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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 4, 1789

Remarks in the Bountys Launch Monday 4th May 1789 at Sea

This day the weather was very severe, it blew a Storm from NE to ESE. The Sea run higher that yesterday and the fatigue of bailing to keep the Boat from filling was exceedingly great. We could do nothing more than keep before the Sea, in the course of which the Boat performed so wonderfully well that I no longer dreaded any danger in that respect, but among the hardships we were to undergo that of being constantly wet was not the least. The nights were very cold, and at day light our limbs so benumbed that we could scarce find the use of them. At this time I served a teaspoonfull of Rum to each person which every one agreed did him a great deal of good.

As I have mentioned before I determined to keep to the WNW untill I got more to the northward, for I not only expected to have better weather, but to see those Islands called Fidgee as I have often understood from the Natives of Anamoka that they lie in that direction, but if I recollect right Captain Cook considers them to be in the NW. As I was speaking and representing the situation of these Islands as I had been told by the Natives, we discovered a Small flat Island of a moderate height. It was now Noon. The Island bearing WSW 4 or 5 leagues. It was with great difficulty I could observe, I however got a good latitude & found my situation to be in 18°58′South 182°16′East having made a N72W Course dist 95 miles from yesterday Noon. I now divided five Small Cocoanutts for our dinner and every one was satisfied.

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