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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 89, Apr 7, 1855 cont.

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1855 continued

rendering it highly dangerous if not impossible to bring it over land. A sufficient number of the fishermen were found at the landing for this purpose. The boat was immediately manned & taken round to the place where the corpse lay, when it was put on board and brought round to Bounty Bay. It was then transferred to a canoe & brought on men's shoulders to the village. Poor Lydia with her three sisters, brother, & the sister in law of the deceased came in the boat with the corpse. It was taken to Isaac Christians house, where the injuries were examined by the Rev. Mr. Nobbs. The spine was broken at the bend of the shoulders & the occiput fractured badly. There was also a [small?] cut on one of the legs but no other bones were broken.

Fresh & so sudden was the death of Daniel McCoy a young man beloved by every body & most deservedly so, this is the third of the family who have had an untimely death within a few year. William McCoy died from lock jaw occasioned by a splinter of wood running into his foot, Matthew McCoy who died from wounds received from the accidental discharge of the Bounty's gun, & now the third brother Daniel by falling from the precipice. May the God of the widow support poor Lydia under tis severe trial & may we all be enabled to see in this awful calamnity the finger of the all wise Providence who ordereth all things for the best. Lydia has no children to set her affections upon, but she has a brother, Mother & sisters & the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community.

Daniel McCoy was in his twenty third year

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