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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 120 Ship List

which has gained them the good will of all their countrymen in England, and the affectionate regard of all Christians. Stephen G. Fremantle Captain

Sep 29, 1855

Sept 29th Ship Amethyst N B
Jones 12 mo 400

Oct 14, 1855

Oct 14 1855
Ship George Howland Wight of New Bedford
64 months out 1600 al[l] told Bound to

Aug 21, 1855

August 21st 1855
Barque "Southern Cross" of Hobart Town
from San Felipe, Bolivia for Hobart
Town Cargo Guana Geo R M'Arthur master
Robt. Wm Carns M.D.

Ship "Ocean Rover" 5½ ms 180 bbls sperm
Chas. A Needer [Veeder?]

Jan 4, 1856

1856 January 4th. Barque "Lizzie" (N Y) from
San Francisco for Valparaiso

Jan 27, 1856

January 27th Ship Spartan 19 ms 750 all told
Elihu F Turner

Jan 28, 1856

Jan 28th Ship Montauk 17 months out
200 bbls whale 60 sperm
A. Smith [?]

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