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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 36, Oct 1-Dec 24, 1847

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1847 continued

Oct 1, 1847

Oct. 1st.
Byron Stanley Mitchell, son of John & Caroline Adams born

Nov 2, 1847

Nov. 2nd
Eliza C Palmer daughter of Simon & Mary Young born

Dec 4, 1847

Dec. 4th
Almira Emeline daughter of Isaac & Miriam Christian born

Dec 24, 1847

Dec. 24th.
Amira Emeline Christian born.


Nr of births this year 6. Marriages none. Deaths none. Nr of inhabitants 140. Males 72. Females 68. A less amount of sickness this year than for several years previous.
Nineteen ships have visited us during the last twelvemonth thirty less than the year before.
"Oh what a falling off was there my countrymen!"
Forty eight children attend the public school.

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