancaster lying off and on |
Thursday 26th |
Fore part got off our Water Latter part the same setting up riggin |
Friday 27th |
Fore part squally setting up riggin Latter part the Baltic, Friends, Voluntier & Chinchilli left |
Saturday 28th |
Fore part Larboard watch on shore saw Kowheoura? the young King Latter part Larboard watch on shore |
Sunday 29th |
Fore part the same Clarkson left So Ends |
Monday 30th |
Fore part all hands on shore Latter part getting off potatoes Charles left |
Tuesday 1st Dec |
Fore part getting water & potatoes Latter part the same Fame hauled out wind SouthWest hove up the best? Bowes? |
Wednesday 2nd |
Fore part wind SouthEast Middle part calm Latter part Sea breeze |
Page 169 | |
Lying Off & On | |
December | 1829 |
Thursday 3th |
Fore part wind SouthEast Brig Tamaahmaah went out bound to the Feegee Islands fired A salute of 15 guns from the Fort Latter part part Sea breeze |
Friday 4th |
Fore part calm Middle fresh wind came out with the Fame Cyrus & Herald of Boston Latter part lying off & on the Corsair Elizabeth & Cretan Of London came out |
Saturday 5th |
Fore part left Oahu bound to the Southward under double reefed topsails Latter fitting the boats A sail on the weather bow more moderate shook A reef out of the topsails So Ends |
Sunday 6th |
Fore part the Ships 2 points off the lee bow fore & Main Top Gallant Sails sett heading SouthEast by East Latter part the Ship off the weather bow saw Fin backs So Ends |
Monday 7th |
Fore part calm Top Gallant sails out light wind Latter part the same |
Page 170 | |
Left Oahu | |
December | 1829 |
Tuesday 8th |
Fore part fine wind NorthEast heading East SouthEast Latter heading SouthWest So Ends On Board |
Wednesday 9th |
Fore part wind SouthEast heading East NorthEast at 2 PM tacked Ship heading South SouthWest all sail out Latter part mending foresail So Ends |
Thursday 10th |
Fore part fine trade wind heading SouthEast shifted the Foresail & took in the Fly Jib Latter part squally of Wind & rain So Ends |
Friday 11th |
Fore part strong wind heading SouthEast took in Main Top Gallant Sail Middle part single reefed the topsails Latter double reefed them wind NorthEast By East heading SouthEast By E So Ends |
Saturday 12th |
Fore part strong gales from NorthEast tookin the Spanker Latter part sett Jib and Spanker So Ends |
Sunday 13th |
Fore part thick & squally at 6 PM shortened sail Middle tacked at day light tacked again Latter part sett the Jib Mainsail saw nothing no Land in sight So Ends |
Page 171 | |
Bound To The Society Islands | |
December | 1829 |
Monday 14th |
Fore part more moderate heading SouthEast Latter part sett Main Top Gallant sail So Ends |
Tuesday 15th |
Fore part squally took in Main Top Gallant Sails & double reefed Main Topsail Middle part took in the Mainsail Latter part sett it again So Ends |
Wednesday 16th |
Fore part A heavy squall of wind & rain split Main Topsail furled it and furled Mainsail under double reefed fore & single reefed Mizzen Topsails & Fore sail Middle part sett Main topsail Latter took in fore & Mizzen Topsail heavy squalls heading SouthWest |
Thursday 17th |
Fore part more moderate sett fore & Mizzen Topsail foresail Jib & Spanker calm Middle part squalls of rain Latter part more moderate sett all sail So Ends |
Friday 18th |
Fore part wind East NorthEast heading SouthEast Middle & Latter part fine weather heading SouthWest So Ends |
Saturday 19th |
Fore part wind SouthEast heading South SouthWest shifted Main Top Gallant Sail painted Larboard boat Latter part kept off West SouthWest for Fannings Islands So Ends |
Sunday 20th |
Fore part fine weather course West by South wind South SouthEeast Latter part the same So Ends |
Page 172 | |
Bound To The Society Islands | |
December | 1829 |
Monday 21st |
Fore part fine weather saw plenty Whales lowered & got one alongside at Sun sett Latter part cut him in & began to boil saw Fin Backs |
Tuesday 22nd |
Fore part at 8 PM finished boiling standing off & on Latter part at 10 AM raised Fannings Island 2 points on the weather bow A schooneer off the lee beam So Ends |
Wednesday 23th |
Fore part heading South By West at 4 PM tacked Ship heading East NorthEast light wind Middle part at 12 Midnt? Hauled up the Courses Latter part made all sail having drifted nearly out of sight of the Island to night A Brig off the weather beam supposed to be the same we saw yesterday heading South |
Thursday 24th |
Fore part moderate gales and fine weather wind East SouthEast heading South lost sight of the Brig to windward Latter the same So Ends |
Friday 25th |
Fore part standing to the Southward Middle & Latter part the same So Ends |
Page 173 | |
Journal on Board Ship Plough Boy | |
December | 1829 |
Saturday 26th |
Fore part heading South wind East NorthEast all sail out saw nothing Latter part tacked Ship So Ends |
Sunday 27th |
Fore part tacked to the South SouthEast fine weather Latter part tacked to the Northward So Ends |
Monday 28th |
Fore part fine weather plying to windward South SouthEast wind Latter part the same So Ends |
Tuesday 29th |
Fore part wind East NorthEast heading SouthEast Middle and Latter part the same |
