Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 22 2021

⇐ George Adams LetterHomeTITPTPJohn Buffett ⇒

The Island, the People, and the Pastor
Ch. VII The School


Besides these letters, the author has some neat "copies," in a small round hand, signed respectively by Albina M'Coy, Reuben Elias Nobbs, Miriam Christian, Robert Buffett, Jemima Young, Martha Young, James Chester Adams, John Adams, David Buffett, Simon Young, Frederic Young; the two latter being grandsons of Edward Young, who was on board the Bounty. These copies are from well-chosen originals, given by their master to his pupils as exercises in writing.

The following are specimens:—

"Religion conduces both to our present and future happiness.

"Wisdom and understanding should be treasured in your heart.

"Kingdoms and crowns must eventually be laid in the dust.

"Strive to deserve the friendship and approbation of good men."

There is also a leaf out of Martha Young's ciphering-book. She was afterwards married to David Buffett. The pages are filled with accurately finished sums in several rules of arithmetic.

The School-house is a substantial building, about 56 feet long by 20 wide, conveniently supplied with forms, desks, slates, books, and maps. This room was fitted up and used for the performance of Divine Service on Sundays, and such other days as are appointed on the island.

In a letter from some of the elder pupils to Captain Hope, in August 1847, a report is given of the school duties and times of attendance:—

"We attend school five days in the week, five hours each day. Our routine of school duties is as follows:— namely, commence with prayer and praise; conclude with the same. Monday, recital of weekly tasks, reading the Holy Scriptures, writing, arithmetic, and class spelling. Tuesday, the same as on Monday. Wednesday, reading in history and geography, transcribing select portions of Scripture, &c. Thursday, similar to Monday and Tuesday. And on Friday, which is the busiest day of the week, transcribing words with their definitions from Walker's Dictionary; read hymns, or rather devotional and moral poetry; repeat Watts's and the Church Catechism; arithmetical tables, &c. &c.; and emulative spelling concludes the whole: we are generally an hour longer at school on this day than any other. On Wednesday afternoon the elder scholars attend the Bible class, with their parents. On the Sabbath, Divine service is performed twice, and all who can possibly attend do so.

"If the request is not improper, will you, honoured Sir, procure for us some copy-slips, or models for writing, and a few of Walkinghame's Arithmetic, with a Key to the same? We often hear our teacher say, if he had these helps, the work would be much easier."

School house
Church and School-house, Pitcairn

⇐ George Adams LetterHomeTITPTPJohn Buffett ⇒