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Revised May 21 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 8, 1789

Tuesday, Apr. 7, 1789

1:00 pm Fair Weather and Hazy.

8:00 pm Strong Squalls with Rain. Double Reefed the Topsails.

Wednesday, Apr. 8, 1789

12:00 am Moderate and Cloudy.

6:00 am Out all Reefs Fore Topsail and loosed all Staysails to dry.

8:00 am Fair Weather and Hazy.

9:00 am Cleaned below and employed working up Junk.

10:00 am Served fresh Pork & Plantains to all hands.

12:00 pm Fair Weather and Hazy. Sick List 2 Venereals and One Man with a Cold & old complaint from a fall of[f] Cape Horn.

Remarks at Noon: Palmerstons Islands W1°N 126 leagues.

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