Wednesday 30th |
Fore part wind NorthEast heading East SouthEast fine weather Latter part heading SouthEast By East So Ends |
Thursday 31st |
Fore part heading SouthEast By East wind NorthEast By East fine weather Latter part the same So Ends |
Page 174 | |
Journal on Board Ship Plough Boy | |
January | 1830 |
Friday 1st Jan 1830 |
Fore part fine weather tacked heading North NorthEast wind East Latter the same So Ends |
Saturday 2nd |
Fore part wind NorthEast By North heading NorthWest by North Latter part tacked ship heading North So Ends |
Sunday 3th |
Fore part took in Main Top Gallant sail Latter part strong wind East By North heading North By East |
Monday 4th |
Fore part strong wind saw nothing heading North NorthEast Latter part the same So Ends |
Tuesday 5th |
Fore part strong wind from the East heading North NorthEast Latter part the same So Ends |
Wednesday 6th |
Fore part fine weather saw porpoises Latter sett Main Top Gallant Sail So Ends |
Thursday 7th |
Fore part the same sett Fly Jib Latter the same tacked Ship |
Friday 8th |
Fore part the same plying to windward So Ends |
Page 175 | |
Bound To The Society Islands | |
January | 1830 |
Saturday 9th |
Fore part fine weather got up the Forge heading SouthEast wind East NorthEast Latter part the same So Ends |
Sunday 10th |
Fore part tacked to the SouthEast wind East NorthEast Latter part saw A school of Whales lowered got one Starboard boat stove |
Monday 11th |
Fore part cut Him in Latter part at day light began to boil So Ends |
Tuesday 12th |
Fore part at 6 PM finished boiling and washed off the decks Latter part the same So Ends |
Wednesday 13th |
Fore part took in Top Gallant Sails Latter the same So Ends |
Thursday 14th |
Fore part the same Latter part the same So Ends |
Friday 15th |
Fore part more moderate Latter part made all sail saw Fin Backs So Ends |
Saturday 16th |
Saw Whales lowered and got 7 of them alongside Latter part cut them in |
Page 176 | |
Bound To The Society Islands | |
January | 1830 |
Sunday 17th |
Fore part begain to boil boddy & cut up the Junks wind NorthWest course East NorthEast Latter part the same heavy squalls of rain |
Monday 18th |
Fore part fine weather light wind from the NorthWest course East NorthEast Latter part finished boiling So Ends |
Tuesday 19th |
Fore part wind North course East NorthEast wet hold and washed off the decks squally sett the Mainsail Latter part strong winds from the NorthEast heading East SouthEast So Ends |
Wednesday 20th |
Fore part the same Latter part coopering Oil squally So Ends On Board |
Thursday 21st |
Fore part began to stowdown in the Blubber Room Larboard side at 6 PM finished wore Ship hauled up the foresail & Mainsail and hauled down the Jib heavy squalls of wind & rain heading North NorthWest Latter part very heavy squalls of wind from the North NorthEast with rain saw Whales lowered got none |
Friday 22nd |
Fore part squally saw Whales got nothing Latter part the same heading East SouthEast So Ends |
Page 177 | |
Saw Flint Island | |
January | 1830 |
Saturday 23th |
Fore part heavy squalls of wind and rain from the NorthEast heading East SouthEast So Ends Flint Island in sight |
Sunday 24th |
Fore part Flint Island off the weather quarter distance 8 leagues shifted Main Topsail all sail out fine weather wind East NorthEast heading SouthEast Latter part fine weather So Ends |
Monday 25th |
Fore part saw Breaches at 6 PM tacked Ship heading East NorthEast Middle part wore Ship heading SouthEast Latter mending Main Topsail So Ends |
Tuesday 26th |
Fore part cloudy & squally finished Main Topsail at 6 PM took in Fly Jib & Main Topgallant Sail Middle part heading East By North Latter part made sail So Ends |
Wednesday 27th |
Fore part wind East NorthEast heading SouthEast at 6 PM squally took in Main Top Gallant sail Latter and Middle A heavy squall took in all but Fore & Main topsail Latter fine weather all sail out So Ends |
Thursday 28th Ship off the W beam |
Fore part heading East Middle the same Latter part at 10 AM saw Tethuroa one of the Society Islands |
Page 178 | |
Societies In Sight | |
January | 1830 |
Friday 29th |
Fore part raised Tahiti ahead Middle part standing off heading North wind East NorthEast at 11 PM tacked heading SouthEast took in Top Gallant Sails Latter part thick & cloudy Tethuroa in sight bearing SouthWest By South |
Saturday 30th |
Fore part squally of wind & rain Eimio & Tahiti in sight bearing South wind South SouthEast heading East Double reefed the topsails Latter part sett Mainsail & Main Top Gallant Sail So Ends no land in sight |
Sunday 31st |
Fore part A heavy squall of wind and rain took in Main Top Gallant Sail and Fly Jib wind NorthWest heading East SouthEast Middle part course West Latter part light wind Tethuroa & Tahiti bearing South Eimeo bearing South By West So Ends |
Monday 1st |
Fore part A heavy squall of wind & rain took in Top Gallant Sails Eimeo bearing South Middle part another heavy squall double reefed the topsails & hauled up the Mainsail at day light Eimeo South by East 12 miles distance steering West NorthWest for Huahine? Latter part all sail out A shift of wind put away for Eimeo squalls of wind & rain |
