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Revised May 26 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 11, 1789

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Wednesday 11th March 1789

Moderate Winds and generally very heavy Rain. Winds W, NW and WNW. Thermometer 80½ to 83½.

Cooper, Carpenters and Sailmakers employed as the weather would permit and Armourer at the Forge. Examined and restowed the Spirit Room.

The weather prevented us from almost every communication with the Natives. I had not even my common visits from my Friends. This is the Sixth day we have had westerly Winds and at present no appearance of a change, it sets a great Sea into Matavai and Taowne. It also floods the Rivers to a great degree and sweeps many Trees off their Banks and renders them impassible but in particular places. Owing to this we have frequently the water alongside deprived of a great part of its salt particles.

It is remarkable that in a rainy season like this we see none of the natives troubled with Coughs. The old people have rheumatick complaints, but no other from the weather.

Served Tobacco to the People.

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