Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

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The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. X Cats, Fowls, etc.


With regard to the laws as to CATS, FOWLS, &c., the Rev. G. H. Nobbs stated as follows:

If a CAT is killed without being positively detected in killing fowls, however strong the suspicion may be, the person killing such cat is obliged, as a penalty, to destroy 300 rats, whose tails must be submitted for the inspection of the magistrate, by way of proof that the penalty has been paid.

If a FOWL is found destroying the yams or potatoes, the owner of the plantation, after giving due warning, may shoot the fowl, and retain it for his use, and may demand of the owner of such fowl the amount of powder and shot so expended, as well as the fowl. The fowls are all toe-marked.

GOATS and other quadrupeds are ear-marked.

If a pig gets loose from its sty, and commits any depredation, the owner is obliged to make good the damage, according to the decision of the magistrate, whose duty it is to survey the injury alleged to be done, and from whose decision a reference, if necessary, may be made to a jury; but the final appeal is to the captain of the next man-of-war touching at the island.