Page 179 | |
Eimeo in Sight | |
February | 1830 |
Tuesday 2nd |
Fore part A heavy squall of wind & rain double reefed the topsails at 6 PM Eimeo off the lee beam Latter part A heavy squall of wind & rain standing in for Eimeo So Ends |
Wednesday 3th |
Fore part at 1 PM Capt went onshore at 4 PM came off with A pilot stood in untill Sun down when the land breeze struck us aback hove about and stood out at Sun rise in the morning raised A school of Sperm Whales lowered and killed three So Ends |
Thursday 4th |
Fore part all PM? the boats towing the Whales at Sun down got them along side Latter part at 9 AM cut them in wore Ship and stood in for Taloo Harbour began to boil So Ends |
Friday 5th |
Fore part light Sea breezes at 4 PM land breezes stood out & reefed the Topsails boiling boddy Middle part finished boiling Latter part light wind So Ends |
Saturday 6th |
Fore part light wind from the North Latter part fine wind at 11 PM came to anchor in Taloo Harbour |
Page 180 | |
Taloo Harbour | |
February | 1830 |
Sunday 7th |
Fore part scraped the bends and moored the Ship to A tree & washed off Latter part all hands onshore So Ends |
Monday 8th |
Fore part on shore Latter part stowing down in the After hold So Ends |
Tuesday 9th |
Fore part finished the After hold & washed off the decks Starboard Watch on shore to Night Latter part coopering between decks So Ends |
Wednesday 10th |
Fore part the same wind North Larboard watch on shore to Night Latter part coopering So Ends |
Thursday 11th |
Fore part coopering Oil Latter part the same So Ends |
Friday 12th |
Fore part squalls of wind and rain Latter part coopering So Ends |
Saturday 13th |
Fore part heavy squalls of rain Latter part caulking Ship So Ends |
Sunday 14th |
Fore part the So Ends On Board |
Monday 15th |
These 24 hours the same So Ends |
Tuesday 16th |
Fore part the same & squally So Ends |
Wednesday 17th |
Fore part squalls of wind & rain Latter part the same |
Page 181 | |
Eimeo | |
February | 1830 |
Thursday 18th |
Fore part the same So Ends |
Friday 19th |
Fore part fine weather Middle part strong squalls of wind & rain Latter part A heavy gale from the NorthWest Starboard watch on shore So Ends |
Saturday 20th |
Fore part gale continues with heavy squalls of rain parted the hawser and swung to our Anchor 5 fathoms of water Middle part strong gales dragged our anchor & grounded Latter hove ahead got down both Anchors So Ends |
Sunday 21st |
Fore part heavy squalls of wind & rain So Ends |
Monday 22nd |
Fore part the same parted the hawser got the Kedge Again So Ends |
Tuesday 23th |
Fore part the same Latter unshiped The Rudder & found the three lower pintles broke So Ends |
Wednesday 24th |
Fore part started for Tahiti with the Larboard & Starboard boats to get the pintles fixed Latter part got there at 10 AM So Ends Partridge of London Rodman of Bedford Rose & Howard of Nant & the Clay Of Salem |
Page 182 | |
Journal | |
February | 1830 |
Thursday 25th |
Fore part Partridge Rodman & Clay left went up to point Venus for rudder irons & returned So Ends |
Friday 26th |
Working on the Rudder irons Latter part the same |
Saturday 27th |
On liberty So Ends |
Sunday 28th |
Went back to Eimeo with our boat So Ends |
Monday 1st |
Arrived at the Ship at 5 PM Latter fixing to return So Ends |
Tuesday 2nd |
Fine weather at 3 PM the boat Left for Tahiti fitting Top Gallant Cross trees So ends |
Wednesday 3th |
The same getting water saw the Charles of London bound to Tahiti getting wood So Ends |
Thursday 4th |
Cleaned up the decks the boats came from Tahiti with the pintles fixed fitting the riggin |
Friday 5th |
sent up Top Gallant Mast put the pintles on the Rudder So ends |
Saturday 6th |
fine weather fitting riggin hove the out in the the middle of the harbour So Ends |
Page 183 | |
Journal | |
March | 1830 |
Sunday 7th |
Hung the Rudder Latter all hands on shore So Ends |
Monday 8th |
hands on shore Latter hooping aft shooks So Ends |
Tuesday 9th |
Setting up riggin & trading for fruit So Ends |
Wednesday 10th |
Fore part the same sending up Top Gallant Yards So Ends |
Thursday 11th |
The same got the Top Gallant Yards up |
Friday 12th |
Cleaning up decks stowing away limes oranges cocoa Nuts &cc.. At day light hove up & came out at 10 AM discharged the Pilot all sail out heading SouthEast So Ends |
Saturday 13th |
Fore part all sail out heading SouthEast Latter part took in Fore & Mizzen Top Gallant Sails mending Waist boat So Ends |
Sunday 14th |
Fore part Tahiti off the weather beam tacked Ship heading North NorthWest |
Monday 15th |
Fore part squally with thunder & lightning Middle part shortened Sail Latter all sail out fine weather |
Tuesday 16th |
Fore part squalls of rain at 6 PM shortened Sail Tahiti off the weather beam Latter the same So Ends |
Page 184 | |
Journal S P Boy | |
March | 1830 |
Wednesday 17th |
Fore part rainy stowing in under three topsails Latter blowing hard turned up the boats So Ends |
Thursday 18th |
Fore part the same Latter part more moderate So Ends |
Friday 19th |
