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Revised May 26 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Mar. 8, 1789

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Sunday 8th March 1789

Moderate Breezes and Cloudy Weather much Rain and at times Calm. Wind Westerly. Thermometer 81° to 82°.

A High Sea running over the Dolphin Bank into Matavai Bay. Employed as the weather would admit us. Found the Cant round the starboard bends so eaten with the worms as to oblige us to take it off. Sick list 3 Venereals and 2 men ill with Colds. Supplies and intercourse with the Natives as usual.

Notwithstanding all my endeavors my Boatswain and one Man has got laid up with violent colds. The changes of the air is very sudden sometimes it is exceedingly sultry and Hot, and then in turn frequently chilly, so that from inadvertency in their cloathing they become subject to those complaints.

Tynah and a few Strangers who are his friends dined with me to day. After dinner I made my usual presents to them agreeable to his wishes. It is now become generally known all over the Island that I intend to sail for England in the course of a month. Whaeeahtua the Cheif of Tiaraboo has now sent to me several peices of Spanish Iron to make into Toeys for him and which I am about to comply with. Many other cheifs request the same and I make a point of doing every thing of this nature to serve Tynah.

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