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Revised May 26 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 28, 1789

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Saturday 28th March 1789

Strong Breezes, moderating in the Night with showers of Rain Thunder and Lightning. Wind North NE and ENE. Thermometer 81° to 83½°.

PM hauled the Larboard Cables up and cleaned. Washed with boiling water to kill Cockroaches. AM Dryed Sail. Cleaned all the apartments for the Plants. Received on board about 5 hundredweight of Hay also some Plantain Trees for the use of the Hogs. Natives on board and supplies as usual. Sick List one Venereal.

Nothing now passes but an evident degree of sorrow among the Natives that we are to sail the first opportunity. All the Tyo's of every Seaman and Officer are preparing to bring whatever they are able to give them, and indeed there appears such a universal kindness and attention among these friendly people as exceeds any account I can give of them. I have however to prevent any ill designing few from doing any mischeif to the Plants, ordered three additional Centinels to the Post on shore, and directed the Plants to be got ready by to morrow morning, at least as many as could be prepared to be brought on board.

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