Fore part saw A school of Spurm Whales got none Latter part course South By East and squally So Ends |
Saturday 20th |
Fore part fine weather wind NorthEast course East SouthEast Middle & Latter part steering East By South wind West By North with squalls of rain |
Sunday 21st |
Fore part wind NorthWest course SouthEast By East Latter part the same So Ends |
Monday 22nd |
Fore part light wind & calm sett Fore Top Studding Sail Latter wind South SouthEast heading SouthWest So Ends |
Tuesday 23th |
Fore part fine breeze from the East SouthEast heading South all sail out Middle the same Latter part took in light sails So Ends |
Wednesday 24th |
Fore part strong gales Middle part double reefed the topsails Latter bent the New Foresail So Ends |
Page 185 | |
Plough Boys Journal | |
March | 1830 |
Thursday 25th |
Fore part more moderate sett the Main Staysail at 6 PM shook the reefs out of the Main Topsail Middle all sail out Latter double reefed again So Ends |
Friday 26th |
Fore part strong gales from the East SouthEast heading South Middle part took in the Jib Mainsail Spanker and Mizen topsail wore Ship Latter wore back again & made Sail |
Saturday 27th |
Fore part more moderate under single reefed fore & Mizzen Topsails and Main Top Gallant Sail sett heading South SouthEast wind East Latter part made all sail So Ends |
Sunday 28th |
Fore part light wind from the Eastward all sail out mending Old Foresail Middle part squally took in Top Gallant Sails Latter part all sail out So Ends |
Monday 29th |
Fore part squally wind East By South heading South By East Latter part hoisted out the pumps and cleared out the wells & Chain Room? So Ends |
Tuesday 30th |
Fore part calm fitting pump and Masts coats? At 6 PM took in Fore and Mizzen Top Gallant sail Middle part wind from the West course East Latter fresh wind West SouthWest course East by South So Ends |
Page 186 | |
Plough Boys Journal | |
March | 1830 |
Wednesday 31st April |
Fore part strong squalls from the South course East By South double reefed the Topsails Middle part more moderate Latter part shifted Fore & Main Topsail and sett Main Top Gallant Sail So Ends |
Thursday 1st |
Fore part strong winds from the Southward and cool heading East By North took in Main Top Gallant Sail Middle and Latter part light winds So Ends |
Friday 2nd |
Fore part light wind from the Southward heading East SouthEast all hands employed mending Fore topsail Latter part mending Mainsail Fore Main and Mizzen Topsails Jib and Fore topmast staysail So Ends |
Saturday 3th |
Fore part fine wind from the West course East SouthEast rigged in the Fly Jib boom and Spiritsail Yard Middle part fine breese sett Fore topmast studding sail Latter part the same accompanied with light squalls of rain |
Sunday 4th |
Fore part A fine whole sail breeze from the North NorthWest with squalls of rain course East SouthEast at 7 PM took in Mainsail Fore and Mizzen Top Gallant Sail Latter all sail out |
Page 187 | |
Journal on Board Ship Plough Boy | |
April | 1830 |
Monday 5th |
Fore part fine weather wind NorthWest course SouthEast By East sent up Main Top Gallant Studding Sail at PM took it in Middle and Latter part calm So Ends |
Tuesday 6th |
Fore part calm made A Main Top Gallant Studding Sail and took in the Main Top Gallant Sail Middle part fresh gales from the East SouthEast with squalls of rain Latter part double reefed the topsails at 10 AM more moderate |
Wednesday 7th |
Fore part fresh gales from the East SouthEast heading NorthEast Middle took in the Jib Mainsail & fore topsail Latter A heavy head beat? Sea close reefed Main & Mizzen Topsails and sett the Main Staysail Wind South heading East SouthEast |
Thursday 8th |
Fore part strong gales from the South heading East By South Middle and Latter part the same |
Friday 9th |
Fore part more moderate wind SouthEast heading East NorthEast Latter part sett all sail wore Ship heading East NorthEast So Ends |
Saturday 10th |
Fore part tacked Ship heading East By South at 7 PM took in Fore & Mizzen Top Gallant Sails Latter part wind South SouthWest heading SouthEast single reefed Fore & Mizzen Topsails |
Page 189 | |
Journal on Board Ship Plough Boy | |
April | 1830 |
Sunday 11th |
Stong breeses raised A school of Whales right under the Ships bow cleared away two boats and got one and cut him in at 6 PM Latter part began to boil wind SouthWest course East South East So Ends |
Monday 12th |
Fore part wind & weather the same & boiling Middle part finished Latter part double reefed Main & Mizzen Topsails So Ends |
Tuesday 13th |
Fore part wind SouthWest course East By South Fore Top Studding Sail sett Middle the same Latter part at 8 AM breaking out the Main Hatchway A school of Whales came up right alongside wore Ship and lowered the Larboard and Starboard boats but got nothing A squall of rain & wind boats came on board |
Wednesday 14th |
Fore part wind SouthWest course East By South at 2 PM finished stowing down and washed off the decks Latter part saw a large school of Fin Backs & Black Fish So Ends |
Thursday 15th |
