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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jan. 6, 1789

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Tuesday 6th January 1789

Very Squally Weather and Rain with Thunder and Lightning, Wind ENE and sometimes Westerly. Thermometer 79° to 81°. Armourer Employed at the Forge, and other duties carried on as the weather would permitt.

At day light Oreepyah and Moanna set off in Two Cannoes but the Weather at Sea was so boisterous they were obliged to return and I was happy to see them get safe in. They have promised to go again as soon as the Wind will allow them.

Natives continue to give us sufficient supplies. Sick list as yesterday.

I have Tynah and my usual visitors with me without any mistrust that in case the Men are not returned I shall at last make prisoners of them, but if they are not, when I have got the Plants on board I shall take an Opportunity of confining them to the ship. Untill then I think the Plants are of more Value than the men and is the most material Circumstance I have to attend to, however I may put my Plans in execution earlier if I find they do not exert themselves when the fair Weather comes.

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