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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 22, Oct 6-10, 1844

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1844 continued

The first fortnight in September was devoted to surveying & adjusting boundary land marks not completing the survey, it is to be resumed after the yam planting have taken place

Oct 6, 1844

Oct. 6
George Adams widower and Sarah McCoy widow married.

Oct 10, 1844

" 10th
Levi Ward son of John and Dinah Quintall born


Number of births this year five, Marriages two, Deaths none. Ships holding communication with the Island 18. Number of inhabitants 121 Males 60 Females 61. Sickness have been prevalent at times. The sweet potatoe crops this year were infested with worms to an alarming degree
24 males and 28 females eligible for voting at the magisterial election. Weeds overrun the island. Worms infest the potatos. There is a comet in sight.
44 children attend the public school.

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