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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 12, Nov 10-Dec 30, 1839

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1839 continued.

[appro]bation of our respected visitors. Captain Shepherd afterward divided a valuable present among the inhabitants.

Nov 10, 1839

Nov. 10th.
Sunday. Captain Shepherd and his officers attended divine service twice. At 5 P.M. they returned on board.

Nov 11, 1839

" 11th..
Captain with a party of his officers came on shore and in the afternoon several cases were submitted to him for decision.

Nov 12, 1839

" 12th
In the afternoon all the inhabitants were assembled in the school house; and Captain S. addressed them on various subjects connected with their welfare. After which he distributed rewards among the children of the school according to their respective merits. In the evening Captain S. went on board & the Sparrowhawk sailed for the Society Islands.

Dec 3, 1839

Dec. 3rd.
Margaret McCoy delivered of a male child which died shortly after its birth.

Dec 7, 1839

" 7th Joseph Napoleon Quintall son of Edward & Dinah Quintall born.

Dec 13, 1839

" 13th
Isabella Emily daughter of Fletcher & Peggy Christian born

Dec 30, 1839

" 30th.
Louisa Victoria Rose daughter of Arthur & Martha Quintall born


Number of births this year, eight, Marriages, one, Deaths, three. Thirteen ships have touched here this year; a greater number than ever arrived before in the same space of time. Fifty two scholars attend public school, Number of inhabitants 106, 53 of each sex.

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