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Revised Dec 10 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 62, Jan 31, 1853

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1853 continued

repaired this morning, she was immediately launched and a number of the natives, accompanied by the Rev. W.H. Holman put off in her. A few strokes of the oar soon brought the boat alongside when all those who went received a hearty welcome from Com James C. Prevost and the officers of H.M. Steam Sloop "Virago"

The Virago was immediately brought to an anchor abreast of Bounty Bay. After firing a salute of six guns & giving three hearty cheers for the Queen and three more for the Islanders (which was as heartily returned by those on shore) Capt. Prevost with some of his officers came on shore and remained all night. In the evening the islanders ad officers amused themselves with singing and listening to the Bagpipes, which was kindly brought on shore by the commander of the "Virago" to amuse the Islanders. The commander gave a pressing invitation to all the Inhabitants to go on board of the "Virago" and take an excursion round the Island under steam, it was thankfully received and accordingly next morning at 9 all were ready to embark. They were all safely landed again at three P.M. much delighted with their visit.

Jan 31, 1853

Jany 31st.
I have considered it my melancholy duty to enter in the public Register one of the most awful and distressing events which has ever occurred in the history of this little community. The visit of H.M.S. Virago had afforded every one the greatest pleasure and delight she was

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