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Revised May 30 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 3, 1795-1799

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


May 6, 1795

6. May
The two first canoes built for the purpose of fishing

Dec 27, 1795

Dec. 27th
Saw a ship close in with the Island which greatly alarmed the mutineers. A heavy sea rolling upon the shore and the weather being bad, the ship stood to the S.E.


Endeavoured to procure a quantity of meat for salting, and to make syrup from the ti-plant (Dracæna terminalis) and sugar-cane.


Apr 20, 1798

April 20th
McCoy distilled a bottle of ardent spirit from the Ti root. The copper kettle of the Bounty being made into a still frequent intoxication was the consequence. McCoy in particular upon whom it produced fits of delirium, in one which, he fastened a stone to his neck threw himself from the rocks into the sea and was drowned.


Matthew Quintall having threatened to take the life of Young and Adams and having once failed in an attempt to do so, Adams and Young having no doubt that he would put his threat into execution should an opportunity offer, came therefore to the conclusion that their own lives were not safe while he was in existence, and that they would be justified in putting him to death, which they accordingly did with an axe.

Between this date and 1794 Sarah Quintall, Dinah Adams, Polly Young, John Mills, Robert Young, Arthur Quintal, George Young, William Young, Edward Young, Dolly Young, Jane Quintall, James Young, Rachel Adams were born.

Quintal lost his wife by a fall from the cliff, while in search of birds' eggs.

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