Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 4 2021

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Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
John Buffett Sentence


Extract of John Buffett's Sentence.

“Pitcairn’s Island,5th August, 1833.

“It only remains with us to declare the sentence of the law, which is:—And this court doth accordingly adjudge, that you receive forthwith three dozen lashes with a cat, upon the bare back and breech, together with a flue of three barrels of yams or potatoes, to be paid within one month, or, in default thereof, an extra barrel will be required for this re-iterated contempt of court.

(Signed, &c., by the whole court.)

“Moreover, John Buffett, the sentence of the court is, that whether with or without your family, you are to leave this island by the first vessel that may present herself thus; for if you do not, punishment and imprisonment will be the consequence.

(Signed by the whole court.)

Aug 5, 1833

“N.B. And, moreover, it is resolved by the court that in case you, John Buffett, should presume to deviate from the re-iterated promise which you made to the said court, on the 5th instant, touching your future rule of action (i. e. good conduct and the assurances which you then made, duly to respect the public functionaries of this island), whilst thus you may remain upon it, that the residuum of your said punishment (twenty-four from thirty-six) shall be duly inflicted.

“But, on the contrary, it may be observed, in limine, that the executive, wishing always peace and tranquillity and good order, which, with the help of the blessed Lord, it has determined to maintain and enforce. In the event, therefore, of a manifest reformation of your rule of action and erroneous actions and principles, the executive is ever ready and willing to take into due consideration, so far as circumstances may permit, and may prove compatible with the general interest and welfare of the commonwealth, touching the premises, and in relation to the said rule of action which you may hereafter think just to pursue, and the good behaviour which circumstances render it expedient that you should adopt; otherwise, in due course, the said balance of a dozen or fourteen, which still remain due to you, must be settled accordingly.”

(Signed, &c., aforesaid by the court.)

“I hereby certify that the foregoing are true
extracts and copies from the originals
deposited in the archives.

Aug 5, 1833

“Pitcairn’s Island,5th August, 1833.

“(Signed) J. HILL.

“To John Buffett, Pitcairn’s Island.”

“I hereby certify that this is a true copy.

“(Signed) F. D. BENNETT.”

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