Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

⇐ Chapter XHomeTITPTPSchool ⇒

The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. X Magistrate


The Magistrate is to convene the public on occasions of complaint being made to him; and on hearing both sides of the question, commit it to a jury. He is to see all fines levied, and all public works executed; and every one must treat him with respect. He is not to assume any power or authority on his own responsibility, or without the consent of the majority of the people. A public journal shall be kept by the magistrate, and shall from time to time be read; so that no one shall plead ignorance of the law for any crime he may commit. This journal shall be submitted to the inspection of those captains of British men-of-war which occasionally touch at the island.

N.B. Every person, from the age of fifteen and upwards, shall pay a fine similar to masters of families.