Fore part wind & weather the same at 6 PM parted the Fore Top Studding sail haulyards which carried away the Top boom Latter part strong gales double reefed Fore & Mizzen Topsails |
Page [190] | |
Journal | |
April | 1830 |
Friday 16th |
Fore part strong gales from the West course East By North Latter part sett Fore Top Studding sail |
Saturday 17th |
Fore part wind West course East 1/4 South light squalls of wind & rain Middle heavy squalls of wind & rain double reefed Fore topsail & took in Main Top Gallant sail Latter fine weather sett Fore & Main Top Gallant sail and Fore Top Studding sail |
Sunday 18th |
Fore part wind West course East 1/4 North at 6 PM took in Fore Top Gallant sail Latter part all sail out So Ends |
Monday 19th |
Fore part strong winds took in the Studding Sails Latter double reefed the topsails reefed Foresail and took in the Larboard boat reefed the Mainsail and sett it So Ends |
Tuesday 20th |
Fore part wind South By East heading East By South took in the Jib and Mainsail Latter part sett them & lett A reef out of the Main Topsail So Ends |
Wednesday 21st |
Fore part squally wind South heading East SouthEast at 6 PM double reefed Main Topsail & took in the Jib Latter part light wind from the South SouthEast heading East shook the reefs out of the Main Topsails So Ends |
Page [191] | |
Journal | |
April | 1830 |
Thursday 22nd |
Fore part light wind from the South SouthWest course SouthEast By East shifted the Galley Aft took in the Larboard Anchor and wet the hold Latter part wind from the NorthWest to SouthWest course SouthEast By East So Ends |
Friday 23th |
Fore part drisly and rainy Middle part under double reefed topsails Latter part made all sail sett Fore Top Gallant Sail So Ends |
Saturday 24th |
Fore part fine breeze from the Northward course SouthEast By East at 6 PM double reefed Mizzen Topsails and furled the Spanker Latter part double reefed Fore & Main Topsails So Ends |
Sunday 25th |
Fore part the same Middle and Latter more moderate made all sail and sett the Studding Sails So Ends |
Monday 26th |
Fore part wind North NorthEast course SouthEast By East at 8 PM furled the Mainsail and Fore Topgallant Sail Middle part double reefed the topsails Latter part strong gale from the Northward sent down fore top gallant Yard & Mast So Ends |
Tuesday 27th |
Fore part close reefed Main Topsail and took in the fore at 6 PM wore Ship heading East By South wind SouthEast Latter course SouthEast |
Page [192] | |
Bound To Nantucket | |
April | 1830 |
Wednesday 28th |
Fore part strong winds from the North NorthWest course SouthEast at 4 PM reefed Foresail double reefed fore & Main topsails and furled the Jib at 8 PM furled Mainsail & Mizzen Topsail squally Latter part more moderate shook out the reefs and sett Main Top Gallant Sail So Ends |
Thursday 29th |
Fore part squally of rain at 2 PM while reeving? A new Main Topsail Tye saw A large Sperm Whale on our Larboard quarter bound to windward too rugged to lower Middle part strong gales from the Northward double reefed the topsails Latter more moderate wind West NorthWest shook the reefs out of the Main topsail & sett Main Top Gallant Sail So Ends on Board |
Friday 30th May |
Fore part wind NorthWest course SouthEast took in Main Top Gallant Sail at 4 PM Middle strong gales Latter single reefed Main Topsail & sett Main Top Gallant Sail |
Saturday 1st |
Fore part strong gales from North NorthWest course SouthEast By South Middle part took in the Main Top Gallant Sail and double reefed Main topsail Latter part wind East By North course South East By South thick and hazy So Ends |
Page [193] | |
Bound To Nantucket | |
May | 1830 |
Sunday 2nd |
Fore part foggy and squally of rain Middle part the same Latter part fine weather made all sail & sett Fore Top Studding Sail wind West NorthWest course East |
Monday 3th |
Fore part wind West By North course East loosed? The Mainsail at 5 PM furled it Middle part hauled in the Fore Top Studding Sail Latter part at 6 AM sett it again with the Jib Spanker Mainsail and reefes out of the Mizzen topsail |
Tuesday 4th |
Fore part wind North course East By North at 3 PM took in Fore Top Studding Sail Middle part double reefed Fore and Main topsails and took in Main Top Gallant Sail Latter part more moderate made sail again So Ends |
Wednesday 5th |
Fore part fresh gales from the North course East NorthEast at 4 PM took in Jib Spanker Mainsail reefed the Foresail & double reefed the Topsails at 8 PM the wind shifted suddenly to the SouthWest SouthWest Middle under single reefed topsails Latter part made all sail & sett Studding Sail |
Thursday 6th |
Fore part wind East heading South SouthEast took in Studding Sail at 7 PM double reefed Fore & Main Topsails took in Jib & Main Top Gallant sail Latter part reefed the Foresail and close reefed Fore topsail So Ends |
Page [194] | |
Bound To The United States Nt | |
May | 1830 |
Friday 7th |
Fore part stong gales from the SouthEast accompanied with Snow steering East NorthEast at 4 PM close reefed Main Topsail & furled the Miz wind South course East By N Latter part sett Mizzen Topsail wind SouthWest |
Saturday 8th |
