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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 16, Aug 31-Oct 2, 1841

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


obligations to Dr. Gunn. At 4 P. M. the first Lieut. and the surgeon went on board and the ship sailed. May Almighty God preserve the worthy Captain officers & crew from every untoward circumstance.

Aug 31, 1841

Aug. 31st.
The number of the sick continue to increase. There are more than fifty cases, and not a sufficient number of persons in health to dig the yams out of the ground (this being the harvest time) Edward Quintal is not expected to live many days & his wife is nearly as bad as he is. The school house is shut up and almost every house in the place has the appearance of an hospital. Truly the hand of God is upon us. Oh! Lord in wrath, remember mercy.

Sep 5, 1841

Sept. 5
Sunday. But one service this day. The number of the sick continue to increase, although, some few are convalescent. The epidemic is fever attended with a distressing cough.

Sep 8, 1841

" 8th.
Edward Quintall sen. died. His disease was influenza and dysentery combined. Dinah Quintall (wife of the deceased[)] is in a very dangerous state. Three fresh cases of influenza this day.

Sep 9, 1841

" 9th.
The body of Edward Quintall sen. interred. Stephen son of Fletcher & Peggy Christian born

Sep 19, 1841

" 19th..
Isabella a native of Tahiti and relict of Fletcher Christian of the Bounty died. Her age is not known but she frequently said Capt. Cooks first arrival at Tahiti was perfectly remembered by her. Some individuals have regained their health others are yet in a precarious state.

Sep 28, 1841

" 28th.
School recommenced.

Oct 2, 1841

Oct. 2nd.
Joseph Napoleon Quintall died aged 2 years

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