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Revised Dec 10 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 51, Mar 24-Dec 24, 1850

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1850 continued

Mar 24, 1850

March 24th
Daniel McCoy and Lydia Young married.

Apr 20, 1850

April 20.
Charles Carleton Vieder son of Moses and Albina Young [born]

Jun 2, 1850

June 2nd.
John Pitcairn Elford a native of Adelaide New South Wales Baptized

Jun 15, 1850

" 15th.
Julia Christian died of Dysentery

Jul 10, 1850

July 10
Susannah (a Native of Tahiti and last survivor of the Bounty) died from the prevailing epidemic and the exhaustion of old age combined

Sep 18, 1850

Sept. 18th.
Robert Charles Grant son of Frederick & Mary Young born

Sep 24, 1850

" 24th.
Mrs. Eliza C. Palmer Wife of Capt Geo Palmer of Nantucket U.S.A. Died of consumption

Sep 23, 1850

" 23rd.
Edward Quintall 2nd. fell from the precipice upon the rocks below and badly fractured his leg

Dec 24, 1850

Dec. 24th.
Charles William Grant born

Summary of the year 1850

Nr. of inhabitants 155, Males 79, Females 77 Nr. of Ships touching here 47. American 29 English 17 Hanoverian 1.

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