Fore part more moderate shook the reefs out of the Main topsail wind West course East By North and sett Main Top Gallant sail Middle took it in light squalls of wind Latter part light wind sett Fore Top Gallant Sail fine weather |
Sunday 9th |
Fore part fine weather wind from the Northward standing to the Eastward all sail out Latter part the same So Ends |
Monday 10th |
Fore part strong gales from the North close reefed the Fore & Mizzen and Main topsail Middle took in the fore Latter part took in the Mizzen at 10 AM more moderate made Sail |
Tuesday 11th |
Fore part calm took in Mainsail and Main Top Gallant sail heading North Latter foggy & drizly |
Page [195] | |
Bound To The United States Nt | |
May | 1830 |
Wednesday 12th |
Fore part foggy and drizly light winds from the North NorthEast heading East Middle part clear Latter part the same |
Thursday 13th |
Fore part strong winds from the North By East heading East By North took in the Main Top Gallant Sail at 6 AM double reefed fore & main Topsail Middle part furled the Mainsail Latter sett the Main Stay sail So Ends |
Friday 14th |
Fore part strong gales from the Northward heading East By North Middle part wind North NorthWest heading NorthEast Latter part the same made all sail So Ends |
Saturday 15th |
Fore part took in Main Top Gallant Sail and reefed the Mainsail at 2 PM tacked Ship heading West at 6 PM double reefed the Fore and Main Topsails & took in the Jib Latter made all sail |
Sunday 16th |
Fore part wind NorthWest heading North NorthEast Middle part double reefed the topsails took in Jib Spanker and Main Sail Latter more moderate sett them again and shook A reef out of the fore and Main topail So Ends |
Page [196] | |
Bound Home | |
May | 1830 |
Monday 17th |
Fore part light wind from the Eastward & foggy heading North By E Middle the same Latter shook reefs out of Fore & Main sett Main Top Gallant sail Jib & Spanker So Ends |
Tuesday 18th |
Fore part tacked heading West NorthWest thick rainy weather at 2 PM took in Main Top Gallant Sail at 4 PM double reefed Fore & Main topsail Latter lett the reefs out of the Main topsail and sett Main Top Gallant Sail |
Wednesday 19th |
Fore part strong winds from the West course North NorthWest took in Main Top Gallant sail and double reefed Main Topsail Latter part lett the reefs out of the topsails So Ends |
Thursday 20th |
Fore part took in Main Top Gallant sail light winds from the NorthWest heading NNE Middle part double reefed the topsails took in Jib Spanker and Mainsail heading W Latter tacked Ship heading North By East wind NorthWest By W |
Friday 21st Latt 48:54 |
Fore part strong gales from the West NorthWest course North NorthEast sett Mainsail Middle part took in Mainsail and Mizen topsail Latter sett Fore Top Studding Sail So Ends |
Page [197] | |
Bound Home | |
May | 1830 |
Saturday 22nd |
Fore part light wind from the West took in Studding Sail and lett out all the reefs course North By East at 12 PM took in Main Top Gallant sail Jib Spanker Mainsail and double reefed the topsails at 1 AM heavy squalls of wind hail and rain accompanied with shrp lightning from the NorthWest took in the Foresail and Mizzen topsail at 2 AM wore Ship took in the fore topsail and close reefed the Main Latter part A heavy gales from the NorthWest heading NNE |
Sunday 23th |
Fore part the same at 6 PM more moderate wind SouthWest course North NorthEast sett the Foresail Middle part light wind hauled it up again Latter part sett the topsails & lett out the reefs our? Truss falls tarpaulined the fore hatchway wind NorthWest heading NNE |
Monday 24th |
Fore part wind from the Westward and fine weather course North all sail out Middle part under single reefed topsails Latter part double reefed |
Tuesday 25th |
Fore part took in Mainsail Jib and Mizzen topsail at 6 PM took in the Fore wind from the Southward & Westward steering to the Northward & Eastward and squally Latter part sett fore & Mizzen topsails Jib and Mainsail |
Page [198] | |
Journal | |
May | 1830 |
Wednesday 26th |
Fore part squally lett A reef out of the Main topsail Middle sett Main Top Gallant Sail and took it in again Latter light wind from the North NorthWest with squalls of rain hoisted out the Larboard Pump and fitted it So Ends |
Thursday 27th |
Fore part hoisted out the Starboarad pump fitted it and put them both in again at 4 PM at 6 PM wind SouthWest course North By East squally Middle part heavy squalls of wind and hail acompanied with sharp lightning and thunder took Mainsail Jib Main Top Gallant sail and double reefed the topsails Latter part more moderate under single reefs |
Friday 28th |
Fore part heavy squalls of rain and hail took in Mizzen topsail at 5 PM took in the Fore & close reefed the Main Middle part strong gales and squalls of hail Latter the same |
Saturday 29th |
Fore part wind SouthWest course North NorthEast squally with lightning Ltter part more moderate made all sail and sett Fore Top Studding Sail |
Page [199] | |
Journal | |
May | 1830 |
Sunday 30th |
Fore part light squalls of wind and rain from the West course NNE Middle part the same Latter fine wind and weather |
Monday 31st |
Fore part fine breeze from the SouthWest course NorthEast By E Latter part course East NorthEast |
