Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 12 2021

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Letter from Joshua Hill to the Earl of Ripon
May, 1833

Source: Royal Geographical Society, U.K.

Pitcairn's Island, May, 1833.

His Majesty's ship Challenger, under the command of Captain Freemantle, has just arrived here, last from Otaheite, and previously from Sydney, bringing the duc, soap, &c. which the British government has been so kind as to send for these people, and for which they feel highly grateful. But I lament to say that Captain Freemantle does not feel himself authorized to take off the three Englishmen; which is the more to be regretted as considerable time may elapse before another ships of war may come here. But he has done for the best. I will look forward, and do the best I possibly can in the interval.

&c., &c.
J. Hill