Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

⇐ Chapter IXHomeTITPTPNobbs's Return ⇒

The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. IX Reception


Dec 15, 1852

On Wednesday, December 15, 1852, two days before he quitted England for Pitcairn, Mr. Nobbs embarked at Portsmouth, on board the yacht Fairy, and proceeded by appointment to Osborne House, where he was received by Colonel the Hon. C. Grey, and after a short time was presented to Prince Albert. His Koyal Highness asked many questions as to the island, and appeared much pleased with the answers given.

Mr. Nobbs having, towards the conclusion, of this interview, humbly begged to be allowed to pay his duty in person to the Queen, and it having appeared that her Majesty had expressed her readiness to receive him, the Prince was pleased to present him to her Majesty. The reception was highly gratifying to his feelings as a dutiful subject, and the representative of the truly loyal community of Pitcairn. The Queen, who was most gracious and condescending in her demeanour towards him, was pleased to present him with her portrait. Portraits of Prince Albert and the Royal Children were added. These highly-treasured gifts Nov 3, 1853 having been consigned at Valparaiso to the care of Captain Morshead, of H.M.S. Dido, were safely landed at Pitcairn; and, on the 3d of the following November, were exhibited to the Islanders. Their devoted loyalty on the receipt of the picture of the Queen was most striking.