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Revised May 20 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 17, 1789

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Tuesday 17th March 1789

Light Winds and Calms, with some squalls in the middle part & Rain. Wind mostly northwesterly. Thermometer 80° to 83¼°.

Employed caulking the sides and about the rigging. Armourer at the Forge. Hauled the Launch up and breemed her and payed the Bottom with half pitch half Tar. Sick List one Venereal and one man with a sore arm.

This afternoon I found a Stop was put to the sale of Hogs in the district of Tettahah, we therefore can get no more supplies from that quarter. Teppahoo told me there were now but few Hogs there, and that for a certain time, some months, no person was allowed either to kill or sell, that they might have time to breed again. I therefore did not sollicit any indulgence, as I expect that from Matavai and Oparre I shall have sufficient while I stay, altho we have thinned them very considerably, and a similar restriction will take place in those districts as soon as I sail, and most likely would have been the case before this time, had it not been for the friendly footing Tynah and I are on. I therefore consider this among the many friendly acts of this man. Nothing more occurred I was confined to making observations to day.

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