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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 26, 1789

Remarks in Anamoka Road Sunday 26th April 1789

Light Winds and Cloudy, clearing at times which gave me opportunities to make observations for the Time Keeper and Variation, which proved the former to have kept very good Time. Wind NE to ESE.

PM Completed wooding and AM watering. I sent Mr. Fryer with the watering party and Mr. Nelson went to get a few Plants. No very principal Cheif being here these gentlemen both met with losses by the Rabble. One lost the Grapnal and the other a Spade and met with some insults. Tepa was applied to and the Spade was returned but the Grapnal remained. As here were a number of Cannoes from different Islands the Croud of Natives became very great, it was therefore impossible to do any thing among such a throng without a principal Cheif who could command the whole which was not at present the Case. I therefore determined to Sail as I could not discover that any person had sent off to Paulehow or Feenow. When the theft was first committed the Cheifs kept away but soon after returned on board. We had great supplies of the finest yams. Hogs Cocoanutts Breadfruit and Plantains were thinly brought to Sale, but that I attribute to our desire for the yams. At noon I gave directions to unmoor and finding no chance of the Grapnal being returned, I secretly determined to confine the two Tubows, Qunocappo and what others might be on board after I got under way, untill the Grapnal should be returned if it was in the Island.

Served fresh Pork and two pounds of yams to each man.

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