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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 95, Apr 10-21, 1856

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1856 continued

we also learned that the ship to remove us will [?] be here before the beginning of August. The first lieutenant & several other officers landed & remained on shore all night.

Apr 10, 1856

April 10th.
Cloudy weather with a N.West wind, the surf at the landing place considerably heavier than it was yesterday. Cap. Moreshead landed at 10 A.M. At 5 Capt. M. embarked. It was with difficulty the boats with the officers got through the surf. One boat on her return got capsized & disabled. Our sole remaining boat the "Young Portland" went on board and when alongside the ship, from the quantity of water in her, got capsized & stove so that She could not return & the [?] had to remain as our people could not get on shore.

Apr 11, 1856

" 11th.
Squally weather with a very heavy surf. Our boat came on shore with a boat to take care of her she barely floated on shore. At noon the "Dido" made sail for Valparaiso. From whence she is to proceed to England. May God preserve her worthy Captain officers & crew.

Apr 19, 1856

" 19th.
Priscilla Pitcairn daughter of James & Priscilla Quintal born

Apr 21, 1856

" 21st.
At ten o clock this morning a sail was reported coming in from the South end of the Island. At 4 P.M. she was [?] St. Pauls rock & the[n] we perceived that she had a pennant flying. From this we felt sure that she was come for the purpose of conveying us to Norfolk Island. As soon as she hove to, a canoe went on board (both of our whaleboats having been knocked to pieces during the stay of the Dido) and we were anxiously waiting for the preconcerted signal if indeed it should be the Ship, as was generally conjectured. One canoe born

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