Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 19 2021

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Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
Letter Quintal/Hill

Extract from a Note from Edward Quintal, one of the principal Elders, dated Pitcairn's Island, 6th April, 1833, to the Rev. George Pritchard, Missionary, Tahiti.

"Our good friend, Capt. Hill, has been, and is doing all in his power for our general welfare; and I am sure that his plans are well calculated to insure both our present and future happiness. He will, doubtless, write to you fully himself, to which I must beg thus to refer you for particulars. Being, Rev. Sir, your most faithful and obedient servant,

"for my father, EDWARD QUINTAL."

Copy of a Letter, dated 8th March, l834 , from the same to the same.

"REV. AND DEAR SIR,—I wish to avail myself of the pleasure of transmitting you a line, for I have not time to say more at present, in regard to the very unpleasant state of things for a long while on our island; and I must observe to you again that, but for the presence of Capt. Hill, we never could have been able to have got on, against the exceeding bad proceedings of the three foreigners among us. But now, the Lord be ever praised! the whole cause being removed, we have no doubt whatever, the effect will be immediate union among the natives." [This letter was sent by the vessel which took the three exiles hence to Tahiti,April 8th, 1834.] "Capt. Hill has all along acted like a father to us all, and we really owe him more than we shall ever be able to discharge. I cannot conceive how any person could have attempted to stigmatise, by the frigate Challenger, a gentleman of his just pretensions; but Capt. Freemantle soon saw through the intention and design, &c. Hoping you are all well, I am, Rev. and dear Sir, your most obedient servant,

"(Signed) for my father, EDWARD QUINTAL,

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