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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 21 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Remarks I

Remarks Sunday 5th April 1789

Fresh Breezes and Squally Weather Wind Easterly and ENE. At ½ past 2 this afternoon I brought too, to leeward of Point Venus Reef, and having made up the present I intended for my friend Tynah and his Wife Iddeeah, the prospect of our final parting threw them into a great degree of Grief and were inconsolable for some time, untill I was obliged to point out to them the necessity of their going away, that my Boat might return before dark. They however solicited me to stay one night longer with them, and to come to an anchor in Matavai Bay, but as I could not consent to it they took a very affectionate leave of me and we parted. One may form some Idea of these People from the literal meaning of an expression they made use of when they took their leave. "Yowrah no t'Etua tee evveerah" — "May God bless and protect you for ever and ever".

I have before mentioned that I intended at the request of Tynah, to furnish him with two Musquets & two Pistols, and then stated my reason for it. Since that I have more particularly considered it my duty to fullfill my intention, and have therefore left the Arms with Ammunition about 1000 Rounds for one peice. The rest of his present consisted of Shirts, Hatchets, Saws, Files, Gimlets, Knives, Fish hooks made by me after their own model, Looking Glasses Nails and a great number of fine Toeys. All this Treasure was landed safe with my most sincere and best wishes to all our friends in Otaheite.

At 5 o'Clock the Boat returned and being hoisted in we bad farewell to Otaheite, where for 23 Weeks we were treated with the greatest kindness: fed with the best of Meat and finest Fruits in the World.

As I was apprehensive the Guns would rather hurt the Plants, I did not comply with a request of Tynahs to salute him, but to show I respected him, All hands gave him three Cheers, which they returned.

That I might get a farther knowledge concerning Omai I steered for Huaheine.

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