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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 91, Apr 20-May 26, 1855

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1855 continued

Apr 20, 1855

April 20th
The infant seemed stronger than yesterday but there was a great accession of fever & a [?]ness about the eyes. It seemed continually hungering after the breast, during the forenoon it was seized with frequent fits of vomiting of a bilious type. A few drops of Ipecacuanha and wine was given to cleanse the stomach. Afterwards gave it a grain of calomel with four of Rhubarb in order the cleanse the bowels but its stomach rejected it. At 20 minutes to eleven the dear little sufferer ceased to exist. The Rev. Mr. Nobbs was in attendance, being very unwell, he read a portion of scriptures & prayed with [?] those present & returned home.

May 24, 1855

May 24th.
The anniversary of Her Majestys birth it was, as usual, observed as a day of rejoicing & there was some dancing, but many did not attend, the late melancholy events being the reason for their not doing so. It is pleasing to observe an increasing seriousness among the young people. At ten o'clock all returned to their homes. May God preserve our beloved Queen many years. And may peace be speedily restored to dear old England.

May 26, 1855

" 26th
At 9 oclock A.M. the Rev. G.H. Nobbs was summoned to attend quickly on the infant child of John & Dinah Quintall which has been slowly declining for some time by reason of its chest being loaded with phlegm, which the Rev. Mr. N. has been unable to remove. It frequently [?] the nurse, inadvertently permitting

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