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Revised Jun 9 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Feb. 19, 1789

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Thursday 19th February 1789

Cloudy Weather and Fresh Breezes with Calms some Showers of Rain Thunder and Lightning. Wind ENE. Thermometer 79° to 83°.

Employed at the Forge. Cooper Repairing Casks. Hands sawing Plank. Carpenters Caulking. Hands refitting mizen Rigging.

Four Venereals and one man ill with a Cold. Supplies as usual Cleaned Ship and Smoaked with Tobacco.

Tynah with some friends of his from Attahooroo dined to day with me, to whom I made some presents of Hatchets, shirts and other things. A message came from Whaeeahtua the Erreerahigh of Tiaraboo requesting that I would come and see him before I sailed, but I now thought it proper to make it known I would not leave the Ship while I remained here. I however sent similar invitations to all principal Cheifs.

In the Evening Tynah and Iddeeah had business that called them to Matavai they therefore took an affectionate leave of me for two days.

In the morning I was employed Surveying.

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