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Revised 1/12/2009

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 48, Summary 1849

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1849 continued


Nr of births this year ten, Marriages one, Deaths one. Number of inhabitants one hundred and fifty five, Males seventy six. Females seventy nine. Forty seven children attend the public school. Thirty the Sunday school.

This year is unprecedented in the annals of Pitcairns. We have been visited by two British ships of war: The "Pandora," Captain Wood, and the "Daphne" Captain Fanshawe. The commanders of these ships and their officers treated the inhabitants with the greatest kindness and were pleased to express their entire approval of all they saw or heard. The "Daphne" brought us a bull and cow; and some rabbits, with a variety of other articles from the Rev. Wm Armstrong, and other friends in Valparaiso. The cattle and the rabbits produced a great sensation. Another, (to us) wonderful occurrence is the arrival of so many other ships under British Colors, viz. eight from the colonies (bound for California) and one whale ship from London, in all nine merchantmen and two ships of war!!! American ships have dwindled down to seven six whalers and one brig from California. In her Reuben Nobbs embarked for Valparaiso. Number of ships touching here this year, eighteen.

George Adams saved the life of a child alongside of a British ship in the offing.

The inhabitants, with scarcely an exception, have suffered severely from sickness, during the months

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