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Revised 2/1/2009

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 118 Ship List

Dec 13, 1854

Barque American Cousins master
22 days from Tahita Dec 13. 1854
Victor [?] San Francisco

Shipping List for 1855

Jan 5, 1855

Jany 5th.
Bark Lafayette . New Bedford 24 mos from home
800 bbls sperm . Allen Master

Ship "Sarah Parker." 40 days from San Francisco
bound to New York .

Ship Wm Wirt of Newbedford 15 mo from
home 1400 Bbls whale 80 sperm bound to
Ochotsk Sea E.R. Ashley Master

Jan 30, 1855

Ship Java Fair haven 9 mo from home
Cruse [an/au/are?] New Zealand 400 W 60 sperm
Jaris Wood Master Jan 30 1855

Feb 17, 1855

Feby 17th
H.M.S. Amphitrite From Tahiti bound to
Valparaiso, Captain M. Connolly
So much is generally known now about this "oasis in the desert" of the Pacific, that it would be superfluous my writing any more on this page, than to add my humble tribute of admiration to that of every body else, whose good fortune has led them to visit this most interesting island. M.Connolly

Mar 4, 1855

March 4th 1855
Ship A [Basher/Barker?]
no oil bound to Sandwich

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