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The Ploughboy arrives at the Bay of Islands.
April 24, 1836.

List of Arrivals at the Bay of Islands, from April 8th to May 10th 1836.

      April 8th — The American ship Vermont, Topham, 10 months from Poughkeepsie, with 250 barrels Sperm and 750 barrels black Oil. Resumed her trip April 14th.

      Same day, the brig Scamander, Rogers, 10 months from Sydney with 1060 barrels. Resumed her trip May 8th.

      April 9th — The American ship Moss, Clark, 34 months from New Bedford, with 2,650 barrels Oil, To sail for America 12th inst.

      April 11th. — The American ship Newburyport, Starbuck, 20 months from Newburyport, with 2,400 barrels.

      April 13th. — The brig Lady Leith, Coots, 14 months from Sydney, with 550 barrels. Resumed her trip May 8th.

      Same day, the American ship Franklin, Morton, 22 months from Nantucket, with 220 barrels oil. Sailed May 10th Cloudy Bay.

      Same day, the bark Psyche, Norris, 7 weeks from Sydney, with 200 barrels Oil. Resumed her trip April 26th.

      Same day, the bark Earl Stanhope, Salmon, 7 months from Sydney, with 900 barrels.

      April 20th. — The ship Governor Halkett, Bolger, 17 months from Sydney, with 1,406 barrels. Resumed her trip May 7th.

      April 24th. — The American ship Ploughboy, Captain Brown, 21 months from Nantucket, with 1,700 barrels.

      Same day, the ship Anastaia, Chapman, 11 months from Sydney, with 750 barrels.

      April 26th. — The Montreal, Steward, 18 months from London, with 1,500 barrels.

      Same day, the American ship Rose, Coffin, 34 months from Halifax, with 1,506 barrels.

      May 4th. — The French ship Maseppee, ———, 7 months from Havre, with 1,700 barrels black Oil. Same day, the Richard and William, Mayhew, 34 months out, with 1000 barrels.

      Same day, the Pantheon, Pell, 7 months out, 50 barrels.

      Same day, the American ship Lydia, Ramsay, 7 months from Salem, with 500 barrels black Oil.

      May 10th. — The American ship Cadmus, Crowell, 28 months from Fairhaven, with 1,200 barrels. The whole of the ships which arrived after the Governor Halkett, were at the Bay refitting on the 10th instant.

Sydney Monitor (Saturday 28 May 1836), p. 2.     

Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, Jun 11, 2023