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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 81, Jan 1-Feb 17, 1855

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Jan 1, 1855

Jany 1st.
Frederick Young elected Chief Magistrate
Isaac Christian & Edward Quintall councillors

The community buisily employed in sending presents to each other as New Year gifts, a new feature in the annals of the Island, It took its rise from the probability that before another year a separation will take place.

Jan 5, 1855

" 5th.
Caroline Augusta daughter of John & Caroline Adams born

Feb 16, 1855

Feby. 16th
At 2 o clock P.M. a ship was reported heading up for the Island. At 5 it was affirmed [that?] she had a red ensign flying & was beyond doubt a ship of war. Now every body is [?] the qui vive & lots drawn to see who should man the boat in the morning. This evening a water course for conducting the water from "Brown's Water" to the village was completed

Feb 17, 1855

" 17th.
At daylight the report of a cannon was heard & an English Frigate was close in off Bounty Bay. The boat was speedily got ready & just as she was being launched a second gun was fired. From this circumstance we augured that the Captain of the frigate is in a hurry, either to land or be off to some other destination. Our boat was soon on board & in an hour or so returned in company with three of the ships boats. The surf being a little cross grained the foreign boats could not land, & the parties designing to visit us were conveyed on shore by our boat, it having to make many trips through the surf

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