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Revised Jun 9 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Feb. 6, 1789

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Friday 6th February 1789

Untill midnight Moderate Breezes and dark cloudy Weather with Rain at times. The remaining part of the 24 Hours fresh Gales with a continual heavy Rain and a Cold Air. Wind ENE and between the N. and West. Thermometer 76° and 77°.

In the morning we discovered the Best Bower Cable cut near the waters edge hove it in and only one Strand remaining whole, I ordered it to be cut and Spliced and by noon got the Ship secured again.

I am at a loss to account for this malicious act, for I found Tynah totally innocent of the transaction and also the other Cheifs: however as I threatened instant revenge unless the Criminal was brought to me, they became all exceedingly alarmed. Otow in the midst of tremendous heavy Rain with his Wife moved off for the Mountains, and also Teppahoo and his family. Tynah and Iddeeah only remained and expostulated with me not to be severe with them. He said he would do his endeavors to get the offender, but tho it might be in his power to find the quilty person, yet perhaps he might not be able to produce him which would be the case if he was either of Tiaraboo, Attahooroo, or Morea, I nevertheless laid Strong injunctions on him to exert himself altho I have already in my mind acquitted him and all the People of Matavai and Oparre. Perhaps this act has been in contemplation some time, and they certainly chose a proper time for it as it was a very dark and dismal night, with constant heavy Rains.

That I may as much as possible guard against any future attempt of the kind, I have erected a Lofty stage across the Forcastle so that the Cables are immediatly under the Eye of the Centinel and a Midshipman who take their Watch there.

Oreepyah returned to day from Tetturoah and brought accounts that he and Moannah were near lost, and that the latter was obliged to proceed to Morea, where he is now supposed to be. He says he had done his utmost to take the Deserters, that at one time he had them tied, but by fair promises of returning peaceably to the Ship, they were let loose again, when watching an opportunity they got possession of their arms & put them at defiance.

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