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Revised Jun 8 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Dec. 27, 1788

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Oparre Saturday 27th December 1788

Strong breezes and fair Weather with light Winds and calms in the night & morning. Wind ENE and Westerly. Thermometer from 79° to 82°.

Unbent all sails. Bent the sheet Cable and employed sending the Plants on shore in the Evening and morning which were landed without any accident amounting to 774 all in a flourishing state. I sent the Master to sound the Harbour who represented to me it was totally free of rocks and a fine bottom. Punished William Muspratt with a dozen lashes for neglect of duty.

I have now by the kind assistance of Tynah and Moannah, got my Post on shore pleasantly established. The Plants are much better situated than at Point Venus being shaded with the Trees: they want no covering untill near Midday, and we find very heavy dews, a circumstance much to their advantage, which at Matavai they never had the benefit of.

This is a delightful situation in every respect. I lye perfectly sheltered by the Reefs, with smooth water and close to a fine Beach without the least surf on it, and I have therefore directed the ship to be laid up and everything put below for the remainder of the time I stay in this Country, except I go to Imeo for wood or for any unforseen accidents.

To morrow I ordered to be kept as Christmass Day, and the People to be served Double Allowance of Grog.

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