Tuesday 1st |
Fore part fine wind from the West SouthWest course East NorthEast Latter part sett Main Top Gallant Studding Sail & Fore Top Studding Sail all hands |
Wednesday 2nd |
Fore part light wind from the SouthWest course East NorthEast sent up Fore Top Gallant Mast and Yard sent out Fly Jibboom & Spritsail Yard and set lower Studding Sail at 6 PM hauled in the Studding Sails Latter part the same So Ends |
Thursday 3th |
Fore part light wind from the SouthWest course East NorthEast all hands fitting the riggin Latter part the same So Ends |
Friday 4th |
Fore part light winds from the NorthEast heading EastSouthEast So Ends |
Saturday 5th |
Fore part light squalls of rain wind SouthWest course N So Ends |
Page [200] | |
June | 1830 |
Sunday 6th |
Fore part light wind from the Southward sett Topmast and topgallant Studding Sails Latter part wind SouthEast course North By E |
Monday 7th |
Fore part fine breezes from the Eastward heading North hauled in the Studding Sails and unbent the Main Stay sail Latter part light squalls of rain So Ends |
Tuesday 8th |
Fore part sent up Main Royal Mast and Mizzen Top Gallant Mast Latter part sent up the Yards So Ends |
Wednesday 9th |
Fore part all hands ratling down & fitting the riggin wind NorthEast heading North & W Latter part the same |
Thursday 10th |
Fore part painting Ship Middle and Latter part the same |
Friday 11th |
Fore part light squalls of wind & rain from NorthEast heading East SouthEast took in Top Gallant Sails Latter part wind West heading N So Ends |
Saturday 12th |
Fore part wind SouthEast course North finished painting Larboard Side took in the Mizzen Top Gallant Sail Latter part took one reef in the Mizzen topsail & fore Top Gallant Sail at 6 AM saw An English Brig sett Fore Top Studding Sail So Ends |
Page [201] | |
June | 1830 |
Sunday 13th |
Fore part strong trades South SouthEast course North finished towing? down Latter part at 10 AM saw A ship off the weather quarter sttering North NorthEast at Meridian lost sight of her So Ends |
Monday 14th |
Fore part strong winds SouthEast course North at 6 PM took in Mizzen Top Gallant Sail Middle part strong breezes hauled in Top Studding Sail Latter sett it and Fore & Mizzen Top Gallant Sail and Fly Jib So Ends On Board |
Tuesday 15th |
Fore part moderate gales and pleasant weather the Watch employed painting Bowsprit Spritsail Yard Jib and Fly Jibbooms & Fore Tops Latter part painted Foremast and fore top |
Wednesday 16th |
Fore part wind from East SouthEast course North 1/2 East saw A Sail of the lee bow Middle part wind East NorthEast course North By East hauled in the Studding Sails at 6 AM A Brig of the Lee beam supposed to be the same we saw Yesterday 4 Miles distance Latter part 4 points of the lee quarter So Ends |
Page [202] | |
June | 1830 |
Thursday 17th |
Fore part wind East NorthEast course N Middle part at 6 PM lost sight of the Brig astern Latter part painting wind East SouthEast course North By West sett Topmast Studding Sail at 6 AM sett Top Gallant Studding Sails So Ends On Board |
Friday 18th |
Fore part wind South SouthEast course North NorthWest Middle part course NorthWest By North wind SouthEast at 7 AM saw A Brig ahead Latter part fitting Top Gallant Studding Sails lost sight of the Brig off the Starboard bow So Ends |
Saturday 19th |
Fore part turning belaying Pins at 5 PM hauled in the Topmast and Top Gallant Studding Sails took in Main Royal and Top Gallant Sail squalls of wind and rain from NorthEast Middle part reefed Mizzen topsail Latter part sett Fore and Main Top Gallant Sails & Main Royal and T Studding Sail So Ends |
Page [203] | |
June | 1830 |
Sunday 20th |
Fore part fine SouthEast wind course NorthWest By North wet hold and turning belaying Pins Latter part light winds So Ends |
Monday 21st |
Fore part the same Middle part wind EastSouthEast So Ends |
Tuesday 22nd |
Fore part squalls of wind and rain hauled in the topmast and Top Gallant Studding Sails Latter part the same So Ends |
Wednesday 23th |
Fore part the same Middle and Latter part sett Studding Sails So Ends On Board |
Thursday 24th |
Fore part fine weather wind SouthEast course NorthWest By N Latter part the same So Ends |
Friday 25th |
Fore part turning belaying Pins &cc Middle and Latter part light wind |
Saturday 26th |
Fore part squally wind from the Eastward Middle and Latter part the same |
Page [204] | |
Bound Home | |
June | 1830 |
Sunday 27th |
Fore part heavy squalls of wind and rain took in fore and Mizzen Top Gallant Sails and fore Top Gallant Sail at 7 PM took in Main Top Gallant Sail wind East NorthEast course NorthWest By N Latter part strong winds sett fore Top Gallant Sail So Ends On Board |
Monday 28th |
Commences with strong trades at 4 PM single reefed fore & Main topsails & sett the top gallant Sails over them at 6 PM took in the fore Top Gallant Sail at 7 PM took in the Main Latter part at day light saw A Brig off the weather beam steering SouthWest sett Main Top Gallant Sail |
Tuesday 29th |
Fore part fine weather under single reefed topsails with the Main Top Gallant sail sett Latter part sett fore & Mizen So Ends |
