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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jan. 3, 1789

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Saturday 3d January 1789

Much Rain and squally Weather with some Calms. Wind ESE and NE. Thermometer 79¾° and 82°. A great deal of Sea setting into Matavai Bay but here we lye quite smooth. Employed as yesterday. Sick list the same.

I still continue to get sufficient supplies. The Breadfruit is not so plenty, but there is a fine show of another crop on the Trees, which will be fit for use in a month or two.

I have constantly the Company of Tynah and his Wife with some others of the Royal Family, but the children are not allowed to come near the Ship. The River seperates them from any connection with our people on shore, and as Tynah does not like any one to go among them I have given Orders for no one to attempt it. I am even scrupulous of going near them myself untill I have given them proofs of my good will towards them. Many Wild Ducks are about this place, they often a dozen at a time perch on the Trees. I killed four of them to day. They are the size of a Teal but not so fine eating.

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