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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 31, Jan 1-Nov 17, 1846

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Jan 1, 1846

Jany. 1st
Arthur Quintall jun. reelected Magistrate
William McCoy and Thomas Buffett councillors

Jan 27, 1846

" 27th.
Frederick Lorenzo Fisher son of Simon & Mary Young born

May 27, 1846

May 27th
Abby Louisa Tabor daughter of William & Maria Quintall born

Jun 12, 1846

June 12th.
Church and school house finished; it is a very decent building and reflects much credit on those employed in the construction of it.

Jun 14, 1846

" 14th
Opened the new house for public worship. Sermon for the occasion from the 31st. chap. Deut. 12 verse.

Jul 19, 1846

July 19th
Eleanor Clotilda daughter of Charles & Charlotte Christian born

Aug 3, 1846

Aug 3rd.
Alphonso Downs son of Thursday and Mary Christian born

Aug 29, 1846

" 29th.
This morning Levi Quintall the infant son of John & Dinah Quintall, went into the cook house during the temporary absence of its mother and going near to the fire his clothes caught fire and the consequence was his being burned in a dreadful manner, 7 oclock of the same evening notwithstanding proper remedies were promptly applied and every attention paid, the little sufferer expired.

Sep 14, 1846

Sep. 14th.
Sickness is again making sad inroads among us. Fever succeeded by dysentery is the type. Some are affected severely, others slightly. Susannah the old woman who came hither in the Bounty 27 years since is in a dangerous state.

Sep 18, 1846

Sept. 18.
Emma Young [Buffett] born

Nov. 11, 1846

Nov. 11.
Edmund Joseph Napoleon son of Arthur & Martha Quintall born

Nov 27, 1846

" 27
Alfred Augustine son of George & Sarah Nobbs born

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