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Revised 11/24/2008

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 43, Jan 1-Jul 10, 1849

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Jan 1, 1849

Jany. 1st
Simon Young elected magistrate. Arthur Quintal and Edward Quintall councillors

Jan 16, 1849

" 16*
Mary Edward Young born.
[Mary Elizabeth Young born this date.]

Apr 19, 1849

April 19th.
George Webb son of John and Caroline Adams born

Mar 24, 1849

March 24*
Rachael E. Young born.
[Rachel Hope Quintal born this date.]

*[These two dates were blank in the Nobbs version.]

Jul 10, 1849

July 10th
This morning at daylight, our city was scared from its propriety by the booming of a cannon. Those who had already risen ran to the edge of the precipice and those who had not turned out lost no time in doing so. A brig was discovered in the offing with a flag of some kind flying; but from the want of light we could not distinguish its heraldic bearings. After peeping through the somewhat hazy atmosphere for nearly half an hour, and stretching our necks and eyelids in a most extraordinary manner the increased light enabled us to discern that the vessel wore the St. George's ensign and now the shout of a man of war sounded from house to house. Two boats were speedily manned and soon got on board. As the weather was low[e]ring, we on shore were fearful that the ships boat would not land but after an hour's anxious suspense, we were gratified by seeing a boat lowered, and pull for the shore accompanied by our boats. On nearing the surf a party from the ships boat shifted into ours and passed through the surf quite dry. The brigantine proved to be H.M.S. Pandora, James Wood commander, from Oahu and Tahiti, bringing a passenger, Mr. Buffett, who left this place for

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