Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 19 2021

← Letter Fremantle/Hill  HomeBrodieLetter Hill/Townshend →

Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
Letter Mackinnon/Hill

Copy of a Note from Professor Alex. Mackinnon to J. Hill.

"MY DEAR SIR,—Mrs. Mackinnon has settled with the doctor to innoculate oar little girl with the "vaccine pus" this evening about five o'clock; this of course, deprives her and myself of the pleasure which we, as well as every other person, must always enjoy in your agreeable and interesting company. Discourses on subjects so great and sublime as occupied the talents and goodness of a Newton, a Boyle, a Bacon, and a D'Alembert, and to which you pay such attention, must interest and improve the mind of every rational person and admirer of the great and wonderful Author of the world, and all the phenomena that surround them.

"We both trust, in a few days, to have the pleasure of taking tea with you."