Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 19 2021

← Diary Mar 29, 1850HomeBRODIEDiary Apr 1, 1850 →

Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
Diary, March 30-31, 1850

Mar 30, 1850

March 30th. This day I was shown two-guns (nine-pounders), one large copper boiler, several pegs of iron kentledge, part of an armourer’s bellows, an anvil, two sledge hammers, and a quantity of loose copper, which came out of the Bounty. Moderate north wind during the day. Employed myself in collecting information regarding this island, as also in collecting shells, which were not very numerous. Took some lessons in tappa making, under Mrs. Nobbs and her married daughter’s tuition. It being a very noisy process I did not remain long a scholar at my lesson. The tappa cloth is used by the islanders in place of sheets. Before they received presents from the British Government in clothing, &c., &c., they used it for their ordinary clothing.

This day my tobacco was reduced to only one pipe full, which to me was the greatest possible deprivation. In the evening Mr. Nobbs found a stick of tobacco in his medicine chest, which I accepted from him as a very great prize. Nearly all the men here smoke, but there is not more than half a pound of tobacco upon the whole island. This day an unfortunate accident was discovered. The bull which had been imported by H. M. S. Daphne was found dead, having fallen over the rocks, the soft ground having given way under its weight.

Mar 31, 1850

March 31st. Moderate east wind, with fine clear weather. Went twice to church and attended the Sunday-school.