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Revised May 21 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 11, 1789

Friday, Apr. 10, 1789

1:00 pm Fresh Gales and Cloudy Weather with very Severe Squalls. Clewed up all Sails. Double Reefed the Topsails. Much Rain.

4:00 pm Dark Gloomy Weather. Made Sail.

6:00 pm
Rain at Times.

Saturday, Apr. 11, 1789

2:00 am Very severe Squalls. Took in all Sails.

3:00 am Much Lightning.

4:00 am Made Sail.

5:00 am Heavy Rain. Wore Ship. At 5 Saw a Small Island SBW½W about 5 leagues off. At 6 Wore and Stood close hauled for the Land.

7:00 am At 7 Took altitudes for Longitude by Time Keeper. A round Hill the highest part of the Island bore S21°W 10½ Miles Measured distance.

10:00 am Saw several low Islands or Keys farther to the Southward & Eastward. At 10 hous 41' North end of the Island true West. At 11 41′ South end of Ditto true West.

12:00 pm Open Cloudy Weather. The extremes of the Island first seen N87°W to N64½W. The Round Hill N68°W. The East Key S79°W 2 leagues and the South Key S69°W 2½ leagues. Could count 9 small Islands or Keys from the Mast head, besides the principal Island.

Remarks at Noon: Herveys Islands by Time Keeper S62°E 46 Miles.


I had little reason to expect making any New Discovery, as my Track, altho not traversed by any before, yet was bordering so near on others, that I scarce thought it probable to meet with any land. At daylight however we discovered an Island of a Moderate height with a round Conical Hill towards its northern extreme. The N.W. part made in a perpendicular head, but the S.E. slopes off to a point. As I advanced towards it, a Number of Small Keys were seen from the Mast head lying to the S.E., and at Noon could Count nine of them. They were all covered with Trees, and the large Island had a most fruitful Appearance. The Shore was bordered with Flat land, with innumerable Cocoa Nutt and other Trees, and the higher Grounds were beautifully interspersed with Lawns. I could not get near the Shore on account of the Wind, nevertheless there appeared broken Water between all the Keys, and I am inclined to think they are all joined by a Reef. I saw no Smoke or any sign of Inhabitants, it is scarcely to be imagined however that so charming a little spot is without them.

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