Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 19 2021

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Brodie's Pitcairn's Island

IN concluding my labour of love, and, while commending my little book to the good wishes of my readers, 1 would still wish to say one word more as to the future prospects of Pitcairn's Island, which forms its theme. The nucleus of a committee has already been formed, for the purpose of benefiting its simple inhabitants, by supplying them with clothing and many other necessary articles, which they much require: and, it is to be hoped, that those who feel an interest in the subject of the aforesaid pages, will apply either to J— S—, Esq., of 14, Chatham-place, B—, who has kindly consented to act as Honorary Secretary; or to myself, who will be most happy to afford any information on the subject.

[The rest of the book, except for the Shipping List which follows, has not been included, as it concerns Mr. Brodie's travels subsequent to leaving Pitcairn.]