Wednesday 30th |
Fore part fine weather shook out the reefs Middle part the same Latter part sett topmast and Top Gallant Studding Sails wind East SouthEast course NorthWest at 8 AM saw A Hermaphrodite Brig off the Starboard beam steering to the SouthWest |
Page [205] | |
Journal | |
July | 1830 |
Thursday 1st July |
Fore part fine weather wind East SouthEast course NorthWest sett Main Royal Latter part the same |
Friday 2nd |
Fore part pleasant weather and A fine whole sail breeze from the East SouthEast course NorthWest Latter part all hands employed painting Ship So Ends |
Saturday 3th |
Fore part the same finished painting Ship and sett lower Studding Sail wind from the Eastward Latter part the same wind SE So Ends On Board |
Sunday 4th Three sail in sight |
Pleasant wind from the SouthWest and fine weather shifted Studding Sails on the Larboard side course NorthWest Latter part squally wind hauled to the West SouthWest hauled in the Studding Sails So Ends |
Monday 5th Saw A Ship steering SW |
Fore part light squalls of rain with strong winds from the SouthWest By West took in the Top gallant Sails and sett up their riggin fore and aft course NorthWest 1/2 W Latter part sett them again and Fly Jib So Ends On Board |
Page [206] | |
Journal | |
July | 1830 |
Tuesday 6th |
Fore part strong winds from the West SouthWest and squally course NorthWest 1/2 W Latter part making Man capes? So Ends |
Wednesday 7th |
Fore part the same course North West By North furled the Fly Jib Middle part sett Topmast & top gallat Studding Sails & Main Royal at 10 AM saw A Schooner off the weather bow Latter part sett up the Topmast back stays and Shrouds at 12 AM spoke the Albion of Portsmouth NH 10 days from New York sent the boat and got some paper So Ends |
Thursday 8th |
Fore part course North NorthWest wind SouthWest cloudy & hazy Middle part all sail out Latter part A Ship off the lee beam and A Brig off the lee bow run acros the Brigs stern the Boston of Boston steering West |
Friday 9th |
Fore part took in the Studding sails squally of wind & rain from the SouthWest course North NorthWest Latter part the same So Ends |
Saturday 10th |
Fore part carried away fore topmast Studding sail boom Middle part squally with Thunder & lightning Reef Mainsail |
Page [207] | |
Bound Home | |
July | 1830 |
Sunday 11th |
Fore part wind from the North NorthEast course NorthWest all sail out at 4 PM took in Fly Jib Latter part bent the Cables & put out the Anchors squalls of rain sounded no bottom So Ends |
Monday 12th |
Fore part squally course North NorthWest wind SouthWest Middle part at 10 AM sounded no bottom with 100 fathoms of line Latter part saw A Ship on the weather quarter & Hermaphrodite Brig came across our bow |
Tuesday 13th Long by Lunar 71:18 W |
Fore part thick & hazy wind South SouthEast course NorthWest By North dark coloured water 55 fathoms green ouze Block Island Channell at 4 PM hauled in the stopmast & topgallant Studding Sails course North NorthWest Middle part 45 fathoms ouze 40 & 39 sand and shells at day light A schooner under our lee put aft? 35 fathoms coarse sand North NorthWest another on the weather beam at 10 AM 33 fath's coarse sand A Ship on the weather beam at 1/2 past 11 AM spoke A Sloop from Bedford the Capt informed us Block Island bore North NorthEast distance 20 miles |
Page [208] | |
July | 1830 |
Wednesday 14th |
Fore part squall of rain and light wind saw A full rigged Brig standing to the South at 2 PM saw Block Island bearing North distance 10 miles at 6 PM tacked & at 10 PM saw Gay Head light bearing East NorthEast took in Top Gallant Sails Middle and Later part standing off and on heavy squalls of rain So Ends |
Thursday 15th |
Fore part more moderate but foggy wind SouthWest standing in for the Sound at 2 PM took a Pilot sett Main Royal Topmast & Top gallant Studding Sails A thick fog ran into 4 fathoms on the Devils Bridge and at 6 PM brought up in Holmes Hole thick fog Latter part at day light got underway and at 10 AM came to anchor at Nantucket Bar |
Source:This is a transcription of Lewis Monto's manuscript whaling journal for his 1827-1830 voyage as cooper on the Nantucket whale ship Plough Boy, Nathan Chase, commander. This voyage lasted 1,119 days or 3 years and 23 days. Entries in the journal usually consist of shorthand phrases running one after another. In the transcription line breaks mark the end of such phrases. Punctuation in the manuscript is almost nonexistant. Frequently entries are divided by the three parts of the nautical day (12 noon to 12 noon the day following) -- Fore, Middle and Latter. Generally the transcription follows Monto's spelling. His many abbreviations are spelled out in full in italics. A question mark follows words where the transcriber was unsure of Monto's original. The journal itself is now in the collections of the Nantucket Historical Association, Nantucket, Massachusetts, USA. A PDF version of Lewis Monto's journal from the NHA collection is available from the Internet Archive.
Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, Dec 3 2021.