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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 100, Jun 14-24, 1856

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1856 continued

presents a succession of hillocks & shallow ravines covered with short brown grass, and scarcely a tree to be seen. Every one much disappointed having been accustomed to hear the place so much extolled. No doubt other parts of the Island have a better appearance, but this side certainly looses in the comparison with our "rock of the west." At 8 oclock the anchor was let go & preparations made for debarking. By one the whole community, assisted by the boats of HMS "Herald" were safely landed. During the whole of the debarkation Capt. Denham remained on the pier notwithstanding the heavy rain and welcomed the people as they landed to their new Home: & evinced the greatest anxiety for our comfort. Towards the close of this eventful day we all assembled in a large upper room in the Soldiers Barracks, where we solemnly & gratefully offered our thanks & praises to our Triune God for His continued goodness & mercy in thus bringing us to our future Earthly home & I trust we were sincere in imploring his watchful care that we swerve not to the right hand nor the left.

Jun 14, 1856

June 14th.
Phebe Cleavline the infant daughter of Jonathan & Phebe Adams died.

Jun 16, 1856

June 16th.
Eliza Louisa daughter of Fletcher & Susan Nobbs born

Jun 22, 1856

" 22nd.
6 P.M. A sail in the offing. She had the appearance of a ship of war, in all probability the "Juno" which ship we are expecting.

Jun 23, 1856

" 23
HMS "Juno" for such the ship in the offing yesterday proved to be came to an anchor at the Cascade, it being very smooth there

Jun 24, 1856

" 24th
Early this morning Capt. Mathers embarked & with him our respected & most worthy friend Alfred A. Robinson Esq. From the time this gentleman landed on Pitcairn

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